Fatal traffic accident in Wong Tai Sin

     Police are investigating a fatal traffic accident happened in Wong Tai Sin this morning (November 12), in which a 58-year-old woman died.

     At about 7am, a minibus driven by a 75-year-old man was travelling along Choi Hung Road eastbound. When approaching near Choi Yee Lane, it reportedly knocked down the woman who was crossing the road.

     Sustaining serious multiple body injuries, the woman was certified dead at scene.

     The minibus driver was arrested for dangerous driving causing death and is being detained for enquiries.

     Investigation by the Special Investigation Team of Traffic, Kowloon East is underway.
     Anyone who witnessed the accident or has any information to offer is urged to contact the investigating officers on 3661 0277 or 3661 0263.

Speech by CE at ceremony of Asia+ Festival (English only) (with video)

     Following is the video speech by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, at the ceremony of Asia+ Festival today (November 12):
Consuls-General, representatives of overseas cultural organisations, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good afternoon. It is with great pleasure that I address you at the inaugural edition of Asia+ Festival, a brand new arts festival with a focus on Asia.
     At the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation last month, President Xi Jinping remarked that the Belt and Road Initiative has opened up a new path for exchanges among countries, and established a new framework for international co-operation. Belt and Road co-operation, the President has noted, is based on the principle of "planning together, building together, and benefitting together".
     Under the unique "one country, two systems" principle, Hong Kong is the only city in the world which converges the China advantage and the global advantage. Hong Kong is not only a city deeply rooted in Chinese culture, it is also a metropolis known for its dynamic fusion of the cultures of Asia and other parts of the world. We have a unique role to play in fostering people-to-people exchanges along the Belt and Road.
     With the support of the National 14th Five-Year Plan, Hong Kong is fully dedicated to developing into an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange. The Hong Kong SAR Government is expediting the advancement of Hong Kong's cultural scene, and connecting our city with other parts of the world by leveraging our own strengths and advantages.
     With that in mind, we have launched the Asia+ Festival this autumn. Our aim is to celebrate the cultural diversity of Asia, the Middle East, and elsewhere along the Belt and Road, and explore the endless possibilities of cultural collaboration.
     The colourful calendar of this year's Asia+ Festival features 11 exciting events. They include stage performances, exhibitions, and even an outdoor carnival, with over 20 countries joining hands to present their unique cultures and arts. I am confident that the two-month festival will promote cultural appreciation, and strengthen Hong Kong's ties with the world.
     We hope to turn the festival into a regular annual event, to showcase our Asian talents, and to build it as a platform for sustainable cultural exchange.
     I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the Consuls-General and representatives of overseas cultural organisations in Hong Kong, for your enthusiastic support on this new initiative with their wonderful programmes. I wish the festival a resounding success and all of you an enjoyable afternoon. Thank you very much.

Liquor Licensing Board to meet on Tuesday

The following is issued on behalf of the Liquor Licensing Board:

     The Liquor Licensing Board (LLB) will meet on Tuesday (November 14) to consider two applications for renewal of liquor licences.

     The applications are (not in order of discussion):


New Territories:
"ChaKee" in Tuen Mun

     The board will also consider revocation of the liquor licence of Phenomenon Wine and Dine in Tsim Sha Tsui.

     The meeting will be held at 9.45am in the conference room, Room 102, 1/F, 258 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Special discounts and concessions offered for Senior Citizens Day on November 19

     To show care and respect for the elderly, the Social Welfare Department (SWD) has organised a joint concession programme with the local catering and retail sectors to offer special discounts and concessions to Senior Citizen Card (SCC) holders on Senior Citizens Day next Sunday (November 19).
     An SWD spokesman said that over 2 000 outlets including restaurants, retail shops and social enterprises throughout the 18 districts have pledged to join the programme and offer discounts or other concessions to SCC holders for their purchases on Senior Citizens Day. The participating outlets will put up the event poster (see Attachment) at prominent places for easy identification. The SWD expresses gratitude to the sectors' enthusiastic support for the event and encourages SCC holders to enjoy the discounts and concessions on Senior Citizens Day. 
     The SCC Scheme was launched by the SWD in 1994 with an objective to promote care and respect for the elderly. Under the Scheme, SCCs are issued to eligible Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above for them to enjoy concessions or discounts offered by government departments, public organisations and private companies. The Scheme has gained wide support from different sectors of society since its implementation. More than 2.4 million SCCs have been issued up to now, and over 2 600 participating companies and organisations with some 11 000 outlets are providing a wide variety of concessions to elderly persons.
     Details of the joint concession programme on Senior Citizens Day and participating companies and organisations are available on the SWD website (www.swd.gov.hk), the Scheme's mobile application or by scanning the QR code on the event poster.

     For further enquiries, please contact the Senior Citizen Card Office on 2152 2847 during office hours.

Yellow fire danger warning

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:

Yellow fire danger warning

     The fire danger situation today (November 12) is yellow and the risk of fire is high. People are urged to prevent fires breaking out and hikers should also be vigilant.