Auction of personalised vehicle registration marks to be held on December 3

     The Transport Department (TD) today (November 15) announced that auction of personalised vehicle registration marks (PVRMs) will be held on December 3 (Sunday) at Meeting Room N201, L2, New Wing, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wan Chai.

     "A total of 240 approved PVRMs will be put up for public auction. A list of the marks has been uploaded to the department's website,," a department spokesman said.

     The reserve price of each of these marks is $5,000. Applicants who have paid a deposit of $5,000 should also participate in the bidding (including the first bid at the reserve price). Otherwise, the PVRM concerned may be sold to another bidder at the reserve price.

     People who wish to participate in the bidding at the auction should take note of the following points:

(1) Bidders are required to produce the following documents for completion of registration and payment procedures immediately after successful bidding:

(i) the identity document of the successful bidder;
(ii) the identity document of the purchaser (if the purchaser and the successful bidder are different persons);
(iii) a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation (if the purchaser is a body corporate); and
(iv) a crossed cheque made payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" or "The Government of the HKSAR". For an auctioned mark paid for by cheque, the first three working days after the date of auction will be required for cheque clearance confirmation before processing of the application for mark assignment can be completed. Successful bidders may also pay through the Easy Pay System (EPS), but are reminded to note the maximum transfer amount in the same day of the payment card. Payment by post-dated cheque, cash, credit card or other methods will not be accepted.

(2) Purchasers must make payment of the purchase price through EPS or by crossed cheque and complete the Memorandum of Sale of PVRM immediately after the bidding. Subsequent alteration of the particulars in the Memorandum will not be permitted.

(3) A PVRM can only be assigned to a motor vehicle which is registered in the name of the purchaser. The Certificate of Incorporation must be produced immediately by the purchaser if a vehicle registration mark purchased is to be registered under the name of a body corporate.

(4) The display of a PVRM on a motor vehicle should be in compliance with the requirements stipulated in Schedule 4 of the Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations.

(5) Any change to the arrangement of letters, numerals and blank spaces of a PVRM, i.e. single and two rows as auctioned, will not be allowed.

(6) The purchaser shall, within 12 months after the date of auction, apply to the Commissioner for Transport for the PVRM to be assigned to a motor vehicle registered in the name of the purchaser. If the purchaser fails to assign the PVRM within 12 months, allocation of the PVRM will be cancelled and arranged for re-allocation in accordance with the statutory provision without prior notice to the purchaser.

     "Upon completion of the Memorandum of Sale of PVRM, the purchaser will be issued a receipt and a Certificate of Allocation of Personalised Registration Mark. The Certificate of Allocation will serve to prove the holdership of the PVRM. Potential buyers of vehicles bearing a PVRM should check the Certificate of Allocation with the sellers and pay attention to the details therein. For transfer of vehicle ownership, this certificate together with other required documents should be sent to the TD for processing," the spokesman added.

     For other auction details, please refer to the Guidance Notes – Auction of PVRM, which is available at the department's licensing offices or can be downloaded from its website,

Auction of traditional vehicle registration marks to be held on December 2

     The Transport Department (TD) today (November 15) announced that the auction of traditional vehicle registration marks will be held on December 2 (Saturday) in Meeting Room S221, L2, Old Wing, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wan Chai.

     "A total of 340 vehicle registration marks will be put up for public auction. The list of marks has been uploaded to the department's website,," a department spokesman said.

     Applicants who have paid a deposit of $1,000 to reserve a mark for auction should also participate in the bidding (including the first bid at the reserve price of $1,000). Otherwise, the mark concerned may be sold to another bidder at the reserve price.

     People who wish to participate in the bidding at the auction should take note of the following important points:

(1) Successful bidders are required to produce the following documents for completion of registration and payment procedures immediately after the successful bidding:
(i) the identity document of the successful bidder;
(ii) the identity document of the purchaser if it is different from the successful bidder;
(iii) a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation if the purchaser is a body corporate; and
(iv) a crossed cheque made payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" or "The Government of the HKSAR". (For an auctioned mark paid for by cheque, the first three working days after the date of auction will be required for cheque clearance confirmation before processing of the application for mark assignment can be completed.) Successful bidders can also pay through the Easy Pay System (EPS). Payment by post-dated cheques, cash or other methods will not be accepted.

(2) Purchasers must make payment of the purchase price through EPS or by crossed cheque and complete the Memorandum of Sale of Registration Mark immediately after the bidding. Subsequent alteration of the particulars in the memorandum will not be permitted.

(3) A vehicle registration mark can only be assigned to a motor vehicle which is registered in the name of the purchaser. The Certificate of Incorporation must be produced immediately by the purchaser if a vehicle registration mark purchased is to be registered under the name of a body corporate.

(4) Special registration marks are non-transferable. Where the ownership of a motor vehicle with a special registration mark is transferred, the allocation of the special registration mark shall be cancelled.

(5) The purchaser shall, within 12 months after the date of auction, apply to the Commissioner for Transport for the registration mark to be assigned to a motor vehicle registered in the name of the purchaser. If the purchaser fails to assign the registration mark within 12 months, allocation of the mark will be cancelled and arranged for re-allocation in accordance with the statutory provision without prior notice to the purchaser.

     For other auction details, please refer to the Guidance Notes – Auction of Traditional Vehicle Registration Marks, which can be downloaded from the department's website,

People’s Bank of China to issue Renminbi Bills through Central Moneymarkets Unit of Hong Kong Monetary Authority

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The People's Bank of China (PBOC) will issue Renminbi Bills through the Central Moneymarkets Unit of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA). Please find attached the tender notice and the tender information memorandum of the Renminbi Bills to be issued by the PBOC. Please also find attached the tender-related information provided by the Issuing and Lodging Agent through the HKMA.

SCED: APEC is ideally positioned to catalyse co-operation on supply chain connectivity and digital economy (with photos)

     The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Algernon Yau, highlighted the importance of leveraging the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) as a platform for co-operation on supply chain connectivity and digital economy at one of the plenary sessions of the 34th APEC Ministerial Meeting (AMM) in San Francisco, the United States, today (November 14, San Francisco time).
     At the plenary session themed "Enabling an innovative environment for a sustainable future and affirming an equitable and inclusive future for all", Mr Yau said that APEC should further strengthen co-operation on supply chain connectivity to promote economic resilience against future shocks.
     "Pandemics, climate change and natural disasters have all exposed the existing vulnerabilities and manifested the need for co-operation to ensure a stable and resilient global supply chain," he added.
     Noting that APEC should also advance real and practical co-operation to embrace digital economy as a new driving force for inclusive growth, Mr Yau called for accelerating implementation of the APEC Internet and Digital Economy Roadmap in a comprehensive manner, with bridging the digital divide at the top of APEC's digital agenda.
     Mr Yau also outlined Hong Kong's measures to ramp up support to empower micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and groups with untapped economic potential to leverage the digital economy.
     The measures included the implementation of a US$64 million (HK$500 million) Digital Transformation Support Pilot Programme, reinforcing export credit insurance to support MSMEs in cross-boundary transactions with confidence and zest, setting up of an inter-departmental E-commerce Development Task Force to implement policies assisting MSMEs in harnessing the business opportunities brought about by e-commerce, etc.
     "As a leading regional economic forum, APEC is ideally positioned to catalyse international co-operation on e-commerce development and digital inclusion. By enhancing policy dialogues and workshops and sharing best practices, we could help business of all sizes, especially MSMEs, seize the immense opportunities of the digital economy," he added.
     APEC has adopted the theme "Creating a Resilient and Sustainable Future for All" this year, with discussions on topics under three priorities, namely interconnected, innovative, and inclusive. Mr Yau will continue to join the AMM Meeting tomorrow (November 15, San Francisco time).

Photo  Photo  

Speech by SCED at plenary session of APEC Ministerial Meeting (English only)

     Following is the speech by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Algernon Yau, at the plenary session themed "enabling an innovative environment for a sustainable future and affirming an equitable and inclusive future for all" at the 34th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministerial Meeting (AMM) in San Francisco, the United States, today (November 14, San Francisco time):
     Good afternoon, Chair and fellow colleagues.
     On behalf of the Hong Kong, China (HKC) delegation, I would like to express our appreciation to the United States (US) for the arrangements made for the AMM.
     Let me also thank the World Bank for the insightful remarks. A World Bank's recent forecast shows that the pace of recovery and growth across different regions is expected to be limited and uneven. As the global economies continue to grapple with the deeply intertwined challenges, we must work harder to improve connectivity and to better leverage APEC as a platform for co-operation. Allow me to focus on two areas in this regard.
     First, APEC should further strengthen co-operation on supply chain connectivity to promote economic resilience against future shocks. Pandemics, climate change and natural disasters have all exposed the existing vulnerabilities and manifested the need for co-operation to ensure a stable and resilient global supply chain. We should continue to support and build on APEC's good work, including through advancing the implementation of the APEC Connectivity Blueprint and the Supply Chain Connectivity Framework Action Plan. The APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC)'s initiative to develop the MSME Supply Chain Resilience Toolkit is timely, and ABAC HKC will conduct a workshop in this regard in Hong Kong in a few weeks' time.
     Second, APEC should advance real and practical co-operation to embrace digital economy as a new driving force for inclusive growth. Among others, ensuring equitable access to digital technologies is a key area to unleash the full potential of digital transformation. HKC calls for accelerating implementation of the APEC Internet and Digital Economy Roadmap in a comprehensive manner, with bridging the digital divide at the top of APEC's digital agenda. I appreciate ABAC's work this year in building digital trust and enhancing governance in the digital economy, which lays a solid foundation for further growth.
     Allow me to outline a few of HKC's domestic measures to ramp up support to empower micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and groups with untapped economic potential to leverage the digital economy, including through enhancing their digital uptake, promoting the adoption of fintech, and opening up government data for free consumption. The Government has set aside US$64 million (HK$500 million) for a Digital Transformation Support Pilot Programme to facilitate MSMEs' digitalisation. In addition, to help MSMEs navigate through the economic headwinds owing to the tightened fiscal environment and slacking consumer spending, we have reinforced export credit insurance to support MSMEs in cross-boundary transactions with confidence and zest. To enhance the efficiency of financing services for MSMEs, we will also connect the Commercial Data Interchange, an exchange platform covering commercial data for credit underwriting, to the Government's Consented Data Exchange Gateway within this year, so that the finance industry can obtain more useful data for accelerating credit underwriting.
     Furthermore, HKC will have a new Digital Policy Office to expedite digitalisation of government services and opening up of more government data. I will also chair an inter-departmental E-commerce Development Task Force to implement policies assisting MSMEs in harnessing the business opportunities brought about by e-commerce.
     As a leading regional economic forum, APEC is ideally positioned to catalyse international co-operation on e-commerce development and digital inclusion. By enhancing policy dialogues and workshops and sharing best practices, we could help business of all sizes, especially MSMEs, seize the immense opportunities of the digital economy.
     Thank you.