Tag Archives: China


USEE attends forum in Shenzhen on co-construction of high-quality hydrogen industry chain in GBA (with photo)

     The Under Secretary for Environment and Ecology, Miss Diane Wong, today (November 15) attended a forum in Shenzhen on the co-construction of a high-quality hydrogen industry chain in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), organised by the China Petrochemical Corporation. The forum is part of the 25th China Hi-Tech Fair Global Clean Energy Innovation Expo. With the theme of “Leading by technology, shaping the future with hydrogen”, it brought together representatives of government departments, experts, scholars, research institutions, and enterprises for discussions and exchanges.
     Speaking at the forum, Miss Wong said, “Countries around the world are actively promoting low-carbon energy transformation for the purpose of combating climate change. Green hydrogen energy plays a crucial role in global green energy development, and hence the promotion of the green hydrogen industry and the green hydrogen economy has become the trend. In March 2022, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration jointly issued the Medium and Long Term Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry (2021-2035), and hydrogen energy is considered as an integral part of the national energy system in the future.
     “To prepare for an extensive application of hydrogen energy in Hong Kong in the future, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government established an interdepartmental working group last year to study the development and commercialisation of various hydrogen energy technologies and promote the application of hydrogen energy through different trial projects in the local community.”
     She pointed out that “The Chief Executive’s 2023 Policy Address” stated that Hong Kong will make every effort to promote the use and supply of new energy for sea, land and air transport purposes to facilitate the green transformation. The HKSAR Government will formulate the Strategy of Hydrogen Development in Hong Kong in the first half of next year and commence the legislative amendment work, and will also study the feasibility of importing hydrogen from other cities in the GBA. Discussions have been held with the Shenzhen Municipal Government to provide sufficient hydrogen refuelling facilities in areas adjacent to boundary control points for the cross-boundary transport trade.
     “Hong Kong will leverage our advantages of enjoying strong support of the motherland and being closely connected to the world. We will continue to develop the HKSAR into a green financial hub in the GBA and to attract more funds to projects that are conducive to the development of hydrogen energy,” said Miss Wong.
     Miss Wong returned to Hong Kong this afternoon.

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Hong Kong Academy of Finance’s 2024 intake of Financial Leaders Programme is open for application

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The Hong Kong Academy of Finance (AoF) announces that the 2024 intake of the Financial Leaders Programme (FLP) is open for application today (November 15). Commencing in 2022, the FLP aims to inspire financial talents, to equip them with a mindset to lead and look at issues from a macro perspective, as well as to expand their network.
     The FLP offers a unique opportunity for participants to engage in dialogue with top leaders in financial services and other sectors. Each year, the FLP will admit around 20 promising financial talents from a diverse background at approximately two levels below the chief executive officer position. The FLP will be offered on a part-time basis and last for about nine months, with the 2024 Programme commencing in April 2024. Application will open between November 15 and December 17, 2023. Applications received will be considered by the Membership Committee of the AoF. Further information about the FLP and the application form are available from the AoF website.
     The FLP is jointly supported by all the financial regulators in Hong Kong, namely the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), the Securities and Futures Commission, the Insurance Authority and the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority, and the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau.
     Mr Eddie Yue, Chairman of the AoF and the Chief Executive of the HKMA, said, “To strengthen Hong Kong’s position as an international financial centre amid this complex and ever-changing macro environment, we need to develop more financial leaders with global vision and leadership mindset to drive innovations and spearhead changes. The FLP has been running for two years and has received very positive feedback from the participating financial institutions, regulators, and cohort members. I strongly recommend the FLP and encourage our financial talents to seize the opportunity to join or nominate your promising staff to join.” read more