Commissioner of Customs and Excise visits Nanchang and attends Promotion Seminar on Customs’ Trade Facilitation Measures (with photos)

     The Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Louise Ho, yesterday (November 15) visited Nanchang, Jiangxi, and attended today (November 16) the Promotion Seminar on Customs' Trade Facilitation Measures co-organised by Hong Kong Customs and Nanchang Customs District, in which trade facilitation measures by the two Customs administrations were introduced to representatives from around 60 local trade and logistics companies. 

     Speaking at the Seminar, Ms Ho said that Jiangxi and Hong Kong have all along been maintaining a close economic and trade relation. With its superior business environment and well-developed infrastructure, Hong Kong is an ideal platform for enterprises in Jiangxi to connect with the international market. In 2022, the total value of goods exported from Jiangxi to Hong Kong and transshipped through Hong Kong to other regions reached Renminbi (RMB) 42.66 billion and RMB13.35 billion respectively, accounting for 11 per cent of total local exports and making Hong Kong the second largest export market for goods of Jiangxi. At the same time, Hong Kong is a major supply source of Jiangxi. Goods imported or transshipped from Hong Kong to Jiangxi amounted to RMB710 million and RMB57.76 billion respectively last year, contributing to 36 per cent of total imports of goods. It bears testament to the huge trade potential between the two places.

     Officers of Hong Kong Customs also introduced the Intermodal Transport in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and the Single E-lock Scheme in the Seminar, and explored the prospect of extending the Scheme to neighbouring provinces of Guangdong based on the experience of implementing the Scheme in Hunan. Under the Scheme, Hong Kong Customs and the Mainland Customs can save duplicated inspection of the same consignment and increase the efficiency of customs clearance process. Representatives of Nanchang Customs highlighted the promotion facilitation initiatives in four aspects, namely efficient and smooth logistics networks, trade facilitation, efficiency improvement, as well as foreign trade innovation. 

     Ms Ho later visited the Smart Customs facilities of Nanchang Customs to study the latest developments of various technologies, including smart supervision of artwork and application of Augmented Reality (AR) technology in remote supervision of supply of live pigs to Hong Kong and Macao.

     During her visit, Ms Ho also met with the Standing Committee Member of the CPC Jiangxi Provincial Committee and Head of the United Front Work Department of the Jiangxi Committee of the CPC, Mr Huang Xizhong; the Deputy Secretary of CPC Nanchang Municipal Committee and Mayor of the Nanchang Municipal Government, Mr Wan Guangming; and the Director General in Nanchang Customs District, Ms Dang Yingjie, respectively. In the meetings, Ms Ho stressed that Hong Kong Customs will fully dovetail with national strategies and actively integrate into the overall development of the country, and is committed to promoting the interconnectedness of logistics with the Mainland Customs, in order to bring about vast business opportunities to enterprises as well as prosperity and stability of the GBA. Ms Ho said she hoped the two Customs administrations will continue to strengthen mutual co-operation to accelerate the development of logistics and trade, and expressed her gratitude for the dedicated support and co-ordination of Nanchang Customs in co-organising the Seminar.  

     Ms Ho will conclude her visit and return to Hong Kong tomorrow (November 17).

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Director of Chief Executive’s Office to lead politically appointed officials to Mainland for study and duty visit

     The Director of the Chief Executive's Office, Ms Carol Yip, will lead a delegation of over 30 politically appointed officials to Beijing and Nanjing on Sunday (November 19) for a national studies programme and duty visit.

     Under Secretaries and Political Assistants are key members of the governance team of the Government. This delegation is the first national studies programme for politically appointed officials organised by the current-term Government, as well as the largest of its kind over the years. The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, met with the delegation members before their departure, and encouraged them to seize the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the latest national policies and developments, and to put it into practice in formulating and implementing relevant policies and when engaging different sectors of society.

     Led by the Director of the Chief Executive's Office, Ms Carol Yip, as the Head of Delegation, and the Under Secretary for Security, Mr Michael Cheuk, as the Deputy Head of Delegation, the delegation comprises 13 Under Secretaries and 19 Political Assistants. Upon arrival in Beijing, the delegation will study at the National Academy of Governance. They will proceed to Nanjing for a duty visit on November 23. During the study programme and duty visit, the delegation will study national history and the Constitution in depth, and gain insights into the latest developments of the country in such areas as innovation and technology, smart city, conservation and ecology, culture and the tourism industry and so on.

     The delegation will return to Hong Kong from Nanjing on November 25.

Appeal for information on missing woman in Yuen Long (with photo)

     Police today (November 16) appealed to the public for information on a woman who went missing in Yuen Long.

     Chow Wai-wah, aged 74, went missing after she left her residence on Yuen Long Kau Hui Road on November 14 afternoon. Her family made a report to Police yesterday (November 15).
     She is about 1.6 metres tall, 72 kilograms in weight and of fat build. She has a round face with yellow complexion and long black hair. She was last seen wearing a black jacket, blue shirt, black trousers, black and white shoes, carrying a blue bag and a blue umbrella.
     Anyone who knows the whereabouts of the missing woman or may have seen her is urged to contact the Regional Missing Persons Unit of Hong Kong Island on 2860 1040 or 9886 0034 or email to, or contact any police station.

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CHP investigates confirmed Mpox case

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) said today (November 16) that it is investigating a confirmed Mpox (also known as Monkeypox) case, and urged the public to heighten vigilance and avoid close physical contact with persons suspected of contracting Mpox. Meanwhile, high-risk target groups are advised to receive Mpox vaccination.

     The case involves a 48-year-old male patient with an underlying illness. He had developed urethral discomforts and a localised rash since November 11, and visited the Yau Ma Tei Male Social Hygiene Clinic of the DH on November 14. He is in stable condition and arrangements were made for him to be admitted to Princess Margaret Hospital. 

     An initial investigation revealed that the patient had high-risk exposure in Hong Kong during the incubation period with no travel history. No epidemiological linkages between this case and other confirmed cases recorded in Hong Kong earlier have been found so far. The CHP is continuing its epidemiological investigations of the case and will report the case to the World Health Organization.

     A total of 53 confirmed Mpox cases have been recorded in Hong Kong so far. The CHP appeals again to high-risk target groups to receive Mpox vaccination with a view to lowering the risk of infection or the possibility of having more severe symptoms after infection. Persons who experience Mpox symptoms (including rashes, fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes, exhaustion, muscle pain, and severe headaches) or suspect themselves of being infected are advised to seek medical attention and receive treatment at once, and they should not engage in activities with others during which other people may have contact with their skin rash or body fluids. Members of the public should maintain good personal and hand hygiene to prevent virus transmission or infection through contact. They should also avoid close physical contact with persons or animals suspected of infection.

     The CHP had earlier set up an Mpox telephone hotline (2125 2373). The hotline operates from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) from 9am to 5pm, which enables those who suspect or are concerned they have had high-risk contact with confirmed patients, in particular men who have sex with men or those who have sexual practices with strangers, to make enquiries and receive relevant health advice.

     The Government has activated the Alert level of the preparedness and response plan for the disease in September last year and will continue to assess the risk in view of the latest scientific evidence and situation, and implement corresponding control measures.

     The Mpox vaccination programme for high-risk groups commenced on October 5 last year. Under the programme, the following high-risk target groups can receive Mpox vaccination on a voluntary basis:

  1. Individuals with high-risk sexual practices, e.g. having multiple sexual partners, sex workers, or having a history of sexually transmitted infection within the past 12 months;
  2. Healthcare workers responsible for caring of patients with confirmed Mpox;
  3. Laboratory personnel working with zoonotic pox viruses; and
  4. Animal care personnel with high risk of exposure in case of Mpox occurrence in animals in Hong Kong.

     High-risk target groups can receive Mpox vaccination at the designated Mpox vaccination centre (situated at 2/F, CHP building, 147C Argyle Street, Mong Kok), by appointment through email ( or telephone booking line (2547 1900) during office hours. They can also receive Mpox walk-in vaccinations at all of the DH's Social Hygiene Service Clinics (SocHS) (namely Chai Wan SocHS, Wan Chai Male SocHS, Wan Chai Female SocHS, Yau Ma Tei Male SocHS, Yau Ma Tei Female SocHS, Yung Fung Shee SocHS, Fanling SocHS and Tuen Mun SocHS). Further information of the clinics including their locations is available at and

     Meanwhile, the DH's Integrated Treatment Centre in Kowloon Bay, and the Hospital Authority's Special Medical Clinics at Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Princess Margaret Hospital will continue to provide Mpox vaccination services for their clients.

     For more details, please visit the CHP's page on Mpox.

Speech by CE at Joint Business Community Luncheon (English only) (with photos/video)

     Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, at the Joint Business Community Luncheon today (November 16):
Mrs Betty Yuen (Chairman of Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce), Mr Jonathan Choi (Chairman of Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong), Mr Steve Chuang (Chairman of Federation of Hong Kong Industries), Mr Allen Shi (President of Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong), Mr Yu Xiao (Vice Chairman and President of Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association), Mr Padraig Seif on behalf of InterCham (President of Irish Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong), consuls-general, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good afternoon to you all. It is my great pleasure to join you all for this traditional post-Policy Address luncheon meeting. For starters, I'm glad to be back here again, after our gathering last year – this time, however, without having to wear a mask.
     I announced my Policy Address on October 25. The theme of my Policy Address, is to create "A vibrant economy for a caring community".
     In the next 10 to 15 minutes or so – I guarantee you I won't be as long-winded as I was in LegCo – I will highlight some of the key policy areas that are relevant, I think, to our business community, and to the economic vitality of our city.
     But first, a brief overview of the current situation.
     After a few challenging years, Hong Kong is not only back on the world stage; we are on the centre stage of the world now.
     In just the past three weeks since my Policy Address, a series of mega-scale and international events have drawn a variety of policymakers, game-changers and talents from around the world to Hong Kong:

  • Last week's second Global Financial Leaders' Investment Summit, for example, was graced by 300 leaders from 160 global institutions, 90 of them group chairmen or CEOs;


  • The Hong Kong Legal Week, the Government's flagship event in promoting the rule of law, featured a judicial summit by the UN Commission on International Trade Law, and has attracted over 11 000 participants;


  • Another week-long event, the Hong Kong FinTech Week drew an audience of over 30 000 in mapping out the future of fintech; we welcomed leading scientists and researchers from around the world for the Shaw Prize Award Presentation Ceremony, and the inaugural Hong Kong Laureate Forum;


  • Meanwhile, sports fans enjoyed the return of the Hong Kong Golf Open and the Harbour Race;


  • And needless to say, our popular Wine and Dine Festival has returned to the Central Harbourfront, drawing in 140 000 participants at its gastronomic extravaganza.

     The vibrant scenes of inbound tourism and private consumption, in no small part bolstered by our mega events, have given a solid boost to the local economy.

     In the third quarter this year, real GDP (Gross Domestic Product) grew by 4.1 per cent year-on-year. Also in the third quarter, private consumption expenditure rose 6.3 per cent from a year ago. Overall investment expenditure rebounded sharply by 18.4 per cent.
     That said, our economy is not out of the woods just yet.
     We recently revised downwards our 2023 full-year GDP growth forecast to 3.2 per cent, from the previous estimate of between 4 and 5 per cent growth. This, for the most part, reflects external headwinds that we are facing, notably increasing geopolitical tensions and tight financial conditions that may continue to weigh on goods exports and investment sentiment.
     Against this backdrop of a mixed and complex global economic picture, I have remained steadfast in my governance blueprint to the principles offered by President Xi Jinping last year under "four musts" and "four proposals" for the current-term SAR Government.
     I wish to expand on some of these today.
     First is the full and faithful implementation of the "one country, two systems" principle.
     President Xi, and indeed many top Central Government officials, have consistently affirmed that "one country, two systems" will remain for the long run. This means that Hong Kong can confidently focus on our role as a value-adding conduit for trade, investment and talent between the Mainland and the rest of the world.
     It also means that we can count on the full support of the Central Government, and foster even closer people-to-people, business-to-business and government-to-government links between the Hong Kong SAR and the Mainland. This will ensure confidence and stability. This also helps local and international firms tap into the vast opportunities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and throughout the Mainland.
     At the same time, Hong Kong's tried and trusted systems offer overseas companies a familiar business environment. We provide a level playing field underpinned by a robust common law system, and a judiciary that exercises its powers independently.
     The 2023 Rule of Law Index, published by the World Justice Project, ranks Hong Kong 23rd out of 142 countries and jurisdictions – meaning we are ahead of over 80 per cent of the world in this area. We are in the top one-fifth.
     As one of the freest economies in the world, and one of the easiest places to do business, Hong Kong not only facilitates business; we also add value for businesses.
     Among our value-adding advantages are a raft of free trade agreements signed with 20 economies and investment agreements with 32 economies around the world.
     Each and every one of them adds value to business, and boosts business confidence, in one way or another.
     We are seeking early accession to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, and hope to add this, the world's largest FTA (free trade agreement), to our list of free trade partners in the world in the not too distant future.
     In business, as in government, results count. As you all know, I champion a result-oriented approach in public administration. I am happy with the progress that we have made in cultivating a result-oriented culture within the Hong Kong SAR Government. This is a core element of further improving governance, as mentioned by President Xi last year.
     As well as result-oriented, we are also industry-oriented. In fact, the terms "industry-oriented" and "industry-driven" appear in the 2023 Policy Address a total of eight times.
     This underlines our determination to create the right environment for industries of strategic importance to blossom. Industries such as innovation and technology, creative industries, pharmaceutical research and development, Chinese medicine and new energy transport, among others.
     We are also making good progress in attracting strategic enterprises to Hong Kong. The Office for Attracting Strategic Enterprises, or OASES, has already achieved positive results.
     So far, OASES has made contact with over 200 strategic enterprises around the world, of which 30 are planning to establish their foothold or expand their operations in Hong Kong. This represents a total of more than $30 billion of new investment in Hong Kong, and the creation of about 10 000 jobs.
     With the industry-oriented approach in mind, we will enhance the business environment to develop our headquarters economy.
     Hong Kong already has many competitive advantages for Mainland and overseas companies to establish their headquarters. We are a sophisticated and well-connected international city that aligns with global standards and values.
     At last count, around 9 000 companies from the Mainland and overseas had established operations in Hong Kong, and among them, over 1 400 operate as regional headquarters.
     We will explore with the relevant Central Authorities measures to facilitate Mainland enterprises in setting up headquarters or corporate divisions in Hong Kong. 
     We are also encouraging more companies to re-domicile in Hong Kong, in particular those with a business focus in the Asia-Pacific region. We will enable non-local companies to re-domicile here, while maintaining their legal identity and operational continuity.
     I am confident that with our robust company governance regime, and secure and dynamic business environment, offshore companies will consider us a good destination for re-domiciliation.
     We have already put in place a user-friendly fund re-domiciliation mechanism for Open-Ended Fund Companies and Limited Partnership Funds, to facilitate existing foreign funds to establish and operate in Hong Kong.
     As well as attracting investment, the Government makes no secret of its intention to trawl the world for top talent to come to Hong Kong, and contribute to the city's development. We want to bring you, our treasured businesses, the top minds from around the world, to fuel your development plans and next era of success. You will no doubt be familiar with the various talent attraction schemes available. Allow me to update you on some latest developments.
     First, our enhanced talent attraction schemes have attracted over 180 000 applications in the first 10 months of this year. Over 110 000 of them have been approved, and some 70 000 talents have already arrived in Hong Kong. This has doubled our annual target of attracting 35 000 talents. In the result-oriented philosophy, this is clearly an overachievement.
     For the Top Talent Pass Scheme launched last year, we have added eight more top-ranked institutions under the scheme. That means eligible graduates from 184 institutions on the Mainland and around the world may apply to stay in Hong Kong for two years.
     The Scheme received some 55 000 applications from December 2022 to October this year, of which over 43 000 have been approved. And these are the top talents of the world.
     Among them is, as has been reported in the news, former NBA basketball star Stephon Marbury, who intends to use his huge talent and experience to support the development of the sport in Hong Kong, and especially to encourage youngsters to enjoy sport. We welcome Mr Marbury and all the other successful applicants with open arms.
     In fact, Mr Marbury visited our recently opened physical office of Hong Kong Talent Engage, as part of his application process. His application is a vote of confidence in Hong Kong. It is also an example of how the new physical Hong Kong Talent Engage office can strengthen support for prospective talent to come to Hong Kong under various attraction schemes.
     I also announced in the Policy Address that foreign staff of companies registered in Hong Kong can now apply for a multiple-entry visa to the Mainland. This will ensure, and will surely facilitate cross-boundary business travel, and make our city all the more attractive to overseas companies. We have also relaxed visa policies for talent from Vietnam, Laos and Nepal.
     Currently, we are gearing up to implement the Capital Investment Entrant Scheme. Under the scheme, eligible investors with investments of $30 million or above, excluding real estate, can apply to reside and pursue development here.
     Ladies and gentlemen, we have been working hard to improve governance, boost our business environment and encourage investment and talent to Hong Kong.
     We have achieved some good results in a relatively short period of time. We also need to look, plan and set targets for our city's longer-term growth and economic capacity. This brings me to the Northern Metropolis.
     The scope, complexity and potential of the Northern Metropolis are all huge. Here are some factoids that demonstrate the scale of the Northern Metropolis:
     It covers an area of some 30 000 hectares, about one-third of Hong Kong's total landmass.

     Upon full development, it will be home to about 2.5 million people and create some half a million jobs, many of them in the I&T (innovation and technology) fields.

     The San Tin Technopole will be a core part of the I&T zone, providing about 300 hectares of land for I&T uses. To give some perspective, the I&T-related land use will be capable of providing a gross floor area of about 7 million square metres, which is roughly equivalent to 17 Hong Kong Science Parks.
     Of course, the Northern Metropolis is a long-term development plan to be completed over decades. But it is vital for Hong Kong's future and we have already made a strong start.
     Last month, we published the Northern Metropolis Action Agenda. This Action Agenda goes far beyond the grand vision of this project, and delves into the details. These include conceptual boundaries for four related industrial zones, namely high-end professional services and logistics hub; innovation and technology zone; boundary commerce and industry zone; and blue and green recreation, tourism and conservation circle.
     I would encourage you to study the Action Agenda, and consider ways that your companies can contribute to and capitalise on this long-term and vital development for our city's future.
     That future, ladies and gentlemen, is bright, and opportunities are bountiful. But like the Northern Metropolis, or any other development projects, it starts with a firm belief in bringing out the best of our shared community.
     Seated here today are the top leaders of Hong Kong's world-renowned business community. You will all be aware that the upcoming District Council election is scheduled to take place on December 10, no less because many of the 399 candidates are from the commerce and industry circles, and they are as keen as you and me, in paving way for a better Hong Kong.
     I, therefore, would like to appeal to all of you to cast your vote in the election, and cast a vote of confidence in a brighter future for Hong Kong.
     On that note, I wish you all and your businesses will be successful in the many years to come, and an enjoyable lunch gathering. Thank you very much.

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