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Results of Primary One discretionary places to be released on Monday

     The results of Primary One discretionary places for September 2024 will be released on Monday (November 20) by all government and aided primary schools.
     A spokesman for the Education Bureau (EDB) said today (November 17), “There are 42 277 children applying for discretionary places in government and aided primary schools this year, of whom 21 086 will be offered a place in these schools. Among them a total of 11 138 children are applicants with sibling(s) studying or with parent(s) working in the schools that they have applied to, whereas the remaining 9 948 are selected according to the Points System.”
     Parents are reminded to bring the parent’s copy of the paper Application Form for Primary One Admission (POA) and check the results of their discretionary place application between 9am and 5pm on Monday at the school to which they have applied. Parents who have already activated their POA e-platform (ePOA) account can check the results via the ePOA from 10am on that day. 
     Parents whose children have been offered a discretionary place are advised to note carefully the registration arrangements of the schools concerned and the documents required for registration, such as the parent’s copy of the paper Application Form for POA or the electronic application record in the ePOA, as well as the specified number of photographs of their children. They should register their children on Wednesday (November 22) or Thursday (November 23) at the school to which they have applied during school hours. 

     “Parents who cannot register within the specified period should notify the person-in-charge of the school in advance to make alternative arrangements. Otherwise, they will be deemed to have given up their discretionary place,” the spokesman said.

     Under the POA System, each government or aided primary school may make use of about 50 per cent of its total Primary One places as discretionary places. The approximate 50 per cent of places remaining will be reserved for Central Allocation at a later stage.
     “Parents of applicant children who have failed to secure a discretionary place or who have opted for Central Allocation only will be invited by the EDB via letter in mid-January 2024 to submit the Choice of Schools Form via ePOA from January 22 to 28 or to make choices of schools for Central Allocation at a designated Central Allocation Centre on January 27 or 28. We encourage parents to register with ‘iAM Smart+’ (www.iamsmart.gov.hk/en/reg.html) as early as possible and activate their ePOA account using ‘iAM Smart+’ for more convenient and faster electronic services. 
     “For applications for participation in POA 2024 made after January 28, parents are required to approach the School Places Allocation Section of the EDB to complete the necessary procedures. The EDB will separately arrange a Primary One place for the applicant children in June 2024,” the spokesman said.
     “Parents should note that once their children have been allocated a Primary One place, they cannot take part in the POA System again in the future,” he added.
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New yearbook “Hong Kong 2022” goes on sale (with photo)

     The Government’s latest yearbook, “Hong Kong 2022”, went on sale today (November 17). The online version is available for free at www.yearbook.gov.hk/2022/en/.

     The publication, with a new layout and structure, provides readers with an overview of life in Hong Kong in the year 2022. In 19 chapters, the yearbook covers the administration, legislature, legal system and economy, detailing the government policies, achievements and developments in the year.

     The cover illustration features the 1.8-kilometre Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O, which opened in 2022 and formed a new alternative route from Tseung Kwan O to Kwun Tung and the Eastern Harbour Crossing.

     One of the photo sections, “Connected City”, echoes the cover design, featuring Hong Kong’s sophisticated tunnels and bridges. Together with another nine photo sections, there are some 100 pictures in the yearbook, exploring different aspects of vibrant Hong Kong in 2022, including the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region celebrations, the opening of the Hong Kong Palace Museum and the stunning seascapes to be found off outlying islands.

     The standard price of “Hong Kong 2022” is $396. It is available at the online Government Bookstore at www.bookstore.gov.hk and the Information Services Department’s Publications Sales Unit at Room 626, 6/F, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point. Orders can also be placed by:

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Inland Revenue (Amendment) (Aircraft Leasing Tax Concessions) Bill 2023 gazetted

     â€‹The Government published in the Gazette today (November 17) the Inland Revenue (Amendment) (Aircraft Leasing Tax Concessions) Bill 2023 to enhance the aircraft leasing preferential tax regime (Regime) introduced in 2017, with a view to strengthening Hong Kong’s competitiveness in the global aircraft leasing industry.

     The Bill amends the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) with proposed legislative amendments covering the following aspects: 

(1) to provide qualifying aircraft lessors with tax deduction of the acquisition cost of aircraft;
(2) to expand the scope of the Regime to include wet lease and funding lease and remove the one-year term of lease restriction;
(3) to provide for a more general meaning of “aircraft leasing activity” so that the Regime will cover leasing activities other than leasing aircraft to aircraft operators;
(4) to allow deduction of interest payable for acquisition of aircraft to a financier outside Hong Kong who is not a financial institution and may be an associate of the borrower; and
(5) to prescribe threshold requirements for aircraft lessors and aircraft leasing managers qualifying for the Regime to comply with the requirements of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

     A Government spokesman said, “Aircraft leasing is global and footloose in its operations, and tax incentive is a key, if not the most important, consideration for aircraft lessors to choose where to conduct their businesses. With the proposed enhancement measures, we strive to capitalise on our strengths in finance and professional services to boost the competitiveness of Hong Kong for this highly mobile and globalised industry, thereby diversifying the economic structure of Hong Kong and promoting Hong Kong’s soft power as an international aviation and financial hub.”

     The Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area advocates leveraging Hong Kong’s strengths in financial and logistics services to develop high-value added cargo, aircraft leasing and aviation financing services. The report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China supports Hong Kong to give full play to its strengths and distinctive features and to consolidate and elevate its international position in such fields as finance, trade, shipping and aviation. There have been noticeable market changes in the global aircraft leasing industry in recent years due to reasons including the pandemic. The upcoming implementation of international tax reform proposals drawn up by the OECD (commonly known as BEPS 2.0) will also diminish the competitiveness of the Regime. The Regime needs to keep pace with market changes and international tax reforms to retain the existing aircraft leasing businesses and the associated tax revenue and economic benefits as well as capturing a larger global market share, the spokesman added.

     Upon the passage of the Bill, the legislative amendments will take retrospective effect from the year of assessment beginning on April 1, 2023, to allow the early implementation of the enhancement measures. 

     The Bill will be introduced into the Legislative Council for first and second readings on November 29. read more

Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery to hold fun day on November 26

     The Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery will hold a fun day next Sunday (November 26). A variety of delightful free programmes will be held to enable members of the public to learn about the history of the fireboat Alexander Grantham and sea rescue services in Hong Kong. Jointly presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) and the Fire Services Department (FSD), the fun day is one of the programmes of Muse Fest HK 2023.

     The fun day will be held from 10am to 6pm. Members of the public can visit the fireboat’s wheelhouse and take pictures with firefighters. They may also join the “Fireboat Then and Now” guided tour presented by retired firefighters stationed in the fireboat, who will share their stories on the fireboat Alexander Grantham. Other not-to-be-missed programmes include the “Fireboat Water Spray Demonstration” which will take place at 2pm, a fire investigation dog demonstration and the “Making My Own Fireboat Badge” workshop.

     The fireboat Alexander Grantham is the first historical vessel preserved in Hong Kong. The Conservation Office of the LCSD will provide activities at the exhibition gallery for the public to understand the conservation of the fireboat.
     The fireboat Alexander Grantham went into service in 1953. Before being decommissioned, it served as the flagship of the FSD’s fireboat fleet, responding to fire alarms and conducting rescue operations both in Hong Kong waters and along the shoreline. Located at Quarry Bay Park, the Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery was opened to the public in 2007. The gallery, with an area of around 1 200 square metres, showcases a number of unique firefighting artefacts. It also offers a wealth of information displayed in multimedia formats to enhance visitors’ understanding of the marine rescue work in Hong Kong.
     For details of the fun day, please visit hk.history.museum/en/web/mh/about-us/fireboat-alexander-grantham-exhibition-gallery.html, or call 3580 6770 for enquiries. read more