GoGBA Development Day: Introducing entrepreneurial and career opportunities in Greater Bay Area to Hong Kong young people (with photos)

     The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Office (GBA Office) of the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau today (November 17) organised the GoGBA Development Day, attracting about 420 participants to learn about the entrepreneurial and career opportunities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Greater Bay Area). The event featured presentations by government officials and representatives of relevant organisations, as well as experience sharing by young entrepreneurs to help participants grasp the opportunities of Greater Bay Area development and create greater room for business and career development.

     In her opening address at the event, the Commissioner for the Development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Ms Maisie Chan, said that the Greater Bay Area has unlimited development potential, and is one of the most vibrant and competitive regions not only in the country but also in the world. Young people are the future of Hong Kong, and are also the engine that drives the development of society and the economy. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government attaches great importance to the development of young people, and continues to introduce and enhance various schemes and measures such as the Funding Scheme for Youth Entrepreneurship in the Greater Bay Area and Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme, so as to provide concrete and targeted support to Hong Kong young people who aspire to set up businesses and develop their career in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area, and to help them realise their aspirations on a bigger stage in the Greater Bay Area.

     Ms Chan added that the HKSAR Government set up the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Promotion Centre under the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Guangdong in April this year to enhance promotion in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area, as well as to provide better support for Hong Kong residents (including young people) and enterprises there. The GBA Office has also set up the "Greater Bay Area Information Station" (GBAIS) in various districts in Hong Kong since August this year, with a view to helping members of the public understand the policy directions and facilitation measures in different aspects of the Greater Bay Area as well as practical information about living in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area. Ms Chan encouraged Hong Kong young people to make the most of the opportunities brought about by the development of the Greater Bay Area to build a brighter future for themselves.

     Today's GoGBA Development Day was jointly organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, with a representative from the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Co-operation Zone (Co-operation Zone) to introduce the latest development of the Co-operation Zone. In addition, a number of young entrepreneurs shared with participants their practical tips on starting businesses in the Greater Bay Area. There were also sharing by Hong Kong people working in different cities of the Greater Bay Area of their invaluable experiences in developing their career in the Mainland, and recruitment consultants introduced the latest position relating to the recruitment of Hong Kong talents by renowned Mainland enterprises. The event also featured a networking session for participants to exchange views and share experiences.

     The HKSAR Government has all along attached great importance to telling the good stories of the Greater Bay Area. The Office has organised GoGBA Development Day in Hong Kong and in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area on a number of occasions to promote the significant opportunities brought about by the development of the Greater Bay Area to Hong Kong residents and enterprises, and all of them were widely welcomed by the participants. The event today focused on introducing the entrepreneurial and employment opportunities in the Greater Bay Area, as well as various supporting schemes and measures offered by the HKSAR Government, so as to illustrate the importance the HKSAR Government attaches to supporting Hong Kong young people in making the most of the opportunities of Greater Bay Area development.

     For more information about the Greater Bay Area, please visit the dedicated website (www.bayarea.gov.hk/en/), which also covers the content of the GBAIS (www.bayarea.gov.hk/gbais/en/) for easy browsing by members of the public.

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Pest Control Steering Committee reviews preventive work on import of bedbug infestation by departments (with photo)

     The interdepartmental Pest Control Steering Committee (PCSC) of the Government held its 16th meeting today (November 17) to discuss response measures on preventing the import of bedbug infestation, the mosquito control work plan for the coming year, as well as the follow-up work on the first imported case of Zika virus infection this year.
Preventing import of bedbug infestation

     During the meeting, the Under Secretary for Environment and Ecology, and the Chairperson of the PCSC, Miss Diane Wong, expressed the concern of the Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing, regarding the problem of the overseas bedbug infestation, as well as his policy steer on strengthening the prevention of the imported infestation and interdepartmental co-ordination on bedbug prevention, and instructing department officers to conduct on-site inspections at the airport and boundary control points (BCPs), etc for ensuring the effective implementation of the relevant work. Representatives of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) and the Department of Health (DH) reported to the PCSC on their work progress in preventing the import of bedbug infestation. The PCSC noted that the FEHD and the Port Health Division of the Centre for Health Protection of the DH, together with the Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) and relevant organisations, have stepped up publicity and education work on various fronts, including conducting on-site inspections at the airport and the cruise terminal to strengthen prevention, distributing promotional leaflets at the airport and reminding citizens to stay vigilant when traveling abroad, etc.
     The Government earlier met with stakeholders (such as the AAHK, the MTR Corporation Limited, the hotel sector, the Tourism Commission, and the pest control sector) on preventing the import of bedbug infestation. In addition to providing technical advice, relevant departments have also distributed information and leaflets on preventing the import of bedbug infestation to stakeholders, including those from the hotel and tourism sector, public transport and transport sector. All departments agreed at the meeting that it is necessary to maintain close contact with the frontline sectors and the public, to continuously enhance information dissemination channels and to conduct risk assessments based on the actual situation of the related sectors. These will enable the sectors and the public to better understand the methods for preventing the transmission of bedbug infestation. For example, the District Services and Community Care Teams will assist the FEHD to disseminate practical information on maintaining home and environmental hygiene and preventing and controlling bedbugs to residents of subdivided units and "three-nil" buildings. The FEHD also shared key points of technical guidelines and relevant applications with the meeting participants, including spraying insecticides on large discarded furniture items by refuse collection points staff daily, and encouraging departments with refuse collection facilities to adopt the same practice.
     The Government will closely monitor the development of the situation, continue to provide technical support to frontline organisations and sectors and co-ordinate efforts from all sectors to prevent the import of bedbug infestation into Hong Kong.
Mosquito control
     The representatives of the FEHD reported to the PCSC that the situation of mosquito proliferation this year continues to be under control, the overall trend of the Gravidtrap Index for Aedes albopictus this year is similar to that of last year, while no cases of local dengue fever or other mosquito-borne diseases have been recorded in Hong Kong this year. Nevertheless, departments will pay special attention to the surrounding environment under their purviews that is usually prone to mosquito breeding. Besides remaining vigilant in winter, departments will proactively strengthen their mosquito preventive and control measures at places under their management before the arrival of rainy season next year, including carrying out regular inspections of the surrounding environment, eliminating potential mosquito breeding places, removing stagnant water, applying larvicides at appropriate locations, placing mosquito trapping devices and applying robotics foggers, etc. Looking ahead, departments will receive timely notices from the FEHD to start conducting fogging operations at the same time until the end of the rainy season. The departments will closely monitor the situation of mosquito infestation as reflected by the surveillance indices, and constantly update the list of mosquito infestation hotspots, so as to adjust and plan their work based on the actual situation.
     As international travel has become increasingly frequent following the return to normalcy, the Government has implemented measures to strengthen the prevention of import of mosquito-borne diseases from overseas (including dengue fever and Zika virus infection). The Port Health Division of the DH has strengthened inspections at BCPs to ensure that good environmental hygiene is maintained and proper mosquito control measures are in place. Health promotion at BCPs has been enhanced through pamphlet distribution and poster displays to remind travellers of the preventive measures against mosquito-borne diseases. In the light of the first imported case of Zika virus infection recently, members of the public are reminded to stay vigilant, pay close attention to the hygiene of affected areas and observe the Government's health advice and special announcements during travel.
     Participants of the meeting came from three policy bureaux and 21 government departments and organisations, which set the direction of the pest control work for the Government.


CHP investigates imported case of Zika Virus Infection

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is today (November 17) investigating an imported case of Zika Virus Infection which is related to an imported case announced earlier, and again urged the public to adopt strict anti-mosquito measures and safe sex during travel. Pregnant women should not travel to areas with Zika virus transmission (affected areas).

     The case involves a 60-year-old female patient with good past health, who had developed skin rash and joint pain since November 12 and attended the Accident and Emergency Department (AED) of Caritas Medical Centre (CMC) on the same day. She attended the AED of CMC again on the next day (November 13) due to worsening symptoms and was admitted on the same day for management. She has been in stable condition all along. Her clinical specimen tested positive for Zika virus. Her home contacts have remained asymptomatic so far.

     Epidemiological investigations of the CHP revealed that the patient, who was one of the travel collaterals of an imported case announced earlier, had also travelled to India on October 30 and returned to Hong Kong on November 12. She recalled mosquito bites during travel. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), India is recorded with previous Zika virus transmission.

     The CHP has informed the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department for vector surveillance and control. The CHP will also report the case to the WHO and the national, Guangdong and Macao health authorities. Letters have be issued to doctors and hospitals to alert them to the latest situation. Zika Virus Infection is a statutorily notifiable infectious disease in Hong Kong. Suspected or confirmed cases must be promptly notified for investigation, control and surveillance.

     According to the WHO, multiple countries/areas in the Western Pacific and Southeast Asia have recorded with current or previous Zika virus transmissions. The public should heighten their vigilance during travel. Doctors should stay alert to patients with compatible symptoms and travel history.

     The CHP's Port Health Division (PHD) has been carrying out inspections and health promotions (including reminding travellers to adopt anti-mosquito measures when travelling) at boundary control points (BCPs) to maintain strict environmental hygiene with effective mosquito control, and keeping close contact with relevant stakeholders (e.g. airlines and the travel industry) to provide the latest disease information and health advice at appropriate times. Routine health surveillance on body temperature of inbound travellers at all BCPs is ongoing. However, infected persons are mainly asymptomatic. Therefore, those arriving from Zika-affected areas are urged to apply insect repellent for at least 21 days upon arrival to reduce the risk of transmission.

     A spokesman for the CHP said that Zika Virus Infection is a mosquito-borne disease caused by Zika virus. Zika virus is primarily transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito. Aedes aegypti, which is currently not found in Hong Kong, is considered the most important vector. Most people infected with Zika virus infection are asymptomatic. For patients with symptoms, they commonly present with rash, fever, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pain, malaise and headache.

     Zika Virus Infection during pregnancy is a cause of microcephaly and other congenital malformations in the infant, and it can also cause complications such as fetal loss, stillbirth and preterm birth.

     Apart from general measures on preventing mosquito bites and mosquito breeding, the public should take heed of special notes below:

A. Travelling abroad

  • If going to affected areas, travellers, especially persons with immune disorders or severe chronic illnesses, should arrange a consultation with a doctor at least six weeks before the trip, and have extra preventive measures to avoid mosquito bites; 
  • During the trip, if travelling in rural affected areas, carry a portable bed net and apply permethrin (an insecticide) on it. Permethrin should not be applied to skin. Seek medical attention promptly if feeling unwell; and  
  • Travellers who return from affected areas should seek medical advice promptly and provide travel details to a doctor if feeling unwell e.g. having fever.

B. Sexual transmission

  • Travellers should consider not having sex during travel to affected areas, or else a condom should be used; and  
  • Male and female travellers returning from affected areas should abstain from sex for at least three months and at least two months respectively upon return, or else a condom should be used.

C. Pregnant women

  • Pregnant women should not travel to affected areas. Women preparing for pregnancy should note Point B above. If they or their male sex partners plan to travel to affected areas, they should consult their doctors for advice on the risk. Use of mosquito repellent containing DEET during travel and returning from these areas for a period of at least 21 days are advised for all travellers including pregnant women;  
  • Attend antenatal follow up regularly and tell the attending doctor the history of recent travel;  
  • Observe for symptoms of Zika Virus Infection and seek medical advice as soon as possible if feeling unwell; and  
  • Abstain from sex with partner who had travelled to affected areas, or else a condom should be used throughout the pregnancy.

     â€‹â€‹The public may visit the Zika pages of the CHP and the Travel Health Service for more information.

Asian Cinerama: Hong Kong Film Festival dazzles audiences in Dubai (with photos)

     â€‹With the support of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Dubai (Dubai ETO), Create Hong Kong, and the Film Development Fund, a festival dedicated to Hong Kong films returned for the second year in a row to Dubai's silver screen during November. Presented by the Asian Film Awards Academy, the Asian Cinerama: Hong Kong Film Festival showcased a selection of new and restored Hong Kong films to local audiences.

     Running from November 10 to 16 (Dubai time) at Dubai's Cinema Akil, the highly anticipated film festival screened seven Hong Kong films across a range of genres, including martial arts, thrillers and romantic dramas. Aside from the film "Mad Fate" which kicked off the festival, local audiences also enjoyed "A Light Never Goes Out", "Back Home", "The Narrow Road", "Where the Wind Blows", "Made in Hong Kong" and "The Way of the Dragon".

     Ng Wing-sze, actress in "Mad Fate" and "Back Home", travelled to Dubai to attend the opening night reception of the film festival held by the Dubai ETO and to interact with local film enthusiasts after the screenings of her films. 

     Speaking at the reception, the Director-General of the Dubai ETO, Mr Damian Lee, said that the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has been promoting Hong Kong's cultural and creative industries in order to strengthen Hong Kong's positioning as an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange.

     "To that end, the Chief Executive has recently announced in the Policy Address the establishment of the Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency, which will proactively promote the development of arts, culture and creative sectors. A total of HK$4.3 billion will also be injected to the Film Development Fund and the CreateSmart Initiative to provide incentives for attracting private sector capital and expanding new markets," he said.

     Looking ahead, the Dubai ETO will continue to promote cultural exchanges through its regular offerings as well as novel events. 

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DSJ leads delegation of young lawyers to visit Shenzhen (with photos/videos)

     The Deputy Secretary for Justice, Mr Cheung Kwok-kwan, leading a delegation of young lawyers to visit cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), concluded his visit to Shenzhen today (November 17) and departed for Foshan.

     In the morning, Mr Cheung and his delegation called on the Justice Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality and met with its Director, Ms Jiang Xiaowen. During the discussion session, both sides explored the opportunities for co-operation between the two places, including foreign-related legal services and nurturing international legal talent.

     Mr Cheung expressed his gratitude to the Justice Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality for its facilitation and support for solicitors and barristers of Hong Kong who passed the GBA Legal Professional Examination to practise in Shenzhen. He hoped that both sides would continue to make good use of the Co-operative Arrangement on Legal Matters he renewed on behalf of the Department of Justice (DoJ) with the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government in April this year, and continue to promote the interface and connectivity of the legal systems in the GBA, to facilitate exchanges between the government departments and the legal sectors of Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and to encourage Hong Kong young legal professionals to integrate into the national development.

     He also pointed out that the Hong Kong Legal Week 2023 held last week attracted over 11 000 participants in person and online from more than 50 jurisdictions. In addition to the GBA-themed forum, exhibition booths dedicated to promoting legal services in Hong Kong, Macao and the nine Mainland cities in the GBA were also set up for the first time. He wished that through the platform of the Legal Week, stakeholders in the GBA would continue to deepen exchanges and collectively contribute to the development of rule of law in the GBA.

     The delegation also gained a better understanding from the Justice Bureau regarding the latest developments of the promotion of rule of law education in Shenzhen, and exchanged views on how young lawyers can join efforts in taking forward rule of law education. Mr Cheung said that the DoJ has been actively preparing for the launch of the first phase of the Rule of Law Education Train-the-Leaders Programme, and encouraged young legal professionals of the two places to proactively assist in promoting the rule of law.

     While in Shenzhen, Mr Cheung and his delegation also visited the Shenzhen Qianhai Cooperation Zone People's Court (Qianhai Court) and toured its Alternative Dispute Resolution Center for International Commercial Disputes, the Litigation Service Center, the E-courtroom and the Technology Court. They also met with the President of the Qianhai Court, Mr Bian Fei, and held an exchange session. In addition to understanding how lawtech improved the efficiency in the handling of cross-jurisdictional cases in the Qianhai Court, the delegation also explored ways to strengthen Hong Kong young legal talent' engagement in foreign-related civil and commercial cases, including the relevant work requiring the application of Hong Kong law.

     The delegation also visited the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA) and was briefed by its Vice President Ms An Xin on SCIA's latest developments. Both sides also discussed various topics including the promotion of smart arbitration, and the strengthening of professional collaboration on legal and dispute resolution services in Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

     Mr Cheung said that Qianhai was not only a national strategic platform for Shenzhen-Hong Kong co-operation, but also served as a bridgehead for national technology development, as well as a pilot zone to implement the measure for "allowing Hong Kong-invested enterprises to adopt Hong Kong law". Qianhai handled a significant number of foreign-related cases, thereby exhibiting a keen demand for foreign-related legal talent. He hoped that Hong Kong young solicitors and barristers would proactively engage in the building of the rule of law in Qianhai and the GBA, and further connect their career development with the national development.

     He mentioned that the Policy Address stressed Hong Kong's development of the "eight centres" as outlined in the 14th Five-Year Plan, which would create stronger impetus for Hong Kong's growth. To consolidate Hong Kong's status as a centre for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia Pacific region, the DoJ has been actively pursuing the extension of the measures of "allowing Hong Kong-invested enterprises to adopt Hong Kong law" and "allowing Hong Kong-invested enterprises to choose for arbitration to be seated in Hong Kong" to the whole GBA. He said he believed that both measures would not only provide sound legal services and safeguards to enable foreign investors to use Hong Kong as the gateway to the Mainland as well as to enable Mainland investors to use Hong Kong as the port to expand overseas, but also be conducive to the collaborative development of the legal professions of the two places.

     In addition, the delegation also took the opportunity to visit Tencent's headquarters in Shenzhen and Mindray Biomedical Electronics Co, Ltd, to better understand the impact of innovation and technology on how legal services would support the development of different industries.

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