Tag Archives: China


Speech by CS at Singapore Festival in Hong Kong (English only) (with photo/video)

     Following is the speech by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, at the Singapore Festival in Hong Kong today (November 18):
Consul General Ong (Consul General of Singapore in Hong Kong, Mr Ong Siew Gay), Lawrence (Chairman, Singapore Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, Mr Lawrence Chia), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     Good afternoon. It gives me great pleasure to join you all in this Singaporean-Hong Kong cultural celebration. 
     Our happy task today is to help open the second edition of the Singapore Festival. And I am pleased to note that this two-day fun fair is organised by the Singapore Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong.
     Alongside fabulous Singaporean food and drinks, this weekend festival features live bands and entertainment, as well as games and activities for families.
     And the “Pasar Malam”, or “night market” in Malay, takes place here for the first time. It certainly adds colour to our city’s “Night Vibes Hong Kong” campaign.
     Launched in mid-September, our campaign has already showcased over 25 nighttime events, as well as evening activities and special offers in over 80 shopping malls. 
     Our mission is to create, and maintain, a lively nightlife atmosphere all over Hong Kong. 
     Hong Kong and Singapore enjoy close co-operation, as our Chief Executive noted during his July visit to Singapore. In particular, the Chief Executive cited finance, professional services, and innovation and technology. 
     These are the sectors that our two economies are internationally recognised for. The Chief Executive and I are confident that we can expand our co-operation in these areas – and many others.
     After all, over 460 Singaporean companies maintain an office in Hong Kong. 
     And the Chief Executive, in his second Policy Address delivered last month, stressed that our Government will continue to consolidate business co-operation and connections with ASEAN member states. Singapore, of course, is very much included.
     Besides business, Hong Kong, like Singapore, values its rich Chinese heritage and takes pride in its cultural diversity.
     In this regard, Hong Kong is strengthening its status as an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange.
     The “Pasar Malam”, reflecting the rich culture of Singapore, is one of many traditions we seek to embrace through a range of programmes, art festivals and activities.
     That includes the Asia Cultural Co-operation Forum. It brings together cultural ministers, and senior officials, throughout the region to share their experience in promoting arts and cultural development. 
     Last year, the Forum drew 21 countries and 14 overseas delegations, the largest gathering since its inception in 2003. Your Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, and Second Minister for Law, Mr Edwin Tong, led a Singaporean delegation to the event, I am pleased to tell.
     And, last month, the first Hong Kong Asia+ Festival got going. It is another good example of our celebration of Asian cultures.
     An integrated film and musical performance, named “The Once and Future”, by Singaporean film director Chris Yeo is among the highlights of the two-month Festival.
     In June, Hong Kong delighted in “Kungfood”, a Cantonese comic opera conducted by Singapore’s Joshua Tan.
     To Hong Kong’s performers, Singapore is one of their most popular destinations. Earlier this year, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra performed in your country, attracting some 1 600 music lovers.
     Equally well-received by Singaporeans are Chinese opera performances, such as those by the Sing Fai Cantonese Opera Promotion Association in July.
     The popularity of all these, and other cultural performances, reflects the wide-ranging ties between Hong Kong and Singapore. 
     My thanks, once again, to the Singapore Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong for organising this year’s Singapore Festival, alongside a number of supporting organisations, including the Consulate General. 
     The Festival, and the great efforts you have put in, underline the much-appreciated role of the Singaporean community in Hong Kong.
     I know the people of Hong Kong will enjoy every minute of the Festival – this exciting Singaporean weekend in Hong Kong! 
     On that note, I wish the Festival every success. Thank you very much.

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Hong Kong Public Libraries commends awardees of Reading Programme for Children and Youth (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Public Libraries (HKPL) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department held a certificate presentation ceremony at the Hong Kong Central Library today (November 18) to commend members who had actively participated in the 2022-23 Reading Programme for Children and Youth.
     The programme continues to receive an overwhelming response and has recruited over 8 000 new members this year. Twenty-four members received Star of the Month awards with their reading reports, among which the nine best were awarded Reading Supernova. Twenty members of the programme participating in the most sessions of the Monthly Meeting of Joyful Reading were awarded Elite of Joyful Reading medals.
     The HKPL is committed to promoting reading and hopes that schools can encourage students to register for the programme. The Most Active School in Promoting Participation awards were presented to schools that successfully nominated the largest number of members in the year. This year’s awards went to W F Joseph Lee Primary School, Tseung Kwan O Methodist Primary School, Good Health Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten (Tsing Yi), Good Health Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten (Ma On Shan) and Evangel College.
     Five schools with the highest total number of books read by their nominated members received the Most Active School in Promoting Reading awards. The winning schools are W F Joseph Lee Primary School, Hong Kong Baptist Convention Primary School, Tseung Kwan O Methodist Primary School, SKH Yan Laap Primary School and SKH Tin Wan Chi Nam Primary School.
     Targeting children and youth from kindergarten to Secondary Six, the Reading Programme aims at arousing their reading interest, cultivating their reading habits, and encouraging them to share their reading tips and the joy of reading with other people. To promote paired reading, children from kindergarten to Primary Three can join the family category with their parents. People interested in participating in the Reading Programme may contact any public library or visit www.hkpl.gov.hk/rp.
     This year’s Reading Supernova winning works are now on display at the foyer of the South Entrance of Hong Kong Central Library until November 22. A roving exhibition will also be held at various public libraries.

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FS continues to attend APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting (with photos/video)

     The Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, yesterday (November 17, San Francisco time) continued to attend the 30th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting (AELM) on behalf of the Chief Executive. The second session of the AELM today featured discussion on strengthening the interconnectivity and mutual co-operation within the region, and improving the inclusiveness and resilience of economic development.

     Mr Chan said during the meeting that, while the global economy is facing multiple challenges and high interest rates may remain higher for longer, it is important to advance the economy, rebuild the fiscal space and strengthen the buffers and resilience of the banking and financial systems to effectively cope with unknown risks. Geo-economic fragmentation is a stumbling block to regional and even global development. Economies should work together to maintain and optimise the environment for mutual investment and trade.

     Mr Chan emphasised that innovation and the digital economy are the core engines for prosperity and development, and all economies should work together to achieve digital transformation; Hong Kong has also launched various initiatives to foster prosperous development of electronic payments and e-commerce of small and medium-sized enterprises. Mr Chan looked forward to deepening the co-operation on the digital economy with the APEC, and supported the World Trade Organization in achieving more concrete and practical results in promoting digital trade.

     Today’s AELM endorsed the Golden Gate Declaration, reaffirming the APEC’s determination to deliver a free, open, fair, transparent, inclusive and predictable trade and investment environment, and create a resilient and sustainable future.

     Mr Chan then proceeded to the San Francisco International Airport with the national delegation to see off President Xi Jinping.

     Mr Chan departs for Hong Kong on November 17 (San Francisco time) at night.

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