Tag Archives: China


Hong Kong Customs detects dangerous drugs internal concealment case involving passenger at airport (with photo)

     Hong Kong Customs on November 16 detected a dangerous drugs internal concealment case involving an incoming passenger at Hong Kong International Airport and seized about 530 grams of suspected cocaine with an estimated market value of about $650,000.

     A male passenger, aged 42, arrived in Hong Kong from Nairobi, Kenya, via Doha, Qatar, on that day. During Customs clearance, Customs officers suspected that the passenger had dangerous drugs concealed inside his body cavity. He was then escorted to the hospital for examination. Upon examination, a doctor confirmed that foreign objects were concealed inside his body cavity. He was arrested immediately. As at 1pm today (November 18), the arrested person has excreted 48 pellets of suspected cocaine weighing about 530g in total.

     The arrested man has been charged with one count of trafficking in dangerous drug. The case will be brought up at the West Kowloon Magistrates’ Courts on November 20.

     Following the resumption of normal travel and exchanges with the Mainland and other parts of the world, the number of visitors to Hong Kong has also been increasing steadily. Customs will continue to apply a risk assessment approach and focus on selecting passengers from high-risk regions for clearance to combat transnational drug trafficking activities.

     Under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, trafficking in a dangerous drug is a serious offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $5 million and life imprisonment.

     Members of the public may report any suspected drug trafficking activities to Customs’ 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account (crimereport@customs.gov.hk) or online form (eform.cefs.gov.hk/form/ced002).

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2023 Fight Crime Conference concludes successfully (with photos/videos)

     The Fight Crime Committee (FCC) today (November 18) held the 2023 Fight Crime Conference at the Central Government Offices with near 500 participants exchanging views on topics relating to law and order and crime-fighting strategies in Hong Kong.

     Officiating at the conference, the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, said that this year’s conference carried a special meaning as it was the first one held after the promulgation and implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law (NSL), and with promoting the safeguarding of national security as one of its themes. He said that while pursuing high-quality development in Hong Kong, it is necessary to stay alert to threats and dangers in times of peace and not allow the resurgence of serious violence. He emphasised that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has to complete the legislative exercise for Article 23 of the Basic Law in 2024, and together with the NSL, improve the legal regime to safeguard national security in the HKSAR.

     Mr Lee said that the conference also covered the drug situation in the community and scams as well as Internet deception, all of which are current topics of concern for members of the public. He encouraged the FCC and the District Fight Crime Committees to continue to raise the law-abiding awareness of members of the public and assist the Government to prevent and fight crimes effectively. 

     In his welcoming address, the Chief Secretary for Administration and the Chairperson of the FCC, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, said that since its inception 50 years ago, the FCC has been a defender and a facilitator of Hong Kong’s law and order. He said that he hoped the FCC and District Fight Crime Committees would play three roles, namely as a “defender of national security” to shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding national security; a “facilitator in district governance” to maintain an environment of law and order; and an “advocate who keeps pace with the times” to join hands with law enforcement agencies in combatting the myriad of online and telephone scams, in order to make Hong Kong a safer and more stable home.

     The conference comprised three plenary sessions, namely: (1) national security education in the community; (2) drug problem; and (3) deception and cybercrime, with the Secretary for Justice, Mr Paul Lam, SC; the Secretary for Security, Mr Tang Ping-keung; and the Commissioner of Police, Mr Siu Chak-yee, as moderators respectively. Members of the FCC and the District Fight Crime Committees were invited to share their experiences. 

     In his closing remarks, Mr Tang said that the sharing at the conference was very meaningful, enabling participants to have a deeper understanding of the relevant content. He said he would actively consider and follow up as appropriate the suggestions put forward in the meeting in order to take forward the key areas of work relating to national security, drug problems, scam prevention and crime fighting.

     Other officials attending the conference included the Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Miss Alice Mak; the Acting Secretary for Education, Mr Sze Chun-fai; the Permanent Secretary for Security, Mr Patrick Li; the Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Ho Kai-ming; the Commissioner of Correctional Services, Mr Wong Kwok-hing; and the Director of Home Affairs, Mrs Alice Cheung.

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HKPF to launch official Douyin account

     The Public Relations Wing of the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) will launch its official Douyin account tomorrow (November 19), further expanding its social media channels to enhance engagement with the public in Hong Kong, Mainland China and other regions, particularly the younger generation. By means of its official Douyin account, HKPF hopes to enable more effective dissemination of anti-scam and anti-crime messages, and showcase the Force’s positive image and share the Police’s good stories with the public.
     The inauguration of the official Douyin account coincides with the fourth anniversary of HKPF’s motto, “Serving Hong Kong with Honour, Duty and Loyalty”, which carries dual significance.
     A video produced with the joint effort of officers from various formations led by the Commissioner of Police, Mr Siu Chak-yee, will be uploaded to HKPF’s official Douyin account tomorrow to mark the launch of the new initiative.
     Members of the public are welcome to view, follow and share the information from HKPF’s official Douyin account (https://v.douyin.com/iRabLepf/) through the hyperlink.
     The HKPF Douyin account is the Force’s ninth official social media account, following Facebook, Instagram, X, WhatsApp Channels, YouTube, Xiaohongshu, WeChat, and Weibo.
     With the rapid rise of short video platforms, HKPF aims to utilise the Douyin platform to deliver diverse and useful information to the audience by means of creative short videos, thereby gaining their understanding and support for the Force.
The publicity strategy of HKPF has always been people-oriented and keeping pace with the times. It strives to keep up with the trends in social media development, aligning with the changing habits of Internet users by making timely adjustments to the promotion channels and the content of the productions in pursuit of constant renewal and excellence.

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