Tag Archives: China


Result of tenders of People’s Bank of China RMB Bills held on November 21, 2023

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

     Result of the tenders of the People’s Bank of China RMB Bills held on November 21, 2023​:

Tender Result
Tender Date : November 21, 2023
Bills available for Tender : Three-month RMB Bills
Issuer : The People’s Bank of China
Issue Number : BCHKFP23024
Issue Date : November 23, 2023
Maturity Date : February 22, 2024 (or the closest coupon payment date)
Application Amount : RMB 60,252 million
Issue Amount : RMB 30,000 million
Average accepted Coupon Rate : 2.91 %
Highest accepted Coupon Rate
(Bills’ Coupon)
: 3.18 %
Lowest accepted Coupon Rate : 1.75 %
Allocation Ratio (At Highest accepted Coupon Rate) : Approximately 81.76 %
Tender Result
Tender Date : November 21, 2023
Bills available for Tender : One-year RMB Bills
Issuer : The People’s Bank of China
Issue Number : BCHKFP23025
Issue Date : November 23, 2023
Maturity Date : November 23, 2024 (or the closest coupon payment date)
Application Amount : RMB 30,170 million
Issue Amount : RMB 15,000 million
Average accepted Coupon Rate : 2.83 %
Highest accepted Coupon Rate
(Bills’ Coupon)
: 2.98 %
Lowest accepted Coupon Rate : 1.75 %
Allocation Ratio (At Highest accepted Coupon Rate) : Approximately 46.80 %
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Engagement session on “The Chief Executive’s 2023 Policy Address” for District Services and Community Care Teams (with photos)

     â€‹The Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Miss Alice Mak, attended the engagement session on “The Chief Executive’s 2023 Policy Address” organised for District Services and Community Care Teams (Care Teams) today (November 21). She introduced the policy measures related to the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau in the Policy Address to around 60 representatives of Care Teams. She also engaged in discussions with the participants and listened to their views.
     During the engagement session, Miss Mak introduced the policies related to the home and youth affairs, and emphasised that Care Teams are service teams that support the Government’s district work and play an important role in improving district governance. Therefore, Care Teams should fully understand the contents of the Policy Address and, under the instructions of District Officers who are the commanders of all Care Teams in their respective districts, help publicise government policies in the community so that the public can better understand the Government’s governing tenets and the development directions of Hong Kong.
    Care Team representatives attending the engagement session were enthusiastic. They actively shared their experiences in contacting residents in their sub-districts and providing caring services to members of the public. They all welcomed the new initiative in the Policy Address that a management application would be developed with regard to the operation of Care Teams to facilitate their handling of daily work, which would help improve work efficiency.
     Miss Mak expressed her gratitude to the Care Teams for their support for the Government’s district work and commitment to serving the community. She called on Care Teams to make their best efforts in establishing district networks, and caring for and serving residents in their sub-districts in accordance with the key performance indicators.
      As the 2023 District Council Ordinary Election is approaching, Miss Mak called on the participants and their families to cast their votes on December 10 to elect district councilors who are committed to serving the public. She also appealed to the participants to join the activities organised by the District Councils in order to unite the efforts of all parties in building a caring and inclusive society.

Photo  Photo  
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Transcript of remarks by CE at media session before ExCo (with video)

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, at a media session before the Executive Council meeting today (November 21):
Reporter: Good morning Mr Lee. For the first question, following the Financial Secretary’s attendance at the APEC summit, has the Hong Kong Government achieved its goals at the summit, and could the city expect more friendly relations with the United States following the meeting of President Xi Jinping and Joe Biden? And the second question, with regard to the District Council Election, in the run-up to the District Council Election, multiple government officials have downplayed the importance of voter turnout. In your view, does the voter turnout actually matter and would a low voter turnout discredit the new electoral system? And do you have any measures to encourage people to vote? Thank you.
Chief Executive: I thank the Financial Secretary’s attendance at APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation). I think he achieved three goals very successfully, which were, first of all, to explain the advantages, strengths, and attractions and opportunities of Hong Kong to the world. Second, to build friendship and relationship, and the third is to establish co-operation, particularly regional co-operation. We are a strong advocator of free trade, free economy, and we are also a strong advocator of people-to-people exchange. I am very glad that all these goals have been achieved, and achieved with good results. Obviously, with the meeting of the two leaders of our country and of the US (United States), there have been some indications of co-operation in different areas. These two great countries, coming together to lead some co-operation, is a very positive indication to everybody. Hong Kong being our country’s Special Administrative Region, of course, will play its role actively to fulfil what has been agreed between the two leaders. I have always been advocating for good trade relationship and also good business-to-business relationship. We will of course, try to encourage more trade between Hong Kong and the US. In fact, the US has been enjoying one of the biggest returns in bilateral trade between Hong Kong and the US. I think that should be something that the US should pay serious attention to, because trade will benefit people of both places. And, of course, we see the trade surplus goes very much to the US side. So I will, together with my team and government officials, continue to promote trade relationship between Hong Kong and other economies, whether it is in this region, new markets, Europe or the US.
     In regard to District Council Election, it is a very important election because it is an enhanced and improved electoral system which will produce very hardworking District Council members who will really be attached to the district to make district affairs good for the citizens of that district, and will also ensure that it will stay in its right purpose in accordance with the Basic Law, in other words, a consultative body. And also, we will be ensuring that all these District Council members will be patriots and will not betray the interests of Hong Kong and the country.
     We have been doing all we can to promote people to come out and vote, first of all, for the reason that it will ensure improved administration of district affairs, resulting in good districts for us to enjoy. Second, it is also a civic responsibility to vote. That is why we have asked civil servants to demonstrate that civic responsibility to come out to vote. And the third thing is, civil servants in the process of consultation with the future District Council, will be able to grasp and understand more of the needs and wants of individual districts. That of course will help fulfil their purpose of serving the people of Hong Kong, in particular the people of individual districts. I encourage all citizens, all voters, to come out to vote on that day because you all live in one of the 18 districts and these 18 districts are our home. We all want to make this home a better place to live in. Your participation will ensure that you will produce the right District Council members to help you build that home district. So it is of benefit to all. Come out and vote. We will try to make everybody appreciate and enjoy the success of District Council Election. We will do everything we can.
     Also, I think the merit of the new District Council Election is seen both in the election process as well as the final delivery of outcomes by the actual running and conduction of the improved running of the District Council meetings. We will have expectations of District Council members’ performance, and there will be process not just by the public to monitor their performance, but of course the system itself will have a monitoring system so that the elected District Council members will do their duty dutifully. I am sure that all those who now stand for election have the heart and passion to do their job well. I have strong faith in their performance in due course.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)  read more

Public consultation on second-stage environmental hygiene-related legislative amendment proposals

     The Government today (November 21) launched a two-month public consultation on the second-stage environmental hygiene-related legislative amendment proposals. Members of the public are welcome to offer their views.
     The Government spokesman said that the Government was committed to enhancing the environmental hygiene and cityscape of Hong Kong. In view of this, a comprehensive review had been conducted on the existing statutory powers and penalties relating to environmental hygiene to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness and deterrent effect of enforcement actions against thorny environmental hygiene problems. Work under the legislative review had been implemented in two stages. The proposal of the first stage concerning raising the fixed penalty and the maximum fines that may be imposed by the court for offences related to environmental hygiene and shopfront extension has come into effect on October 22, 2023.
     The Government now proposes to amend the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132) and other related ordinances, supplemented by additional administrative measures, to enhance enforcement efficiency and deterrence, so as to achieve long-term improvements in the following “longstanding, big and difficult” environmental hygiene, public health nuisances, and street management problems:

  • shopfront extension;
  • public health nuisances such as water seepage in buildings, water dripping from air-conditioners, and “garbage apartments”;
  • proliferation of vermin;
  • occupation of public places (e.g. rear lanes) by miscellaneous articles causing obstruction to scavenging operations; and
  • illegal display or affixation of bills or posters.
     The preliminary legislative amendment proposals by the Government include empowering the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) to remove shop articles obstructing public places without the assistance from the police, in order to enhance the capability of the FEHD in handling shopfront extension problem independently; extending the hours for public officers to enter the premises concerned to investigate nuisances (e.g. water seepage) and stipulating the non-compliance with the “Notice of Intended Entry” issued by government officers is an offence, so as to ensure that enforcement officers can enter the premises concerned to investigate public health nuisances within a reasonable time; empowering the FEHD to set up equipment in places infested with vermin for surveillance of vermin infestation and stipulating the tampering with such equipment is an offence; as well as raising the penalty for causing obstruction to scavenging operations, illegal display or affixation of bills or posters, non-compliance with “Nuisance Notice” and “Nuisance Order”, etc. The Government consulted the Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene of the Legislative Council on the preliminary proposals on the second-stage legislative amendments in July 2023.
     The Government spokesman said, “We understand that there may be various views in the community on the various environmental hygiene problems. We are therefore conducting a two-month public consultation to earnestly listen to the community’s views on the legislative amendment proposals before finalising them.”
     The consultation paper has been uploaded to the website of the FEHD (www.fehd.gov.hk/english/public_consultation/2023.html). From today until January 21, 2024, member of the public may send their views by post (addressed to Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, 45/F, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong), by fax (2530 1368), by email (eh_legislative_review@fehd.gov.hk) or using the e-form (eform.cefs.gov.hk/form/feh006/en/). read more