SCS meets delegation of Permanent Secretaries of Singapore (with photos)

     The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mrs Ingrid Yeung, met with a delegation led by the Head of Civil Service of Singapore, Mr Leo Yip, under the Singapore-Hong Kong Permanent Secretaries Exchange Programme (Exchange Programme) at Central Government Offices today (November 23).
     Welcoming the delegation's visit to Hong Kong, Mrs Yeung said the civil service of Hong Kong and Singapore have always maintained close ties and exchanges to share experiences and ideas. While reciprocal visits among senior civil servants of the two governments could not be materialised in the past few years under the COVID-19 epidemic, it is encouraging to see that this Exchange Programme has resumed today.
     Mrs Yeung exchanged with the the delegation experiences in recruitment and training of civil servants. Both sides noted that with the fast-changing international political, economic and technological situations, as well as the gradually changing aspirations of the younger generation, investment in continuous training at all levels of the civil service and the provision of diverse opportunities for young people were important in enhancing the capability of civil servants to cope with the challenging global environment, maintaining the satisfaction civil servants obtain from their work and increasing the attractiveness of the civil service as a career for young people.
     Concluding the meeting, Mrs Yeung said that Hong Kong and Singapore have all along had much in common and it is important for continuous exchanges and co-operation among civil servants in the two governments to take place. She looked forward to continue promoting people-to-people bonds between Hong Kong and Singapore in future and finding new areas for further collaboration.

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EAC Chairman inspects polling and counting demonstration for District Council Ordinary Election (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Electoral Affairs Commission:
     The Chairman of the Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC), Mr Justice David Lok, together with the EAC members Professor Daniel Shek and Mr Bernard Man, SC, today (November 23) inspected the demonstration of polling and counting arrangements by the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) for the District Council Ordinary Election to see for themselves the operation to ensure that the work for polling and counting on the polling day will be conducted smoothly and efficiently.
     The 2023 District Council Ordinary Election will be held on December 10. The REO will set up over 600 District Council geographical constituency ordinary polling stations for over 4.33 million electors to vote. There will be one District Committees constituency (DCC) polling station in each of the 18 Districts for DCC electors to vote.
     REO staff gave a demonstration to Mr Justice Lok and the EAC members of each polling procedure, including the ordinary and special queues in a polling station, the special counter and voting compartment for use by electors in need, steps for issuing ballot papers using the Electronic Poll Register system, the set-up of a polling station and points to note for the no staying zone and no canvassing zone.
     In addition, staff introduced to Mr Justice Lok and the EAC members the ballot paper checking system installed at DCC polling stations and the procedures of ballot paper sorting and computer-assisted counting for the DCCs.
     Mr Justice Lok said that the EAC will closely monitor the electoral process to ensure that all procedures are in compliance with the relevant legislations and guidelines; and that the election will be smooth, orderly, and efficiently conducted in an open, fair and honest manner.
     The REO has been conducting a series of training activities for electoral staff since late October and will continue to enhance their knowledge of each workflow and strengthen their co-ordination and response capabilities through various practice sessions and simulated activities, so as to make comprehensive and adequate preparations for the election and ensure the smooth running of the electoral process.

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SCED hosts cocktail reception to give update on work of overseas ETOs and Mainland Offices on promoting Hong Kong

     The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Algernon Yau, today (November 23) hosted a cocktail reception to update about 200 guests, including representatives of consulates, chambers of commerce and major trade associations, as well as members of relevant government boards and committees, on the work of the overseas Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices (ETOs) and the Mainland Offices on promoting the strengths and opportunities of Hong Kong.

     The Heads of 14 ETOs and five Mainland Offices (HETOs) also attended the cocktail reception during their stay in Hong Kong for the annual meeting of HETOs, which is the first physical meeting since 2019.
     Speaking at the reception, Mr Yau said that the Government is committed to implementing various measures to assist Hong Kong people and businesses in seizing new opportunities and for Hong Kong to return to the centre stage. He thanked colleagues of the ETOs and the Mainland Offices for their tireless efforts in fostering closer bilateral trade ties and cultural exchanges between Hong Kong and various economies, and keeping the respective governments and contacts updated of the latest developments in Hong Kong.
     Mr Yau added that the ETOs and the Mainland Offices render essential support to senior government officials in visiting long-standing as well as emerging markets to promote Hong Kong's advantages and opportunities. Citing relevant ETOs' support for the Middle East and Association of Southeast Asian Nations missions led by the Chief Executive earlier this year as examples, Mr Yau said that the two visits were highly successful in enhancing Hong Kong's connections with the two regions, not only in trade and investment, but also bringing people closer and telling the good stories of Hong Kong on all fronts.
     Mr Yau also briefed the guests on the work of the ETOs and the Mainland Offices on attracting enterprises and talent. He said that the 17 Dedicated Teams for Attracting Businesses and Talents set up in the Offices have been supporting the work of the Office for Attracting Strategic Enterprises and Hong Kong Talent Engage, by reaching out to target enterprises proactively and highlighting the opportunities and advantages of Hong Kong as well as various schemes and new policy initiatives for attracting quality enterprises and talent to Hong Kong.
     "We treasure very much our bilateral relationships with all our trading partners. Our ETOs not only maintain Hong Kong's prominence on the world map, but also serve as a bridge linking our city to the rest of the world. We will continue to proactively make efforts to explore business opportunities and enhance Hong Kong's position as an international trade and financial centre," Mr Yau said.
     Mr Yau stressed that the continued support from the global community is also important. The ETOs and the Mainland Offices will continue to reach out to their community partners and organise a variety of activities to strengthen the promotion of Hong Kong.
     Also attending today's cocktail reception included Members of the Executive Council and the Legislative Council, officials from the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR, as well as representatives of the creative industries and performing arts groups.

Persons in custody at Shek Pik Prison attain good examination results (with photos)

     A total of 93 persons in custody (PICs) at Shek Pik Prison (SPP) of the Correctional Services Department (CSD) were presented with certificates at a ceremony today (November 23) in recognition of their study efforts and academic achievements.

     In the past year, a total of 196 PICs at SPP have passed 309 papers with 168 distinctions and credits in various distance learning courses and public examinations covering different subjects including Chinese language, English language, mathematics, economics, business finance, business statistics, business administration, Putonghua, accounting and book-keeping organised by the Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU), the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, Caritas Institute of Community Education, the British Council and the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The 93 PICs who were awarded certificates today passed 199 papers with 127 distinctions and credits. Among them, one PIC was awarded a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, one was awarded a Bachelor's Degree in General Studies, three were awarded Associate Degrees in Business Administration and four were awarded Associate Degrees in General Studies by the HKMU.

     Officiating at the ceremony, the Chairman of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs), Mr Herman Wai, said that the TWGHs is highly supportive of the rehabilitation work of the CSD. It set up the TWGHs Positive Life Education Fund in 2019, which runs for six years, to encourage PICs to continue their studies and assist rehabilitated offenders to reintegrate into the society.

     During the ceremony, renowned singer Anthony Lun was invited to partner with PICs to perform live music onstage. Moreover, a band composed of PICs at SPP staged a steel tongue drum performance to express gratitude to their families and people who had helped them rehabilitate. In the sharing session, two PICs shared their experiences in the course of rehabilitation and thanked their family members for their support.

     Also attending the ceremony today were representatives of non-governmental and community organisations, community leaders and family members of certificate recipients.

     Situated on Lantau Island, SPP is a maximum security institution with a capacity of 426 penal places for male adult PICs.

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Hong Kong Customs raids suspected illicit cigarette storage centre in Tsuen Wan industrial building (with photos)

     Hong Kong Customs yesterday (November 22) raided a suspected illicit cigarette storage centre in Tsuen Wan and seized about 850,000 suspected illicit cigarettes with an estimated market value of about $3.2 million and a duty potential of about $2.1 million.
     During an anti-illicit cigarette operation conducted in Tsuen Wan yesterday afternoon, Customs officers seized the batch of suspected illicit cigarettes at an industrial building unit. A 28-year-old man and a 33-year-old man, both claiming to be unemployed, who were suspected to be connected to the case, were arrested.
     Customs believes that the illicit cigarette syndicate used that unit as an illicit cigarette packaging centre. Criminals used audio speakers with internal structures hollowed out as a cover, and converted them into containers for storing illicit cigarettes in a bid to deter law enforcement efforts by Customs. An initial investigation revealed that the suspected illicit cigarettes involved in the case were intended to be exported to foreign locations before Christmas. Customs will continue to trace the source of the illicit cigarettes, and the likelihood of further arrests is not ruled out.
     The two arrested persons were charged with "dealing with goods to which the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance applies" and will appear at the West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts tomorrow (November 24).
     With the Christmas holidays approaching, Customs will continue to combat illicit cigarette activities on all fronts through a multi-pronged approach.
     Customs stresses that it is an offence to buy or sell illicit cigarettes. Under the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance, anyone involved in dealing with, possession of, selling or buying illicit cigarettes commits an offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $1 million and imprisonment for two years.

     Members of the public may report any suspected illicit cigarette activities to Customs' 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account ( or online form (

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