Transport Department alerts public to fraudulent websites of HKeToll

     The Transport Department (TD) today (November 24) alerted members of the public to the following fraudulent websites that pretend to be HKeToll, which seek to deceive users into making payments and obtain their vehicle registration marks and credit card information. The fraudulent websites are:

1. hketolletca[.]com
3. gov.hketolletca[.]com
4. gov.hketoliese[.]com

     The TD clarifies that the above websites have no connection with HKeToll and has referred the case to the Police for follow-up. The TD reminds that if a vehicle owner wishes to pay an outstanding toll online, they must log in to the HKeToll website ( or mobile app.

     Members of the public should stay alert when receiving unidentified messages. They should not visit suspicious websites, nor should they disclose any personal information. Anyone who has provided his or her personal information to the websites concerned should contact the Police. For enquiries about HKeToll, please call 3853 7333.

Director of Chief Executive’s Office leads politically appointed officials to conduct duty visit in Nanjing (with photos)

     The delegation of politically appointed officials on a national studies programme and duty visit led by the Director of the Chief Executive's Office, Ms Carol Yip, visited Nanjing yesterday (November 23) and today (November 24) to gain in-depth understanding of the experience in promoting high-quality development.

     The delegation departed from Beijing for Nanjing yesterday and visited the Treaty of Nanjing Historical Archives Museum to understand the history of foreign invasion into China and how the nation has progressed from a century of humiliation to prosperity and strength. They also visited Yuejiang Tower, one of the four famous towers in the Jiangnan region, to experience Nanjing's long-standing history and culture.

     The delegation called on the Vice Governor of Jiangsu Province, Mr Fang Wei. At the meeting, Ms Yip noted that Jiangsu's Gross Domestic Product ranks second in the country. Over 100 Jiangsu enterprises are listed in Hong Kong with a total market value of nearly $950 billion. In recent years, Jiangsu, like Hong Kong, has been actively promoting the development of the innovation and technology industry. The two places can complement each other's strengths and jointly promote high-level co-operation, so as to achieve development of higher quality and make greater contributions to the country's development.

     Ms Yip pointed out that the Policy Address promotes the development of the innovation technology, cultural and creative industries. Through the visit in Nanjing, she hoped that the officials could deepen their understanding of the country's various effort in promoting high-quality development, including innovation and technology, new industrialisation, smart city, ecological conservation, culture and tourism. This can enhance exchanges and facilitate their work in the related fields, with a view to helping Hong Kong achieve better development.

     Today, the delegation met with Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Nanjing Municipal Committee and Vice Mayor of Nanjing Mr Deng Zhiyi. They also visited projects related to industrial technology and research, ecological technology, Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit systems, and smart city management. In the evening, they visited the Qinhuai River to learn more about Nanjing's experience in capitalising its local historical heritage to promote the development of its cultural and tourism industries.

     The delegation will continue its duty visit in Nanjing tomorrow (November 25) and return to Hong Kong in the afternoon.

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DH appeals for heightened vigilance against winter respiratory tract infection

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today (November 24) urged members of the public to heighten their vigilance against respiratory tract infection in winter. With the weather becoming cool, the CHP noted an increased activity in some respiratory pathogens other than influenza virus.  The CHP reminds persons with respiratory symptoms, even if mild, to wear a surgical mask, refrain from work or attending classes at school, and seek medical advice promptly with a view to lowering the risk of transmission.

     The CHP has been closely monitoring the local activity of respiratory pathogens in the community. Although the latest surveillance data showed local seasonal influenza activity continued to decrease, laboratory data from respiratory specimens from community and hospitals showed a change in the detection rates of different respiratory pathogens. As at the week ending November 18, the percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for parainfluenza viruses has increased from about 1 per cent in early September to about 5 per cent and that for adenovirus increased from about 2 per cent to about 4 per cent. On the other hand, the percentage for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) decreased from about 9 per cent in early September to about 1 per cent, whereas that of other respiratory pathogens remained relatively stable.

     A spokesman for the CHP said, "The changes in respiratory pathogens are seasonal in nature. Parainfluenza viruses and adenovirus are respiratory viruses mainly affect young children with potential of outbreak in school setting. The CHP has recorded sporadic school outbreaks involving parainfluenza viruses and Mycoplasma pneumoniae recently. The CHP has issued a letter to schools reminding them to stay vigilant and adopt appropriate preventive measures to mitigate the risk of respiratory infection outbreak in winter."
     Separately, the Hospital Authority (HA) has implemented a series of measures to cope with the potential increase in patients with respiratory diseases and the associated demand surge in paediatric beds, including increasing the alertness among healthcare workers in Accidental & Emergency and General Outpatient Clinics, and wider provision of comprehensive respiratory panel testing to paediatric patients to facilitate bed turnover. The HA has also put in place a contingency plan which covers the activation of adult bed use for older paediatric patients, conversion of adult wards to paediatric wards, using Emergency Medicine beds for paediatric patients and considering inter-cluster transfer and extension of support by the Hong Kong Children Hospital when situation warrants.

     As many respiratory pathogens including influenza virus may have increasing activity and community transmission during winter, while vaccination is safe and effective in preventing seasonal influenza and COVID-19, The CHP strongly urge members of the public especially young children, elderly persons and those with chronic illnesses to get vaccinated as soon as possible. The Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Subsidy Scheme, the Government Vaccination Programme, Seasonal Influenza Vaccination School Outreach (Free of Charge) Programme and the Residential Care Home Vaccination Programme for the 2023/24 season have been launched. As it takes about two weeks to develop antibodies, with the arrival of the coming Christmas and New Year holidays, members of the public planning to travel outside Hong Kong are reminded to take heed of the situation in their destinations and receive influenza vaccination at appropriate times for enhanced personal protection.

     Meanwhile, the CHP noted recent increase in respiratory infections amongst children in northern Mainland. According to the latest communication from the World Health Organization (WHO), Mainland has enhanced surveillance on respiratory infections, with causative agents identified include Mycoplasma pneumoniae, RSV, adenovirus and influenza virus while no novel pathogen has been identified by the mainland health authorities. The CHP will continue to monitor the situation and maintain close communication with the WHO and relevant authorities of the Mainland.

     "To prevent respiratory infections, members of the public should observe strict personal, hand and environmental hygiene at all times. Persons with respiratory symptoms, even if the symptoms are mild, should wear a surgical mask, refrain from work or attending classes at school, avoid going to crowded places and seek medical advice promptly. They should perform hand hygiene before wearing and after removing a mask," the spokesman stressed.

     For the latest information, please visit the CHP's influenza page and weekly COVID-19 & Flu Express. As for vaccination, the public may visit the CHP's Vaccination Schemes page.

Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected scheduled dried shark fins (with photo)

     â€‹Hong Kong Customs yesterday (November 23) seized over 450 kilograms of dried shark fins which included suspected scheduled dried shark fins of endangered species with an estimated market value of about $1.3 million at Hong Kong International Airport.

     A 38-year-old female passenger arrived at Hong Kong from Brazil via Ethiopia yesterday. During customs clearance, Customs officers found the batch of dried shark fins in her 15 check-in baggage. Upon verification, officers of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) confirmed some of the dried shark fins are endangered species under the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance. 

     The case was handed over to the AFCD for follow-up investigation. Customs reminds members of the public not to carry controlled items into and out of Hong Kong.

     Under the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance, any person found guilty of importing or exporting an endangered species without a licence is liable to a maximum fine of $10 million and imprisonment for 10 years.

     Members of the public may report any suspected smuggling activities to Customs' 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account ( or online form (


CE reviews CSD passing-out parade (with photos)

     The Correctional Services Department (CSD) held a passing-out parade at the Hong Kong Correctional Services Academy today (November 24). The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, reviewed the parade, marking the graduation of 128 Assistant Officers II.

     At the parade, the passing-out correctional officers first assembled to form the compass of the departmental crest during a foot drill demonstration, symbolising that they have clear goals and direction in serving the country and Hong Kong as well as the determination to guard the important line of defence of Hong Kong's criminal justice system.

     Speaking at the parade, Mr Lee pointed out that the fundamental premise of "one country, two systems" is to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests of the nation, whereas the CSD is one of the six disciplined services departments guarding Hong Kong and shares the important mission of safeguarding national security. He said that following the Central Government's decisive promulgation on the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law in 2020, Hong Kong has transitioned from chaos to order and resumed social stability, with the offenders concerned having been arrested, remanded and sentenced. Correctional officers have fearlessly prevented and combated illicit activities in correctional institutions, preventing prisons from being interfered by destabilising forces for subversion against China and Hong Kong.

     He also commended the CSD for its efforts in rehabilitation work, including the launch of a series of innovative activities such as Project PATH, assisting persons in custody (PICs) who had involved in serious offences and those with radical thoughts to rebuild positive values. In addition, the department has proactively reached out to promote anti-crime and community education work which includes a new community education activity, Rehabilitation Express, under which a promotion vehicle is arranged to visit primary schools to disseminate messages relating to national security, national education, crime prevention, anti-drug and support for rehabilitation. Moreover, the CSD has organised the Chinese Cultural Journey exchange programme, under which arrangements are made for Rehabilitation Pioneer Leaders to visit cities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, with a view to enhancing young people's understanding of the development of the Greater Bay Area, and nurturing them into a new generation with an affection for the country and a global vision.

     Mr Lee also said that, in his Policy Address announced last month, there are several policy initiatives to be implemented by the CSD, including the establishment of the Ethics College for the provision of full-time education programmes for voluntary enrolment by adult PICs to help them develop good character and equip them for reintegration into society in future. Furthermore, the CSD will also set up parent-child centres in three correctional institutions for male offenders to strengthen their relationships with their families, thereby reinforcing their determination to rehabilitate.

     He encouraged the passing-out correctional officers to guide those who have gone astray back to the right path, and set clear goals and rise up to challenges with courage so that they will become a new generation of correctional officers who are strongly committed, highly disciplined and staunchly devoted to duties.

     During the parade, Mr Lee presented the Golden Whistle to six Assistant Officers II namely Mr Lau Kin-long, Ms Cheung Lai-yung, Mr Liu Chun-hei, Ms Jabriella Kwok, Ms Man Fung-yee and Mr Ng Chi-fai for their outstanding performance in the recruit training.

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