Labour Department launches series of measures to enhance construction safety

     The Labour Department (LD) is highly concerned about the recent spate of fatal and serious work accidents in the construction industry. The LD has stepped up measures in terms of inspection and enforcement, publicity and promotion, as well as education and training, including a special enforcement operation targeting construction sites of new works to curb unsafe work practices in mid-November.
     A spokesman for the LD today (November 30) said, in light of the recent spate of serious work accidents, the LD conducted a two-week special enforcement operation targeting construction sites of new works from November 13 to 24. During the operation, the LD inspected 1 060 construction sites across the territory, with about 210 improvement notices/suspension notices issued and about 35 prosecutions initiated.
     To further strengthen inspection and enforcement efforts, in addition to routine inspections, the LD has also set up Special Task Forces to continue to conduct rigorous inspections and enforcement actions targeting construction sites (especially sites of new works and sites involving high-risk work processes) in the coming period to combat unsafe work activities.
     For promotion and publicity, the LD will continue to step up efforts to disseminate occupational safety and health (OSH) messages to duty holders through different channels, with the aims of enhancing the safety awareness of workers and frontline supervisors as well as reminding them not to contravene OSH legislation. The LD will also collaborate with the Occupational Safety and Health Council to organise a wide range of publicity and promotional activities to reach frontline workers in a more effective manner, fostering OSH culture in the construction industry.
     For training and education, the LD has enriched the curriculum of Mandatory Basic Safety Training Course (commonly known as Green Card) by adding new teaching content such as safety hints for new construction workers, safety in lifting operations, etc, to minimise the risks of accidents.
     To facilitate the conduct of inspections in a more targeted manner, the LD has established an online OSH complaint platform ( to enable employees and members of the public to report unsafe working conditions with mobile electronic devices, so that prompt follow-up actions can be conducted. All complaints will be treated in the strictest confidence.
     Protecting OSH of workers in the construction industry is a shared responsibility between employers and employees. The LD appeals to contractors and employers of construction works to enhance their site safety management systems, particularly in respect of high-risk work processes such as work-at-height, operation of heavy machinery, lifting operations, etc. They should also provide plant and systems of works that are safe and without risk to health for relevant work processes. Workers should raise their safety awareness and co-operate with contractors and employers to implement OSH measures to avoid endangering themselves and others.
     Under the general duty provisions of OSH legislation, employers who commit extremely serious offences can be prosecuted on indictment, which is subject to a maximum fine of $10 million and imprisonment for two years. Employees who contravene the aforesaid provisions are liable to a maximum fine of $150,000 and imprisonment for six months. 

Works departments carried out surprise inspections to ensure site safety (with photos)

     A spokesman for the Development Bureau (DEVB) said today (November 30) that in view of the numbers of serious incidents occurred in the construction industry in recent months, the heads of works departments took lead to carry out surprise inspections on different public works sites in the past week, targeting high-risk work activities, in particular lifting operation and work at height to curb unsafe practices.
     The spokesman said, "Warnings were immediately issued to the contractor when risks of unsafe practices were found in the inspection. Rectifications had to be made before the relevant work activities could continue. In addition, the site safety performance of the contractor would be duly reflected in the contractor's quarterly performance report.  Unsatisfactory site safety performance would have implications on the contractor's opportunity of undertaking public works contracts in the future."
     Besides, works departments and their resident site staff will continue to closely supervise site safety of public works.  Any inappropriate conditions unearthed will be taken seriously.  In addition, the DEVB will continue to impose appropriate regulating actions against contractors involved in serious incidents according to the contractor regulating regime. 
     The spokesman said that enhancing safety awareness of the project teams and site staff is also very important to reduce the occurrence of serious incidents.  To this end, the DEVB and the works departments held on November 17 a seminar about the recent serious incidents to identify the causes, to reiterate strict enforcement of safety measures and to enhance the safety training of relevant personnel. To raise front-line site personnel's alertness to site safety matters, the DEVB has also requested project teams of works departments to participate regularly in safety morning assemblies at sites, conveying the Government's concerns over site safety directly to the front-line site personnel and sharing with them safety information.
     The spokesman stressed that the DEVB attaches great importance to site safety and will continue to adopt a multi-pronged approach and timely refine the site safety management system of public works to enhance site safety.  The spokesman appealed to the industry to actively support the enhancement of site safety culture. Every stakeholder in the construction industry has a responsibility.  They should perform their own duties and work together for achieving the target of carrying out work activities safely.

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AEO Expert Mission and Symposium for ASEAN and Hong Kong, China successfully concludes with fruitful results (with photos)

     The AEO Expert Mission and Symposium for ASEAN and Hong Kong, China, the first large-scale event focused on the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) matters held between ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and Hong Kong, China since the launch of the Hong Kong AEO Programme by the Customs and Excise Department of Hong Kong (C&ED) in 2012, successfully concluded today (November 30). 
     The AEO Symposium for ASEAN and Hong Kong, China was held today as the highlight of the event. Around 200 representatives from ASEAN Member States, Customs administrations of Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao, government officials, the business sector, trade associations, took part in the Symposium today to foster discussions and exchange insights with stakeholders in trade facilitation and business development in the ASEAN region and Mainland China. 
     The Symposium today started off with an opening ceremony officiated by the Principal Guests of Honour, the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Algernon Yau; the Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Louise Ho; the Head of Trade Facilitation Division of ASEAN Secretariat, Mr Cuong Ba Tran; the Director General of Macao Customs Service, Mr Vong Man-chong; the Deputy Director General of the Department of Enterprise Management and Audit-based Control of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China (GACC), Mr Zhu Fang and representatives of ASEAN Member States. 
     During the Symposium, the C&ED concluded the Action Plans for AEO Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) with Customs administrations of Cambodia and the Philippines. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Enhancing AEO Co-operation in the Greater Bay Area among Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao Customs was also signed by representatives from the GACC, the C&ED and Macao Customs Service, witnessed by Mr Yau, Ms Ho and Mr Vong.
     The Symposium continued with the presentation of Hong Kong AEO Partnership Awards to Hong Kong AEOs in recognition of their excellent performance on promoting the Hong Kong AEO Programme.
     It was followed by panel sessions in which representatives from the Government and business sectors fostered discussions on the opportunities and challenges of extending business in the markets of ASEAN and Mainland China.
     The two-day AEO Expert Mission and Symposium has yielded fruitful results. First, the C&ED has successfully concluded the Action Plans for MRA with the Customs administrations of Cambodia and the Philippines, marking a significant step towards the conclusion of MRAs in a near future. Second, consensus has been reached that Customs administrations of ASEAN Member States and Hong Kong, China share a common vision to safeguard security and safety in the supply chain. They will further enhance co-operation on matters regarding AEO programmes and pressing ahead with the MRA. Third, the signing of the MoU on Enhancing AEO Co-operation in the Greater Bay Area among Mainland Customs, Hong Kong Customs and Macao Customs will further strengthen the co-operation of the three administrations in implementing the AEO Programme in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and thereby bringing more benefits to the AEOs and fostering further development in the region. 
     The Hong Kong AEO Programme was launched in 2012. Currently, the C&ED has ratified MRAs with 14 Customs administrations of the Mainland, India, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Canada, Mexico, Indonesia and Macao, China. Under the MRA, AEOs from the signatory countries or regions can enjoy reciprocal trade facilitations including reduced inspection rate and prioritised clearance.

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Opening ceremony of Ethics College held today (with photos)

     â€‹The Correctional Services Department (CSD) held the opening ceremony of the Ethics College at Pak Sha Wan Correctional Institution today (November 30), implementing the policy measure concerned announced by the Chief Executive in the 2023 Policy Address to further assist persons in custody (PICs) in their rehabilitation and being well equipped for their reintegration into society.
     The Ethics College, set up at Pak Sha Wan Correctional Institution and Lo Wu Correctional Institution, provides a one-year full-time Diploma of Applied Education programme for voluntary enrolment by adult PICs, which is taught by tutors from the Hong Kong Metropolitan University Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education. The CSD will also arrange life-wide learning activities related to career development, sports and arts, and national education for the PIC students, helping them cultivate positive values and obtain accredited qualifications for preparation for their reintegration into society.
     Addressing the opening ceremony, the Under Secretary for Security, Mr Michael Cheuk, said that the establishment of the Ethics College is a very meaningful policy measure. It provides adult PICs with more diversified learning opportunities to help them obtain local accredited qualifications, develop good characters and equip themselves for reintegrating into society, changing their lives through education.
     He expressed the hope that the PIC students will cherish the learning opportunity and successfully complete the programme which will offer them more opportunities for personal development, whether for further education or employment after release, making contribution to the development of the country and Hong Kong.
     Steward of the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) Mr Bernard Chan said in the ceremony that through donation to the Ethics College, the HKJC hopes to assist those PICs who aspire to further their education in equipping themselves, so that they can better reintegrate into society and contribute to Hong Kong in future. This is in line with the HKJC's commitment to building a better society.
     The Council Chairman of the Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU), Dr Conrad Wong, said that the HKMU fully recognised the CSD's objectives in the work of rehabilitation, and has been providing different types and levels of education programmes for PICs. The HKMU offers the Diploma of Applied Education programme in the Ethics College not only to equip students with different skills and help them develop a good character and attitude, but also help them achieve whole-person development and acquire the necessary skills to contribute to society in future through participating in all-round learning activities outside classroom.
     The Ethics College has started the new school year at the end of October with a total of 75 students in the first batch. Among them, 60 male PICs are receiving education at Pak Sha Wan Correctional Institution while the remaining 15 female PICs are attending classes remotely via video conferencing at Lo Wu Correctional Institution. They are expected to complete their studies and take examinations in June 2024.
     The motto of the College is "Seek Knowledge, Cultivate Virtue". The CSD hopes that the PICs, through the acquisition of knowledge, will have their moral and cultural literacy enhanced. The College has also set up a flag-raising team composed of PIC students to conduct flag-raising ceremonies on designated days to enhance the national identity of the PICs.

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Speech by CS at Opening Ceremony of White Christmas Street Fair 2023 (with photos/video)

     Following is the speech by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, at the opening ceremony of White Christmas Street Fair 2023 today (November 30):

Tim (Chief Executive of Swire Properties, Mr Tim Blackburn), Tammy (representative of Operation Santa Claus and Editor-in-Chief of South China Morning Post, Ms Tammy Tam), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     It gives me great pleasure to join you all for the grand opening of Swire Properties' White Christmas Street Fair 2023 "CHOCOLAND!" this evening. 

     The Street Fair, as Swire Properties' annual signature event, has been fostering the betterment of Hong Kong society. This year's edition is no exception. All proceeds will go to Operation Santa Claus 2023, which supports various charitable organisations to help society.

     The fair also promotes close co-operation between the Government, the business sector, and the community.

     And this year's edition is particularly youthful, I am glad to note. It is jointly presented by university students under the Swire Properties Placemaking Academy, together with secondary school students under the E-League programme of the Government's Eastern District Office.

     On behalf of the Government, I would like to thank Swire Properties for its ongoing commitment to grooming Hong Kong young people. 

     No doubt, the Street Fair enables the youth to showcase their talent and creativity. It also complements the efforts of the Government, jointly with all walks of life, to implement our Youth Development Blueprint for young people's healthy growth and holistic development. 

     I am sure Hong Kong citizens, including you all, will enjoy this year's Street Fair.

     No less important, I appeal to you all, once again, to cast your vote in the District Council election on December 10. Together with the capable District Council members to be elected, we will build a better community. 

     On that note, I wish the Street Fair a great success and every one of you a Merry Christmas ahead.

     Now, may I say a few words in Cantonese.

  今年的市集更是尤其充滿�春活力,因為是由Swire Properties Placemaking Academy的大專生,����民政事務處「���藤�計劃下的中學生攜手呈�。我代表特�政府,�太�地產在栽培�年方�的貢�,表示衷心的��。

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