Tag Archives: China


Opening ceremony of Ethics College held today (with photos)

     â€‹The Correctional Services Department (CSD) held the opening ceremony of the Ethics College at Pak Sha Wan Correctional Institution today (November 30), implementing the policy measure concerned announced by the Chief Executive in the 2023 Policy Address to further assist persons in custody (PICs) in their rehabilitation and being well equipped for their reintegration into society.
     The Ethics College, set up at Pak Sha Wan Correctional Institution and Lo Wu Correctional Institution, provides a one-year full-time Diploma of Applied Education programme for voluntary enrolment by adult PICs, which is taught by tutors from the Hong Kong Metropolitan University Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education. The CSD will also arrange life-wide learning activities related to career development, sports and arts, and national education for the PIC students, helping them cultivate positive values and obtain accredited qualifications for preparation for their reintegration into society.
     Addressing the opening ceremony, the Under Secretary for Security, Mr Michael Cheuk, said that the establishment of the Ethics College is a very meaningful policy measure. It provides adult PICs with more diversified learning opportunities to help them obtain local accredited qualifications, develop good characters and equip themselves for reintegrating into society, changing their lives through education.
     He expressed the hope that the PIC students will cherish the learning opportunity and successfully complete the programme which will offer them more opportunities for personal development, whether for further education or employment after release, making contribution to the development of the country and Hong Kong.
     Steward of the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) Mr Bernard Chan said in the ceremony that through donation to the Ethics College, the HKJC hopes to assist those PICs who aspire to further their education in equipping themselves, so that they can better reintegrate into society and contribute to Hong Kong in future. This is in line with the HKJC’s commitment to building a better society.
     The Council Chairman of the Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU), Dr Conrad Wong, said that the HKMU fully recognised the CSD’s objectives in the work of rehabilitation, and has been providing different types and levels of education programmes for PICs. The HKMU offers the Diploma of Applied Education programme in the Ethics College not only to equip students with different skills and help them develop a good character and attitude, but also help them achieve whole-person development and acquire the necessary skills to contribute to society in future through participating in all-round learning activities outside classroom.
     The Ethics College has started the new school year at the end of October with a total of 75 students in the first batch. Among them, 60 male PICs are receiving education at Pak Sha Wan Correctional Institution while the remaining 15 female PICs are attending classes remotely via video conferencing at Lo Wu Correctional Institution. They are expected to complete their studies and take examinations in June 2024.
     The motto of the College is “Seek Knowledge, Cultivate Virtue”. The CSD hopes that the PICs, through the acquisition of knowledge, will have their moral and cultural literacy enhanced. The College has also set up a flag-raising team composed of PIC students to conduct flag-raising ceremonies on designated days to enhance the national identity of the PICs.

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Speech by CS at Opening Ceremony of White Christmas Street Fair 2023 (with photos/video)

     Following is the speech by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, at the opening ceremony of White Christmas Street Fair 2023 today (November 30):

Tim (Chief Executive of Swire Properties, Mr Tim Blackburn), Tammy (representative of Operation Santa Claus and Editor-in-Chief of South China Morning Post, Ms Tammy Tam), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     It gives me great pleasure to join you all for the grand opening of Swire Properties’ White Christmas Street Fair 2023 “CHOCOLAND!” this evening. 

     The Street Fair, as Swire Properties’ annual signature event, has been fostering the betterment of Hong Kong society. This year’s edition is no exception. All proceeds will go to Operation Santa Claus 2023, which supports various charitable organisations to help society.

     The fair also promotes close co-operation between the Government, the business sector, and the community.

     And this year’s edition is particularly youthful, I am glad to note. It is jointly presented by university students under the Swire Properties Placemaking Academy, together with secondary school students under the E-League programme of the Government’s Eastern District Office.

     On behalf of the Government, I would like to thank Swire Properties for its ongoing commitment to grooming Hong Kong young people. 

     No doubt, the Street Fair enables the youth to showcase their talent and creativity. It also complements the efforts of the Government, jointly with all walks of life, to implement our Youth Development Blueprint for young people’s healthy growth and holistic development. 

     I am sure Hong Kong citizens, including you all, will enjoy this year’s Street Fair.

     No less important, I appeal to you all, once again, to cast your vote in the District Council election on December 10. Together with the capable District Council members to be elected, we will build a better community. 

     On that note, I wish the Street Fair a great success and every one of you a Merry Christmas ahead.

     Now, may I say a few words in Cantonese.

  今年的市集更是尤其充滿�春活力,因為是由Swire Properties Placemaking Academy的大專生,����民政事務處「���藤�計劃下的中學生攜手呈�。我代表特�政府,�太�地產在栽培�年方�的貢�,表示衷心的��。

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China Manned Space delegation meets with university teachers and students (with photo)

     â€‹The China Manned Space delegation continued their visit to Hong Kong today (November 30) by visiting the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in groups, and shared the latest developments in national aerospace technologies in the afternoon. The delegation also took part in in-depth discussions with teachers and students on various topics, including aerospace technologies, life in space and astronaut training.

     Led by the leader of the delegation, Mr Lin Xiqiang, seven members of the delegation attended the dialogue session with university teachers and students held at PolyU. Other guests included the Secretary for Education, Dr Choi Yuk-lin; the Chairman of the University Grants Committee (UGC), Mr Tim Lui; the Chairman of PolyU Council, Dr Lam Tai-fai; and the President of PolyU, Professor Teng Jin-guang. About 700 PolyU teachers and students actively participated in the event.

     The Secretary for Education, Dr Choi Yuk-lin, extended her warm welcome to the visit of the China Manned Space delegation. In her speech, Dr Choi said, “Through the efforts of generation after generation, the country has leaped to the forefront of manned space technologies. The indomitable spirit, unwavering determination and relentless efforts of Chinese people have captured the world’s attention. The delegation’s visit fully demonstrates the nation’s care and importance attached to the students of Hong Kong.”

     She noted that participants not only have the opportunity to admire the charisma of the astronauts, but also experience the vigorous developments of the motherland in aerospace technologies through the sharing sessions and witnessing the spirit of perseverance and self-improvement of space exploration.

     She believed that the event would undoubtedly deepen society’s understanding of the country’s development and achievements in aerospace technologies, as well as on Hong Kong’s role and contributions in the participation. It will also inspire the younger generation’s interests in aerospace technology, and enhance their national consciousness and sense of national identity. 

     She stated, “Under the National 14th Five-Year Plan, the country has expressed clear support for Hong Kong to develop into an international innovation and technology hub and has been determined to establish a comprehensive national science centre in the Greater Bay Area. Last year, the country recruited payload experts in Hong Kong for the first time, which encouraged our young people to contribute to the national aerospace industry. It also signified the high importance and recognition that the country places on scientific research talent in Hong Kong. On this front, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has been dedicated to the promotion of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) education, aligning with the strategic direction of invigorating the country through science and education. It will shape new driving forces and advantages for development, and cultivate future talent for both the country and Hong Kong.”

     Dr Choi also mentioned the various collaborations and developments between PolyU and the national aerospace technology sector. The achievements have demonstrated the synergistic effects generated by academic exchanges and resource sharing between Hong Kong and the Mainland. The Government will fully support mutual collaborations, enhance exchanges and co-operation in scientific research so as to achieve high-level win-win outcomes and take up a crucial role in supporting the country to become the world’s leading space-faring nation in a concerted effort.

     Apart from the event at PolyU, nine other members of the delegation also attended an event held at HKUST and met with about 400 teachers and students. HKUST, as the first university in Hong Kong to launch a satellite, has been actively promoting aerospace development in Hong Kong. With its internationally renowned research capabilities, HKUST also collaborated with the industry sector to promote the industrial, academic and research developments of aerospace in the country. Other guests included the Permanent Secretary for Education, Ms Michelle Li; Deputy Director-General of the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Ms Wu Cheng; the Chairman of the Research Grants Council, Professor Wong Yuk-shan; the Convener of the General Affairs and Management Sub-committee of the UGC, Mr Philip Tsai; the Chairman of the HKUST Council, Professor Harry Shum; and the President of HKUST, Professor Nancy Ip.

     The teachers and students from two universities attending the sessions deemed that the delegation’s visit would deepen Hong Kong citizen’s understanding of the country’s developments and achievements in aerospace technologies, and foster a greater interest in innovative technology among the younger generation. In addition, the visit encouraged post-secondary institutions to actively engage in national scientific research and aerospace developments, and nurture talent for both the country and Hong Kong.

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EMSD celebrates 75th anniversary (with photos)

     The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) held the 75th Anniversary Ceremony today (November 30).

     Officiating at the ceremony, the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, said that the EMSD has been undertaking the regulatory work in the areas of mechanical and electrical safety and energy efficiency and had played an important role in Hong Kong during challenging times over the years. He said that green transformation and innovative technology are global trends as well as important dimensions of the country’s pursuit of high-quality development. Government departments should play the roles of regulator, facilitator and contributor well, and he encouraged the EMSD, with its agility and spirit of innovation, to contribute to making Hong Kong a more livable, green and smart city.
     Speaking at the ceremony, the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, Mr Eric Pang, said that the EMSD is committed to serving the public and client departments with a “customer-oriented and people-first” approach over the past 75 years, and proactively seeking breakthroughs in the areas of energy efficiency, I&T and talent training. The EMSD will carry on with its fine tradition, pass on experience and expertise, and continue to provide quality services.
     To share the joy with the public, the E&M 75th Anniversary Fun Day will be held at the EMSD Headquarters on December 2 and 3. The Fun Day features an array of activities, including a thematic exhibition which gives an account of the recent development milestones of the EMSD and its development direction for the future. There are also activities such as E&M guided tours, visits to Kai Tak District Cooling System (North Plant), game booths, workshops and dedicated exhibitions. Members of the public can learn about the daily work of the EMSD, as well as the knowledge of E&M safety, energy efficiency and application of I&T.   

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17th Shenzhen-Hong Kong Joint Planning Co-operation Meeting held in Hong Kong (with photos)

     The 17th Shenzhen-Hong Kong Joint Planning Co-operation Meeting was held in Hong Kong today (November 30). Hong Kong and Shenzhen have been maintaining close ties and regularly exchanging the latest progress on town planning work of the two cities through the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Joint Planning Co-operation Meeting. 

     Those attending the joint co-ordination meeting included the Director of Planning, Mr Ivan Chung, and the Chief of the Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality, Mr Xu Songming. The Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn, also met with Mr Xu and the delegation of the Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality after the meeting. 

     At today’s meeting, the Planning Department and the Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality introduced Hong Kong’s latest amendment of the Town Planning Ordinance and the “Shenzhen Spatial Planning on Emergency Evacuation and Rescue (2021-2035)” respectively. Both sides also exchanged views on developments such as the Northern Metropolis and San Tin Technopole, and have agreed to foster closer interaction, including arrangements for meetings and reciprocal visits next year.

     After the meeting, officials from the Planning Department and the delegation of the Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality visited the Tung Chung Community Liaison Center. The party was briefed by representatives of the Sustainable Lantau Office of the Civil Engineering and Development Department on the development of Tung Chung East reclamation and the conservation of Lantau, and conducted a site visit to Tai O to learn more about projects under the Lantau Conservation Fund. 

     Officials from the Planning Department and the delegation of the Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality will visit New Territories North tomorrow (December 1) to learn more about the latest planning and development of main new development areas in the Northern Metropolis.

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