Tag Archives: China


Hong Kong Buddhist Hospital announces sentinel event

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesperson for Hong Kong Buddhist Hospital (HKBH) announced a sentinel event today (December 2):

     An 83-year-old male patient was admitted to a medicine and geriatrics ward of HKBH on November 29 due to end-stage renal failure and pneumonia. The patient’s clinical condition was stable all along.

     A healthcare staff inspected the ward at 1.20am today, the patient was asleep and no abnormality observed. Fifteen minutes later, the patient was found unconscious with his neck got entangled by the connection tubing of a blood pressure machine. Healthcare staff removed the connection tubing and performed resuscitation immediately. The hospital also informed the patient’s family. The patient was certified dead at 2.47am.

     The hospital is saddened by the incident and expressed deep condolences to the patient’s family. It will provide assistance to the family as required. The hospital reported the incident to the Police for follow-up and will fully co-operate with the Police for investigation. The incident will also be reported to the coroner for follow-up.

     HKBH is very concerned about the incident, which has been reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office through the Advance Incident Reporting System. The hospital has promptly reviewed the ward, arranged the positions of the related medical equipment and enhanced inspection, so as to avoid the reoccurrence of similar incidents. read more

Staff of Audit Commission takes part in volunteer visit to elderly centre and District Council election promotion activity (with photos)

     Around 30 volunteers from the Audit Commission paid a visit to the elderly residents of Ching Chung Rev. Hau Po Woon Neighbourhood Elderly Centre in Tin Shui Wai today (December 2).
     The visit was packed with activities and fun. Young at heart and filled with energy, the senior residents showcased their prowess in the games. With the winter solstice around the corner, Audit Commission volunteers gave out hot packs and snacks as early festive treats for the elderly. The event filled the centre with laughter and joy. After the activity, the Director of Audit, Professor Nelson Lam, expressed his heartfelt thanks to the colleagues for going into the community and giving care to the elderly in their leisure time. With the District Council (DC) election approaching soon on December 10, Professor Lam took the opportunity to promote the election to the elderly and staff of the centre, urging them to encourage their families and friends to vote.
     As the ancient saying goes, one should “respect and care for the elderly of one’s family, as well as those of other families”. Audit Commission staff will continue to pass on the time-honoured virtue through different activities and platforms. In the days to come, the Department will continue to serve with sincerity and respect, and spare no effort in caring for the community. 
     In the afternoon of the same day, around 30 staff members of the Audit Comission set up a promotion booth on a pedestrian lane near San Hui Market at Yan Oi Town Square, Tuen Mun to promote the upcoming DC election and handed out leaflets to the public. They took time to explain to the public the significance of this poll, which would be the first DC election after improving the district governance system, and encouraged the public to cast votes in the election on December 10.
     Professor Lam said that the promotion event was organised in short notice and was voluntarily attended by over one-tenth of staff of the Department, for which he expressed his deep gratitude. The support from Audit Commission staff for the DC election was an exemplary display of teamwork of the civil service. He also pointed out that with the DC election drawing near, the Department would keep up its efforts to motivate voting via different activities and channels. 
     After the activity, Professor Lam responded to media enquiries that, “All bodies and organisations that fit the definition of ‘audited bodies’ in The Value for Money Audit Guidelines will be considered as subjects of our audit work and may potentially be examined by us, among them are higher education institutions. In conducting audits, we aim at fully covering all issues that matter and pursuing subjects of our concern closely ‘like shadows’. As a matter of fact, we had conducted audits on the University Grants Committee Secretariat and related matters for several times. Moreover, we have, for more than once, made observations and recommendations in previous audits on matters surrounding the safeguarding of national security, for instance, in audits on the administration of the Auxiliary Medical Service, the administration of the Equal Opportunities Commission, as well as the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund in Report No. 80 released in April this year, and also in other chapters released together in this Report No. 81, such as the chapters on the Recycling Fund and the Reindustrialisation and Technology Training Programme. In the future, we will carry on this line of work.” 
     Professor Lam also compared the Audit Commission’s role in public governance to that of a “corporate doctor”. “The Audit Commission does ‘body checks’ for audited government departments or publicly funded non-governmental organisations, and gives out ‘body check reports’. The aim is to help them deliver good governance and make more efficient use of resources. In order to prepare an all-encompassing ‘body check report’, doctors have to cover as many aspects as possible in the body check, even they may not know clearly beforehand what potential problems are in store. If problems are identified during the body check, the doctors can make reference to them and take follow-up actions. On the other hand, if not problem is found, one should understand that the doctors are just performing their duties and would not question the reasons behind the doctors’ work. The Audit Commission is comparable to a ‘corporate doctor’. Our duty is to perform checking on and give advice to audited bodies,” said Professor Lam.
     On the way forward of public audit work, Professor Lam said that “The Audit Commission will, as we have always been, strive for excellence in the provision of independent, professional and quality audit services for the public sector through commitment to professionalism and innovation, so as to help enhance performance and accountability of the Government and public sector organisations of Hong Kong.”

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First phase of Rule of Law Education Train-the-Leaders Programme successfully concludes (with photos)

     Themed “Rule of Law Education (ROLE) Stars”, the first phase of the Rule of Law Education Train-the-Leaders (TTL) Programme organised by the Department of Justice (DoJ) successfully concluded today (December 2).

     The attendance of the two-day programme was more than 400 in total. The trainees were mainly from 20 organisations undertaking youth-related and community work, while the group leaders who assisted in guiding the discussions and the interactive sessions during the training were from those organisations, the legal sector, the DoJ and other related institutions. A number of trainees and group leaders found the programme rich in content and easy to understand, which enabled them to promote consistent and correct messages relating to the rule of law to youths and the general public.

     Under the leadership of the Secretary for Justice, Mr Paul Lam, SC, the first phase of the TTL Programme was launched last Saturday.

     On the second day of the TTL Programme conducted today, the Chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Association, Mr Victor Dawes, SC; the President of the Law Society of Hong Kong, Mr Chan Chak-ming; the founder and chief executive of True Star Publishing Limited, Mr Steven Ma; member of the Steering Committee on Rule of Law Education Ms Sharon Tam; and the Deputy Secretary for Justice, Mr Cheung Kwok-kwan, shared their professional views and practical experiences as the programme’s speakers on important topics including the criminal and civil proceedings in Hong Kong, forms of alternative dispute resolution, legal profession, and the teaching method and communication skills in relation to disseminating messages relating to the rule of law. They also participated in the interactive sessions such as group discussions and question-and-answer exchange sessions.

     The closing ceremony and certificate presentation ceremony of the first-phase programme was held in the afternoon today. Mr Lam and member of the Steering Committee, Chairperson of the Working Group on Coordination and Liaison and Legislative Council Member, Ms Carmen Kan, officiated and delivered speeches at the ceremony.

     Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Lam said, “This programme can be called ‘a training course for seafarers’ to train participants to be the navigator of their own vessels, regardless of their type and size, and ensure they go towards the same direction and for the same goal.”

     At the certificate presentation ceremony, member of the Steering Committee, Chairperson of the Working Group on Course Design and Teaching Materials and Non-Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal, Mr Justice Patrick Chan, Ms Kan and Mr Cheung presented certificates to trainees who have completed the first phase of the TTL Programme and certificates of appreciation to group leaders.

     Mr Lam said that the DoJ will make reference to the experience from the first phase of the TTL Programme and take forward the second phase of the Programme within next year with the assistance of the Steering Committee and its two Working Groups. The second phase will include specific topics on the practice of civil and criminal procedures, and consideration will also be made for activities such as visits to law-related institutions. Meanwhile, the first phase of the TTL Programme will also be enhanced and held again, aiming to provide training for more trainees from different sectors of the community, so as to encourage and enable them to pass on the concept and knowledge of the rule of law.

     In addition, a dedicated website constructed by the DoJ relating to the promotion and training on the rule of law has been officially launched. It provides the public with a comprehensive platform consolidating information of the TTL Programme and published resources of other initiatives related to rule-of-law education. For more details on the TTL Programme and other related information, please visit the dedicated website at www.role-ttl.gov.hk.

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Mainland Higher Education Expo 2024/25 opens (with photos)

     The Mainland Higher Education Expo 2024/25, jointly organised by the Ministry of Education (MoE) and the Education Bureau (EDB), is being held today and tomorrow (December 2 and 3) in Hong Kong. The Expo will provide students aspiring to pursue further studies on the Mainland and their parents with information on the arrangements of the Scheme for Admission of Hong Kong Students to Mainland Higher Education Institutions (Admission Scheme) for the academic year and other related information.
     Speaking at the Expo’s opening ceremony this morning, the Secretary for Education, Dr Choi Yuk-lin, said that the Admission Scheme has achieved good results over the years. Over 42 000 Hong Kong students had applied under the Scheme for studying at Mainland universities since its implementation in the 2012/13 academic year. The number of participating institutions will increase to 138 under the Scheme for the 2024/25 academic year, providing students with more diversified choices that suit their needs.
     She said that the MoE has always accorded priority to the nurturing of Hong Kong youths and would organise a large delegation comprising representatives of Mainland higher education institutions to visit Hong Kong and participate in the Mainland Higher Education Expo every year. She encouraged aspiring students to realise their dreams and seize the opportunity by applying for their preferred Mainland institutions and programmes through the Admission Scheme. This, said Dr Choi, would broaden their horizons and help students gain an in-depth understanding of the overall development of the country during their studies and embrace the unlimited opportunities brought by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area development.
     The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government launched the Mainland University Study Subsidy Scheme in 2014 to support Hong Kong students in pursuing undergraduate studies on the Mainland. It comprises two types of subsidies, namely a means-tested subsidy (students who have passed the means test will receive full rate or half rate depending on their needs) and a non-means-tested subsidy. The level of subsidy has increased since the 2022/23 academic year to provide more appropriate support to Hong Kong students studying on the Mainland.
     The Expo is open to the public today from 10am to 7pm and tomorrow (Sunday) from 10am to 6pm at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wan Chai. Admission is free.
     Around 130 Mainland higher education institutions participating in the Admission Scheme for the 2024/25 academic year will set up exhibition booths to provide information on aspects such as faculties and subjects, admission criteria and the number of admission places, etc. Representatives from the Ministry of Education will also provide briefings on the application procedures and admission arrangements of the Admission Scheme.
     The Expo will also feature a number of sharing sessions, including an introduction by representatives of Mainland institutions on the features of various programmes, experience sharing by Hong Kong students who graduated from Mainland institutions, and analyses of career prospects provided by guest speakers. An online platform (www.studymainland.hk) has also been set up for the Expo where virtual exhibition booths will be set up by all Mainland higher education institutions participating in the Admission Scheme.
     In addition, the EDB has collaborated with the China Education Exchange (Hong Kong) Centre and the Hok Yau Club to compile the Handbook on the Scheme for Admission of Hong Kong Students to Mainland Higher Education Institutions. The Handbook, which provides comprehensive information on the Admission Scheme and further studies on the Mainland, will be distributed free of charge at the Expo. The electronic version (Chinese version only) will also be available at the EDB’s website (www.edb.gov.hk/admissionscheme).

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