Home-developed aircraft C919 and ARJ21 inaugural flights to Hong Kong to take off next week

     Home-developed aircraft C919 and ARJ21 will visit Hong Kong for the first time from next Tuesday (December 12) to Sunday (December 17). Jointly hosted by the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) and the Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK), the event marks the C919's first voyage out of the Mainland of China. In addition to the static display of the C919 and the ARJ21 at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) during their stay in Hong Kong, the C919 will conduct a demonstration flight over Victoria Harbour for members of the public to witness the airliner's first appearance over Hong Kong skies.

     With the recovery of the aviation industry in full swing and to consolidate Hong Kong's role as an international aviation hub, the CAD will organise a full range of activities starting middle of the month with the strong support of the International Civil Aviation Organization Asia and Pacific Regional Sub-Office and the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC). Two meetings will take place at the CAD Headquarters, namely the 34th meeting of the Asia Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group from December 11 to 13, and the 13th meeting of the Regional Aviation Safety Group – Asia and Pacific Regions on December 18 and 19. Furthermore, the CAD will join hands with the CAAC and the Hong Kong International Aviation Academy to organise the first Asia Pacific Region Innovation & Capacity Building Symposium 2023 at the AsiaWorld-Expo on December 14 and 15.

     To showcase the country's accomplishment in the aircraft manufacturing industry to the public as well as international guests, the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd (COMAC) has graciously accepted the invitation to arrange the C919 and the ARJ21's visit to Hong Kong during the event period. The ARJ21 is the first turbofan regional aircraft independently designed and manufactured by China. It began commercial operation in 2016 and was brought into the international market last year following an official delivery to its overseas customer. The C919 is a large commercial passenger aircraft strictly designed, manufactured and certificated in accordance with international airworthiness standards. The first commercial C919 aircraft was delivered to an airline in December 2022 and it came into service in 2023. The successful productions of these two civilian passenger aircraft mark a significant milestone for the national aviation manufacturing industry.

     The domestic aircraft duo of the C919 and the ARJ21 will receive a ceremonial water salute on their arrival at HKIA in the afternoon on December 12. A welcoming ceremony will be hosted by the CAD and the AAHK at HKIA apron on the following morning (December 13). The two domestic aircraft will be staged on a static display at the designated area of HKIA right after the ceremony on December 13 until December 15. Representatives of local and overseas aviation industry, as well as members of youth groups and district organisations, will be invited on board to have a close encounter with the aircraft.

     Another highlight of the visit of the C919 and the ARJ21 will be the flight demonstration that takes place at about 10.30am to 11am next Saturday (December 16). If weather permits, the C919 will take off at around 10.30am from HKIA and overfly Victoria Harbour from west to east. It will then fly around Hong Kong Island twice for members of the public to admire this home-grown aircraft up close. On the same afternoon, representatives from COMAC will accept the invitation to meet with young people at the CAD Headquarters to share interesting facts about the knowledge and development of the C919 and the ARJ21 aircraft. The two aircraft will then leave Hong Kong for Shanghai in the afternoon the next day (December 17).

     The Director-General of Civil Aviation, Mr Victor Liu, said the CAD had been participating in the preliminary research and development of the C919 upon invitation by the CAAC since 2012. The CAD had been playing an active role in the C919 evaluation activities and a CAD flight operations expert was deployed to Shanghai for two months last year to take part in the C919 T5 Test for flight crew training. Mr Liu said he was overjoyed and excited to witness the fly-past of the C919 over Hong Kong skies; he also extended his heartfelt gratitude to the CAAC and COMAC for their unremitting support and making this happen. 

     The Chief Executive Officer of the AAHK, Mr Fred Lam, said, "HKIA is honoured to be the first airport outside the Mainland to receive the C919 aircraft. At HKIA, we greatly admire and are inspired by the innovative spirit and technological prowess that underpin the development of the C919. We look forward to deepening collaborations with our partners on the Mainland and contributing to the development of a world-class aviation industry for the country."

     To facilitate the fly-past, the CAD will establish a temporary restricted flying zone (RFZ) in and around Victoria Harbour. Flying activities, such as the flying of unmanned aircraft systems (drones and model aircraft), kites, captive balloons, mass release of small balloons, etc, will be restricted. The CAD will announce details of the temporary RFZ on the electronic portal for small unmanned aircraft "eSUA" and by Notice To Airmen. 

Speech by CE at AALCO Annual Arbitration Forum 2023 (English only) (with video)

     Following is the video speech by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, at the AALCO Annual Arbitration Forum 2023 today (December 5):
Dr Kamalinne Pinitpuvadol (Secretary-General of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO)), Deputy Commissioner Fang Jianming (Deputy Commissioner of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)), Mr Nick Chan (Director of AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre), Consuls-General, distinguished guests from around the world, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good morning. It gives me great pleasure to speak to you at this annual forum of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization. I am glad, especially, to welcome you here in Hong Kong, as today is the first time for this high-powered forum to be staged in our city.
     The theme of today's forum is "Resolving Differences in a Changing World by Staying True to the Bandung Spirit". The Bandung Spirit, containing the Ten Principles of Bandung and the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, is a widely recognised set of norms for international relations, and is as relevant and significant to modern society as it was back when it was formulated.
     Hong Kong is proud to have a long and established tradition of the rule of law. Our judiciary exercises its powers independently, free from any interference. We are the only common law jurisdiction in China and ranked one of the world's top seats for arbitration.
     Our Basic Law authorises us to participate in international organisations. At last count, Hong Kong, China is a member of over 230 international organisations and conferences not limited to states.
     Over 260 multilateral agreements, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, continue to be in force and applicable to the HKSAR.
     In short, ladies and gentlemen, we have a legal system that is similar to most major financial centres around the world, and our standard on rights and freedoms is the international standard. We, therefore, certainly uphold the Bandung Spirit of mutual respect, peace and equality.
     It is against this backdrop, and with the strong support from our Central People's Government, that the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization officially opened its Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre in May 2022.
     It is an acknowledgement of the HKSAR's position as a leading centre for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region, in line with our positioning under the National 14th Five-Year Plan.
     AALCO represents almost all major states from Asia and Africa. A substantial number of AALCO member states are also active members of the Belt and Road Initiative, a visionary co-operation platform proposed by President Xi Jinping a decade ago.
     Hong Kong champions free trade, and we are committed to promoting regional and international co-operation. We endeavour to serve as a "super connector" and "super value-adder" between the Mainland of China and the rest of the world, through the twin conduits of AALCO and Belt and Road networks.
     As I announced in my second Policy Address, we will continue to step up our efforts in excelling as an international legal centre. This Forum, I am pleased to add, offers a perfect opportunity for you to connect, and to forge partnerships that will drive our common future. It will, also, go a long way to supporting to the rapid development of our legal prowess.
     I wish you all a successful forum, and the best of health in the coming year. Thank you.

Director of Audit to attend 7th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Audit Conference 2023

     The Director of Audit, Professor Nelson Lam, will depart tomorrow morning (December 6) for Zhuhai to attend the three-day 7th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Audit Conference 2023.  Principal Auditor Mr Allan Wong, Auditors Ms May Wan, Mr Bill Yu and Ms Rebecca Ma, and Corporate Communications Officer Ms Bonnie Ng of the Audit Commission will also join him on the visit.
     During the trip, Professor Lam will meet with officers of the National Audit Office, the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the People's Government of Guangdong Province, the Audit Office of Guangdong Province, the Commission of Audit of the Macao Special Administrative Region and the municipal audit bureaux of various cities of the Guangdong Province to gain an understanding of the current situation of big data auditing work and the co-ordinated development in the Greater Bay Area, and exchange views on related issues.

SEE attends C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group’s Steering Committee meeting in Dubai (with photos)

     The Secretary for Environment and Ecology, Mr Tse Chin-wan, attended the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
     Mr Tse also attended the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group's Steering Committee meeting on December 3 (Dubai time) to exchange views on topics such as green energy transformation and corporate social responsibility with other committee members as well as sharing the experience of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government. Established in 2005, C40 is a global network of mayors committed to connecting cities around the world to take urgent action to confront the climate crisis. Hong Kong became a member city in 2007. Hong Kong is a member of the C40 Steering Committee representing the Central East Asia Region.
     Yesterday morning (December 4, Dubai time), Mr Tse visited Archireef, a Hong Kong company in Abu Dhabi, the UAE and learned about the company's latest 3D printing technology to create artificial habitats for marine species threatened by climate change. He also visited WeRide, a technology company of autonomous driving. Mr Tse was briefed about their autonomous driving technology and experience in conducting autonomous driving tests.
     During his attendance at the COP28, Mr Tse also met with representatives from other regions to share experience and exchange views on topics of mutual concern. In the afternoon of December 3, Mr Tse met with the Head of Indonesia Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics, Professor Dwikorita Karnawati, to introduce the policies and measures of the HKSAR Government in combating climate change. They exchanged views on climate issues of mutual concern and future co-operation on climate projection. Yesterday, he was joined by the Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Financial Services), Ms Salina Yan, in meeting with the Singaporean delegation led by the Deputy Secretary of the Strategy Group at the Prime Minister's Office of Singapore, Miss Cindy Khoo. They shared the strategies and progress in carbon reduction in the two places and also exchanged experience on topics such as voluntary carbon market trading, sustainable finance, and green bonds.
     Yesterday morning, Ms Yan and the Commissioner for Climate Change of the Environment and Ecology Bureau, Mr Wong Chuen-fai, attended the event on "China Carbon Market Development and Outlook" held at the COP28 China Pavilion and exchanged ideas with other participants, including the Director-General of Directorate-General for Climate Action of European Commission, Mr Kurt Vandenberghe; the Global Director for Climate Change Group of the World Bank Group, Ms Jennifer J. Sara; and the President of International Emissions Trading Association, Mr Dirk Forrister.
     Ms Yan also attended the COP28 "Global Climate Action Through Fostering Sustainable Finance" event afterwards, where Intensel Limited, a Hong Kong-based climate technology company, was awarded the COP28 UAE TechSprint Award for its artificial intelligence solutions to scale up climate action.
     Mr Wong attended the press conference on "Opportunities for Greater Bay Area Climate Collaboration" at the COP28 venue organised by the Institute for Climate and Carbon Neutrality of the University of Hong Kong to introduce the climate action in Hong Kong.
     Mr Tse will continue his visit in Dubai today (December 5, Dubai time).

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HKSAR Government to bring Chow Ting to justice in accordance with the law

     The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government issued a solemn statement today (December 4) to condemn strongly the shameful acts of Chow Ting, who was arrested by the National Security Department of the Hong Kong Police Force for suspected violation of the offence of "collusion with a foreign country or with external elements to endanger national security", of absconding to avoid legal responsibilities. She blatantly claimed in social media that she planned to jump bail, which is a total disregard of law and order. The HKSAR Government will spare no effort in bringing her to justice in accordance with the law.

     Chow Ting's flagrant disregard for police bail terms showed that she is completely devoid of integrity. She has also never soberly reflected on her acts, which are suspected to have violated the law, but has tried to escape from legal consequences. No matter what excuses she put forward or how she attempted to deceive and win sympathy, her hypocrisy, disgrace and disregard for law and order are laid bare.

     Endangering national security is a very serious offence, and the HKSAR Government will fight against it with full force and pursue the liability of the person to the end. Fugitives should not have any delusion that they could evade legal liabilities by absconding from Hong Kong. Fugitives will be pursued for life unless they turn themselves in.

     The HKSAR Government urged Chow Ting to repent and co-operate with the Police, be responsible for her own act and turn over a new leaf, before it is too late for regrets.