Sick remand person in custody dies in public hospital

     â€‹A sick 58-year-old male remand person in custody at Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre died in a public hospital today (December 5).
     The remand person in custody suffered from liver carcinoma. He required continuous medical care and follow-up treatment at the institution hospital and a public hospital. On November 18, he was sent to a public hospital for treatment due to physical discomfort. During hospitalisation, his condition deteriorated and he was certified dead at 8.06am today.
     The case has been reported to the Police. A death inquest will be held by the Coroner's Court.
     The person in custody was remanded for the offence of criminal intimidation in July 2023.

Labour Department to hold occupational health public talks

     The Labour Department (LD) will hold a public talk entitled "Occupational Health of Office Workers Series (III) More Exercise, Smart Work" on December 13 (Wednesday). The talk will introduce the benefits of exercise. Demonstrations and practice of workplace exercises will also be included.
     The talk will be given by the LD's occupational health nurse at 7.15pm at the Lecture Theatre of the Hong Kong Central Library, 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay.
     The LD will hold another talk, entitled "Infection Control in the Workplace" on December 15 (Friday). The talk, designed for employees who may come into contact with pathogenic bacteria and viruses in their workplace, will explain how micro-organisms enter human body and affect people's health. The concept of infection control in the workplace will also be covered.
     The talk will be given by the occupational health nurse at 3.30pm in the Occupational Safety and Health Training Centre of the LD, 13/F, KOLOUR Tsuen Wan I, 68 Chung On Street, Tsuen Wan.

     Both talks will be given in Cantonese. Admission is free but pre-registration is required. Interested participants can register online ( For enquiries, please call 2852 4040.

Two co-owners fined over $60,000 for not complying with removal order

     Two co-owners who failed to comply with a removal order issued under the Buildings Ordinance (BO) (Cap. 123) were convicted and fined over $60,000 in total at the Fanling Magistrates' Courts last week.

     The case involved an unauthorised roof top structure with an area of about 72 square metres on a village house at a lot in D.D.5, Tai Po. The uppermost floor and the roof are co-owned by two owners. As the unauthorised building works (UBWs) were carried out without prior approval and consent from the Buildings Department (BD), a removal order was served on the owners under section 24(1) of the BO.

     Failing to comply with the removal order, the owners were prosecuted by the BD and was fined $62,270 upon conviction at the Fanling Magistrates' Courts on November 28.

     A spokesman for the BD said today (December 5), "UBWs may lead to serious consequences. Owners must comply with removal orders without delay. The BD will continue to take enforcement action against owners who have failed to comply with removal orders, including instigation of prosecution, to ensure building safety."

     Failure to comply with a removal order without reasonable excuse is a serious offence under the BO. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $200,000 and one year's imprisonment, and a further fine of $20,000 for each day that the offence continues.  

Application for rental of market stalls at Sunlight Market in Tung Chung to open tomorrow

     The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) announced today (December 5) that rental of seven market stalls at Sunlight Market in Tung Chung will be open for application starting tomorrow (December 6).

     The FEHD spokesman said, "Sunlight Market, opened in March this year, is located at Fu Tung Street near Tung Chung Station. We introduced a new management model to strengthen the role of the service contractor in managing the market, with a view to enhancing business vibrancy and meeting the needs of the public. There are a total of seven market stalls, including one siu mei/lo mei stall, four vegetable stalls, one food-related dry goods stall and one other food-related wet goods stall, open for application from December 6 to 19."

     Applicants should be aged 18 or above and ordinarily reside in Hong Kong. Starting from tomorrow, application forms can be downloaded from the FEHD website ( or obtained at the District Environmental Hygiene Offices. The completed application form together with supporting documents shall be delivered at or before 6pm on December 19 by fax (2545 2964), email (, in person or by post to the Islands District Environmental Hygiene Office. Applicants can also fill in the online application form and submit the application online. Late applications will not be accepted.

     The priority order of eligible applicants in selecting a market stall for rental will be generated by open computer balloting. The date of ballot is scheduled for January 9, 2024. The result will be uploaded onto the FEHD website ( on the next day after the computer balloting for checking by the applicants. The FEHD will subsequently issue letters to notify successful applicants of the stall rental arrangements.

Red flag hoisted at Clear Water Bay Second Beach

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (December 5) that due to big waves, the red flag has been hoisted at Clear Water Bay Second Beach in Sai Kung District. Beachgoers are advised not to swim at the beach.