“Build a Better Community” gala to be held this Saturday

     To further promote the benefits brought by the improved district governance system and the reformed District Councils, as well as the importance of active participation in the District Council Election for building a better community, the Government will organise a large-scale outdoor concert, "Build a Better Community" gala, at Wonderland of the West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) between 7pm and 10pm this Saturday (December 9). The gala will be broadcast live jointly by the Television Broadcasts Limited, ViuTV, HOY TV, Phoenix Satellite Television, Radio Television Hong Kong, Metro Broadcast and Commercial Radio (in no particular order).
     At the same time, satellite sites will be set up at HarbourChill, Wan Chai Harbourfront, and the Amphitheatre at Sha Tin Park. In addition to telecasting the programme from the gala in West Kowloon, there will also be live performances and game booths for public enjoyment.
     Starting from 1pm tomorrow (December 6), the Home Affairs Department will distribute to members of the public a total of about 4 000 free tickets at 20 Home Affairs Enquiry Centres (see Annex) for the gala in West Kowloon.

     Members of the public may also obtain tickets for the satellite sites in the specific districts respectively at the Wan Chai Home Affairs Enquiry Centre (G/F, 2 O’Brien Road, Wan Chai) and the Sha Tin Home Affairs Enquiry Centre (G/F, Sha Tin Government Offices, 1 Sheung Wo Che Road, Sha Tin). About 300 tickets are available for each satellite site for public collection.
     Tickets are free. Each person may obtain a maximum of two tickets for each venue while stocks last. There will be no assigned seating, while seats are available first-come, first-served.
     In addition, the Hong Kong Tourism Board will also present the "Winter Harbourfront Pyrotechnics" at 8pm on December 9 at the waters off the harbourside of WKCD Art Park. At 9pm, a drone show comprising over 1 200 drones will also be staged at the waters southeast of the M+ museum of the WKCD. Members of the public may view these two performances along the promenade of the WKCD Art Park. These performances will also be broadcast live at the West Kowloon gala and the two satellite sites.

     A Government spokesman said, "The District Council Election on December 10 is the first large-scale territory-wide election being held after improving the district governance system and reforming the District Councils. It is of utmost significance to the wellbeing of every citizen, the harmony and stability of the community as well as the good governance of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In pursuit of building a better community and a better Hong Kong together, the Government again appeals to members of the public to proactively participate in the election by casting their vote on the polling day for their preferred candidate to serve the community and the public."

Transcript of remarks by CE at media session before ExCo (with video)

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, at a media session before the Executive Council meeting today (December 5):
Reporter: Good morning Mr Lee. The first question, regarding the case of Agnes Chow, can the Government confirm that a repentance letter and a trip to the Mainland were used as conditions for Chow to leave the city? How would the Government see criticisms about authorities bringing the measure adopted in the Mainland to Hong Kong? And would this be a new norm among national security law offenders? With regard to the District Council Election, the Government over the past week has been rolling out various measures to publicise the polls. Does it reflect the Government's concern over a potential low turnout over the race? And would you agree that if the turnout is indeed very low, it might affect the legitimacy of the polls? Thank you.
Chief Executive: The Hong Kong SAR (Special Administrative Region) Government will spare no effort in pursuing justice to bring fugitive offenders who are involved in endangering national security offences to justice. Agnes Chow, who was arrested by the Police for suspected involvement in the offence of collusion with a foreign country or with external elements to endanger national security, now that she has claimed to plan to jump bail and abscond from Hong Kong, the Police will do their utmost to pursue her to arrest her. Fugitives will be pursued for life unless they turn themselves in. I do not intend to talk about the details of the case because when the fugitive is arrested, the details of the case will become evidence of the case. I'll leave that to the law enforcement agencies.
     The fugitive’s blatant disregard of police bail terms, and absconding from bail, show that the fugitive is completely devoid of integrity. The attempt to put forward excuses and to deceive and win sympathy is a complete disgrace. It shows that the fugitive is a liar, a hypocrite. The Police’s attempt to give lenient treatment has resulted in complete deception. I believe those involved who tried to afford leniency must find this utterly disappointing. The Police will consolidate experience and ensure the effective protection of law and order, and fight any collusion with foreign forces and safeguard national security.
     I observe that some people in Hong Kong still underestimate the threat posed by foreign forces to national security. The fugitive this time is suspected of colluding with foreign countries or external forces to endanger national security. Those who committed a crime of collusion have become foreign agents. They have betrayed the trust of Hong Kong people. They have betrayed the interests of Hong Kong. Hong Kong people must not ignore the interference of foreign forces in Hong Kong. They do it for their own political interests. They have not stopped. Hong Kong must not forget the pain that we all had, despite the fact the wounds of the 2019 riots and violence have somehow healed, the pain should remain in our memory. Therefore, the legislative exercise for Article 23 of the Basic Law must proceed with our full strength. The legislative exercise will be completed next year to ensure that the Article 23 legislation that we then enact, together with the Hong Kong National Security Law, will form a solid national security legal system to improve the overall legal and enforcement mechanism to safeguard national security.
     As regards the election on the coming Sunday, December 10, it is an important election because District Council members will be serving those who live in that district. Each one of us lives in one of those 18 districts, so it is important for us to vote for the District Council candidate who you believe will do what you want him or her to do. It affects your personal wellbeing. It affects the environment. It will help building the right facilities for the district. It will facilitate communication between people of that district with the Government. It will help improving the environment. It will help the traffic. It will help how we buy things in the marketplace, and how obstructions can be cleared and where the hygiene standard meets our requirements. I encourage everybody to vote. The more people that come out to vote, the better. The quality of the election will be reflected by the quality of the candidates that will eventually be elected and come out to serve the district. We're talking about a whole process to ensure that we have the best quality for the people of Hong Kong. So in each step of the process, the voting, the counting of votes, the conduct of the actual voting on the day, and eventually, the performance of the elected council members will all count to show the quality of the election.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

EAC Chairman reminds electors to follow proper polling procedures in 2023 District Council Ordinary Election (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Electoral Affairs Commission:
     The Chairman of the Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC), Mr Justice David Lok, today (December 5) visited a mock polling station at the North Point Community Hall and called on electors to exercise their civil rights to vote and to follow proper voting procedures in the 2023 District Council Ordinary Election (DCOE) to be held this Sunday (December 10).
     Mr Justice Lok said, "The preparatory work for the District Council Election has reached the final stage. The EAC and the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) are making the final sprint to ensure a smooth polling and counting process. For the District Council geographical constituency (DCGC) election, 171 candidates will contest 88 seats in 44 constituencies. As for the District Committees constituency (DCC) election, 228 candidates will contest 176 seats in 18 constituencies."
     He reminded electors that they must bring their original Hong Kong identity (HKID) card to the designated polling station as specified on their poll card to vote. An elector may vote only at the polling station allocated to him/her. Electors who have yet to receive the poll card can log in to the Online Voter Information Enquiry System (vr.gov.hk) to check their elector status, as well as polling information such as the name and address of the designated polling station. They may also call the election hotline at 2891 1001 for enquiries.
     The mock polling station at the North Point Community Hall is one of four mock polling stations open for electors to familiarise themselves with the polling procedures for the DCOE. The other three are at the Kwun Tong Community Centre, the Tai Po Community Centre and the Tseng Choi Street Community Hall in Tuen Mun. The mock polling stations will be open from today until Friday (December 5 to 8). Today's opening hours are from 4pm to 8pm, and they will be open between noon and 8pm from tomorrow (December 6) until Friday. A hotline at 2967 0367 and a fax line at 2834 0934 have been set up to arrange appointments for group visits.
Polling stations and polling hours
     "The REO will set up over 600 DCGC ordinary polling stations (OPSs) for about 4.33 million registered electors to vote. The polling hours for the OPSs and the dedicated polling stations set up at police stations will be the same from 8.30am to 10.30pm. For the dedicated polling stations set up at penal institutions, for security reasons, the polling hours will be from 9am to 4pm for the imprisoned or remanded electors to vote," Mr Justice Lok said.
     "There will be one DCC polling station each in the 18 districts for about 2 500 DCC electors to vote. The polling hours for the DCC polling stations will be from 8.30am to 2.30pm," Mr Justice Lok added.
     "DCC electors should have received two poll cards with a prominent message printed on the DCC envelope of the poll cards, reminding them of the need to cast their DCC and DCGC votes at two different polling stations with different polling hours."
     To enable electors living on the Mainland or those who need to travel to and from the Mainland to cast their DCGC votes, the REO will set up four Near Boundary Polling Stations (NBPSs) at two secondary schools in the vicinity of Sheung Shui MTR Station. To cast their votes at the allocated NBPS at the specified timeslot on the polling day, electors are required to register through the online registration system in advance before the deadline of 6pm today. Upon successful registration, they will receive a notification of registration result sent by the REO via SMS and email (if applicable). Electors registered to vote at the NBPSs can ignore the polling station information printed on the poll card if they have received the notification of registration result sent to them by the REO via SMS and email (if applicable).
     Mr Justice Lok said that the voting arrangement is only applicable to DCGC electors but not DCC electors. DCC electors on the Mainland should plan their return trips to Hong Kong as early as possible so that they can cast their votes on the polling day.
Polling procedures
     "Most OPSs and DCC polling stations will make use of the Electronic Poll Register (EPR) system to issue ballot papers. The polling procedures are very simple. Electors will be instructed by the polling staff to one of the issuing desks after they enter the polling stations. Electors must show the original of their HKID cards and the polling staff will scan the elector's HKID card with an EPR tablet. The elector may check his/her name and partial HKID card number to ensure the accuracy of the issuance of ballot paper. The elector will then enter the voting compartment upon collection of the ballot paper," Mr Justice Lok said.
     "DCGC electors must use the chop provided by the polling stations to stamp a tick on the ballot paper in the circle opposite the name of the candidate of their choice by themselves, and then insert the unfolded ballot paper into the blue ballot box with the marked side facing down. Each elector can only stamp one tick on the ballot paper for one candidate of their choice (i.e. there can only be one tick marked on the ballot paper) or the ballot paper will be deemed as invalid.
     "For the DCCs, electors must use the black pen provided by the polling stations to fill in the ovals opposite the names of the candidates of their choice. Electors must vote for no more or no less than the number of vacancies for that DCC, otherwise the ballot paper will be deemed as invalid and will not be counted.
     "Ballot paper checking system will be set up at DCC polling stations for electors to check whether the number of candidates marked on the ballot paper is correct. The ballot paper checking system will neither record nor count the electors' choices on the ballot papers. Having checked the ballot paper, electors should insert the unfolded ballot paper into the white ballot box with the marked side facing down."
     To ensure that electors understand the polling procedures, the REO has produced a set of TV and radio Announcements in the Public Interest which have been uploaded onto the dedicated election website (www.elections.gov.hk) for electors' reference.
Queuing arrangements
     "Same for the public elections in recent years, two queues will be set up at the polling stations for this election. The special queue will be for persons aged 70 or above, pregnant women and persons with disabilities; while another one for the ordinary electors. Seats will be provided in the polling stations for any electors in need, and to join the queue afterwards for collecting their ballot papers," Mr Justice Lok said.
     On the polling day, electors can check the approximate waiting time of each OPS on the dedicated election website. Relevant signage will also be placed outside the polling stations for electors' reference. Depending on their schedule, electors can make their own arrangements to vote or choose to vote when fewer electors are waiting.
Points to note in the polling stations
     The ballot is autonomous and secret. Electors must mark their ballot papers on their own in the voting compartment. If in need, electors may ask for assistance from the polling staff. Electors must not disturb others during voting, nor use electronic communication devices, take photographs or make audio recordings or video in the polling stations. Canvassing, distribution of election advertisements or displaying propaganda materials are also prohibited inside polling stations.
Counting and result announcement
     For DCGCs, except for small polling stations and dedicated polling stations, polling stations will be converted into counting stations and counting will take place at the same venue.
     For DCCs, after the close of polls, the polling staff will ensure that the locked and sealed ballot boxes will not be interfered with, and the counting of votes will only commence until the close of polls for the DCGCs in order to avoid any possible impact to the election results for the DCGCs due to the early announcement of election results for the DCCs.
     "Members of the public, including the media, have the right to observe the count inside the public area of the counting station. Photographing and/or video-recording is also allowed in the public area of the counting station. A notice setting out the maximum capacity of the public area will be displayed outside each counting station," Mr Justice Lok said.
     The results will be uploaded onto the dedicated election website and published in the form of a press release.
Clean elections
     Mr Justice Lok reminded that according to the latest amendments to the Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap. 554), it is illegal conduct to incite any person not to vote, to cast a blank or invalid vote by any activity in public during an election; and it is corrupt conduct if a person willfully obstructs and prevents another person from voting at an election. In addition, the polling staff will report to law enforcement agencies if any person is suspected to have queued up repeatedly or used other ways to obstruct others from voting.
     For enquiries, please call the REO's hotline on 2891 1001 or visit the dedicated election website for more information on the election.

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Lifting and installation demonstration of MiC module at Housing Authority Anderson Road Quarry public housing site

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Housing Authority:
     The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) has all along been committed to adopting innovative construction technologies to enhance building efficiency and safety. The Anderson Road Quarry Site R2-7 public housing site is the first HA project to adopt the "Just-in-time" approach for installing Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) modules on site. The HA today (December 5) held a briefing and arranged a media visit to Site R2-7 to demonstrate the lifting and installation of a MiC module on site. The Secretary for Housing and Chairman of the HA, Ms Winnie Ho, and the Director of Housing, Miss Rosanna Law, also joined the visit.
     Upon completion, the 17-storey domestic block at Site R2-7 will provide over 400 subsidised sale flats. It is the first HA project to be completed by adopting MiC, and is targeted to be completed in the fourth quarter next year.
     Senior Architect of the Housing Department Mr John Lo said on the briefing that the HA has been continuously enhancing design and application of MiC. Site R2-7 adopted MiC 1.5 with enhanced structural design. The load-bearing capacity of the structural walls is higher than that of MiC 1.0, which helps increase housing production. In addition to the implementation of the "Just-in-time" approach, the enhanced MiC modules design strengthened the bracing structures to facilitate transportation and installation, thereby enhancing the overall construction efficiency. By adopting advanced connection methods jointly developed with research institutions, it is envisaged that the on-site installation procedure of MiC 2.0 will be further simplified with minimal limitations. Workers can complete installation of reinforcements without having to stay in between modules. This can further safeguard construction site safety, enhance construction efficiency and help the reduction of materials used and the reliance on on-site labour.
     The HA also emphasised the use of digital technologies to implement safe and smart site. Representative of the project contractor gave a briefing on the smart site management platform, which indicates the work progress, site safety monitoring information, real-time MiC modules tracking and installation progress, etc. This enables the HA and the contractor project team to closely monitor the construction progress and safety.
     A number of construction robots including a plastering robot, a painting and skim coat robot, a robotic welding arm, a material delivery and inspection robot, and Exo-skeleton were also displayed at the briefing. These advanced technologies can enhance construction quality, reduce construction time and labour-intensive processes and enhance occupational safety and health. They also help reduce waste and achieve environmentally friendly construction.
     The HA is committed to adopting innovative construction technologies, smart construction site and construction robots to enhance the speed, efficiency, quantity and quality of increasing public housing supply.

ACAD launches 13th-round funding exercise of Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme

The following is issued on behalf of the Advisory Committee on Arts Development:
     The Advisory Committee on Arts Development (ACAD) today (December 5) launched the 13th-round funding exercise under the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme (ACDFS).
     The ACDFS provides funding support for innovative and impactful proposals that contribute to four objectives, namely capacity development of arts practitioners, arts groups, art forms and/or the arts sector; programme/content development; audience building; and arts education. Over 170 successful applications have received funding in the previous 12 rounds to implement large-scale and cross-year arts and cultural initiatives that cover various art forms and practices including performing arts, visual/media arts, arts technology, multi-disciplinary arts, community arts, arts education/appreciation/promotion and arts administration.
     The assessment criteria for applications include artistic/professional merit, creativity and originality, impact on the arts sector and the community, technical feasibility of the proposed initiatives/activities, capacity in financial planning and management, and the management ability of the applicant and the project team.
     In the 13th-round funding exercise, the ACDFS will disburse a provision of approximately $50 million in the form of Springboard Grant and Project Grant.
     Springboard Grant is a matching grant, which requires applicants to demonstrate that they have secured or will secure the cash income for implementing the proposals that are designed to elevate the applicants to a higher level of professional operation with deliverables capable of contributing to all the four objectives of the ACDFS. Through the matching grant, the ACDFS wishes to cultivate a supportive culture for arts in the community and foster a tripartite partnership involving the Government, arts groups, and the private sector. In the 13th-round funding exercise, the minimum requirement of cash income solicited by the applicants for matching is $750,000, of which not less than $250,000 should come from non-government sponsorships and/or private donations. A 200 per cent matching grant up to a maximum amount of $4 million may be provided over a maximum of two years. Successful applicants with proven performance may apply for a second Springboard Grant up to a maximum amount of $5.5 million with a funding period of three years at most. Arts groups completing the second Springboard Grant would become Graduated Springboard Grantee, and would be eligible for applying for the Art Development Matching Grants Scheme to sustain their development.
     Project Grant is a direct grant intending to support proposals of high artistic/professional merit that fulfil one or more of the four objectives of the ACDFS. Project Grant provides successful applicants with funding support up to a ceiling of $3 million to organise large-scale and impactful projects, which may require a longer duration for implementation.
     The 13th-round funding exercise under the ACDFS is open for application from today and will close at 6pm on January 30, 2024. Applications can be submitted online, by post or by hand. The Guide to Application and relevant materials have been uploaded to the website of the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau (www.cstb.gov.hk). The Secretariat of the ACDFS will arrange two briefing sessions on December 12 and 22, at the Hong Kong Museum of Art and the Hong Kong Central Library respectively.  Representatives of the ACAD and successful applicants in previous rounds will attend to share experiences with potential applicants. Details can be found on the above website. The application results are expected to be released around July 2024.