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Housing Authority implements enhanced Marking Scheme for Estate Management Enforcement in Public Housing Estates

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Housing Authority:
     A spokesman for the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) said today (December 11) that the enhanced measures of the Marking Scheme for Estate Management Enforcement in Public Housing Estates endorsed earlier will take effect on December 18, 2023.
     The HA’s Subsidised Housing Committee endorsed on May 24, 2023, the implementation of measures to enhance the Marking Scheme by increasing penalty points for nine misdeed items related to environmental hygiene, public safety and serious breach of tenancy agreement; and widening the scope of two misdeed items related to environmental hygiene and/or serious breach of tenancy agreement. For the revised list of misdeeds under the Marking Scheme, please see the Annex.
     The penalty points of the following nine misdeed items will be increased:

  1. “Littering” – from five to seven;
  2. “Disposing of refuse indiscriminately” – from five to seven;
  3. “Allowing animal and livestock under charge to foul public places with faeces” – from five to seven;
  4. “Obstructing corridors or stairs with sundry items rendering cleansing difficult” – from five to seven;
  5. “Causing noise nuisance” – from five to seven;
  6. “Dumping or disposing of decoration debris indiscriminately at refuse collection point, within building or in other public areas” – from seven to 15;
  7. “Damaging down/sewage pipes causing leakage to the flat below” – from seven to 15, and the warning system will no longer be applicable; 
  8. “Damaging or stealing Housing Authority’s property” – from seven to 15; and
  9. “Using leased premises for illegal purpose” – from seven to 15.
     The scope of the following two misdeed items will be widened:
  1. “Refusing repair of leaking pipes or sanitary fittings responsible by the tenant” be amended to “Failure to repair pipes or sanitary fittings for which the tenant is responsible or to rectify unauthorised alterations as demanded by HA”; and
  2. “Illegal hawking of cooked food” be amended to “Illegal hawking of commodities or services; supplying, promoting, soliciting or advertising of commodities or services that is commercial in nature but without HA’s prior approval”. 

     If households of Public Rental Housing (PRH)/Interim Housing have been allotted 16 points within two years, the subject tenancy will be terminated. The households concerned will be barred from reapplying PRH within five years.
     The spokesman called on public housing tenants to maintain domestic and environmental hygiene in public housing estates, take good care of public facilities, and be neighbourly and friendly. “The HA will also step up publicity on the revised Marking Scheme and remind PRH households that they should be public-spirited and empathetic to their neighbours and build a better community together,” he said. read more

Automatic shipping water selling machine commences operation (with photo)

     To meet the water supply demand for ships, the Water Supplies Department (WSD) operates seven shipping water selling kiosks and has been supplying fresh water through private accounts for replenishing ships. To further enhance the service of selling fresh water to replenish ships, the WSD announced that a new automatic shipping water selling machine at the Tuen Mun Water Selling Kiosk commenced operation today (December 11).

     The automatic shipping water selling machine is the first public facility of the WSD that provides a 24-hour automatic water selling service, marking a new milestone for the automation of selling water to ships for better convenience of marine workers to replenish fresh water anytime. The machine accepts Octopus payments at this stage. Other electronic payment means will be added to facilitate procurement of fresh water by customers efficiently through various convenient means. Following the commissioning of the automatic shipping water selling machine at the Tuen Mun Water Selling Kiosk, the WSD will set up similar machines at other existing water selling kiosks located in A Kung Ngam, Causeway Bay, Sai Wan Ho, Western Hong Kong Island, Yau Ma Tei and Lai Chi Kok.

     The WSD has set up a designated web page (www.wsd.gov.hk/en/customer-services/other-customer-services/shipping-water-selling-machine/index.html) and uploaded a short video to illustrate the operating procedures of the machine. Customers can also call the WSD’s 24-hour Customer Enquiry Hotline 2824 5000 to inquire about the operation details. The link of the web page and the number of the hotline are shown on the machine.

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CE congratulates elected members of seventh District Council Election

     The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, today (December 11) congratulated all elected members of the seventh District Council Election. He said:
     “The seventh District Council Election concluded successfully. On behalf of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, I extend my congratulations to the 264 elected members of the election.
     “This District Council Election was the first large-scale territory-wide election held after improving the district governance system and reforming the District Councils (DCs), enabling DCs to return to their positioning as district advisory and service organisations in accordance with Article 97 of the Basic Law and fully implementing the principle of ‘patriots administering Hong Kong’. It is of utmost significance.
     “This was a high-quality election that met the objectives of being conducted in a fair, just, clean, safe and orderly manner overall, fully demonstrating an election culture of excellence and the superiority of the reformed DCs system. Over 1.19 million registered electors cast their votes in the election. The cumulative turnout rate in the District Council geographical constituencies was 27.54 per cent, and that of the District Committees constituencies was as high as 96.9 per cent. I thank every registered elector who has cast his or her vote. It shows that they are eager to choose an excellent DC member who would be devoted to serving the community and representing their views for building a better community together.
     “I express my gratitude to all the civil servants and public officers, including current and retired colleagues, who have participated in the organisation of this election, as well as the non-government personnel, who have provided assistance and services. I thank the officers of the disciplined services and the Independent Commission Against Corruption, who have maintained public order and enhanced deployment for preventing risks and ensuring the safe conduct of the election.
     “I also thank colleagues of all bureaux and departments as well as different organisations in the community for their participation in the promotion and publicity of the election. Their full dedication and efforts in encouraging the public to vote through multiple channels and creative means have significantly contributed to this election.
     “The atmosphere of the election was lively, with competition in all constituencies. Candidates were required to make every effort to canvass for votes, competing against one another over their vision, achievements and performance, and pragmatically solving problems for members of the public. The newly elected DC members come from different backgrounds, sectors, strata and professions, which will bring more comprehensive and diverse perspectives to district work and better meet the interests of citizens.
     “The new term of DCs will introduce a monitoring mechanism of DC members’ performance, enabling citizens to continuously monitor the performance of DC members during their term of office. This can ensure that every DC member under the new system delivers due diligence and meets public expectations, providing high-quality services to citizens.
     “The seventh-term DCs will be composed of the elected DC members from this election, as well as appointed members and ex-officio members. The Government will announce the list of appointed members as soon as possible.
     “I hope that the seventh-term DCs, after assuming office on January 1, 2024, will focus on district affairs and grasp the sentiments of the community. This will enable the Government to better keep tabs on the districts, facilitate the planning and promotion of district services that better meet the needs of citizens, and improve governance at the district level, enabling us all to build a better community and maintain the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong together.
     “I extend my gratitude to the Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC) and the Registration and Electoral Office for their enormous efforts, ensuring that the election was conducted in a fair, just, clean, safe and orderly manner. As regards the failure of the Electronic Poll Register system, I have required the EAC to establish a dedicated investigation group and provide a detailed account of the investigation in the report that the EAC is required to submit to the Chief Executive within three months in accordance with the Electoral Affairs Commission Ordinance, with a view to preventing a recurrence.”
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