Tag Archives: China


LegCo Panel on Environmental Affairs and Panel on Transport jointly visit Citybus Hydrogen Refuelling Station and hydrogen bus (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:
     The Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Environmental Affairs and Panel on Transport conducted a joint visit to the Citybus Hydrogen Refuelling Station and its hydrogen bus today (December 12) to understand the latest development in the adoption of clean energy in Hong Kong’s public transportation.
     Members first took a ride on Citybus’s electric double deck bus from the LegCo Complex to the bus company’s depot in West Kowloon. Upon arrival, Members received a briefing by the Citybus management on the company’s future development direction and its zero-emission transformation campaign. They noted that Citybus plans to operate a full fleet of zero-emission buses by 2045, with a view to supporting Hong Kong to achieve carbon neutrality.
     Members then observed Hong Kong’s first hydrogen refuelling station and the world’s first tri-axle hydrogen double deck bus. They understood that the hydrogen bus has been licensed by the Government and will commence service as early as January next year. The hydrogen bus can be refuelled in about 10 minutes and its driving range is sufficient to meet the daily operational needs of each bus, enabling it to operate on most routes. Meanwhile, Citybus’s second hydrogen refuelling station is in the pipeline and is expected to commence operation within next year.
     Before concluding the itinerary, Members took a test ride on the hydrogen bus to experience firsthand the environmental friendliness of the hydrogen-powered double-decker, which includes producing only water during the energy transformation process – effectively achieving zero emission.
     Members opined that the Government should put in place a legal framework for the production, storage, transportation and application of hydrogen energy as soon as possible, so as to promote the development of hydrogen transport and innovations in hydrogen technologies in Hong Kong.
     A total of 10 members and non-members of the Panel on Environmental Affairs and the Panel on Transport joined the visit.

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Acting SFST’s speech at MPF Symposium 2023 (English only) (with photo)

     Following is the keynote speech by the Acting Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Joseph Chan, at the MPF Symposium 2023 today (December 12):
Ayesha (Chairman of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA), Mrs Ayesha Macpherson Lau), Yan-chee (Managing Director and Executive Director of the MPFA, Mr Cheng Yan-chee), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good afternoon.
     It is my great pleasure to address you for the MPF Symposium 2023. This is a great platform where industry leaders gathered to exchange views on this symposium’s theme, the future of MPFTech.
     With the continuous effort of both the Government and the community over the past years, with the MPFA together, our MPF system maintains a steady progress and growth. As at end-September this year, there were over 4.6 million scheme members in the MPF system, involving over 11 million accounts, 404 constituent funds, and 26 schemes managed by 13 trustees, and some $80 billion contributions each year. Besides, the total MPF assets amounted to around $1,088 billion. Forty-three per cent of the assets were invested in equity funds, and 34 per cent in mixed assets funds. The net annualised internal rate of return since 2000 was 2.2 per cent, higher than the inflation rate over the same period of 1.8 per cent.
     Under a challenging economic environment and a highly volatile market, the MPF system recorded a negative return of 5.9 per cent in the financial year of 2022-23. Nonetheless, we must not lose sight of the design and objective of the MPF as a long-term savings and investment scheme in the overall framework of retirement protection. We should focus on the long-term investment returns, rather than investment performance in individual years or short-term market fluctuations. Indeed, the MPF system has recorded positive return in 14 years since its inception in 2000. Driven by the compounding effect and dollar cost averaging principles, the cost price of purchasing fund units will be evened out, mitigating the impact of short-term market fluctuations on long-term investment returns.
     A financially secured retirement is probably everyone’s ultimate goal after having worked diligently for almost half of their life. To enhance retirement savings of employees, driving fee reductions has always been one of the top priorities under the MPF system. We launched the fee-controlled Default Investment Strategy (DIS) back in 2017 with the feature of “automatic de-risking”, aiming to reduce the investment risks faced by members when they are approaching retirement age and suiting for long-term retirement savings investment. Looking into the development of DIS, around 28 per cent of MPF accounts have chosen DIS funds as at end-September this year.
     Over the years, the average fund expense ratio (FER), which reflects the level of MPF charges, has dropped by around 36 per cent from 2.1 per cent in 2007 to a new low of only 1.35 per cent at the end of September this year. In addition, 30 per cent of MPF constituent funds are now charging an FER of less than 1 per cent. We believe DIS has a positive effect in bringing down fees of other MPF funds. In addition, enhancement has been made on increasing the transparency of fees and costs of the MPF system to enable easy comparison by scheme members and increase market competition.
     The Government and the MPFA endeavour to improve the adequacy of the MPF System by diversifying MPF investment. Several measures on risk diversification and investment optimisation have been carried out in recent years. For instance, as earlier in 2012, we launched the “Employee Choice Arrangement”, commonly known as “MPF Semi-portability”, with a view to giving employees more autonomy in handling their MPF investment. In 2020, we included the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges in the list of “Approved Stock Exchanges” to facilitate MPF investment in China A-shares. In June last year, we added the Central People’s Government’s central bank and the three Mainland policy banks in the list of “exempt authority” to facilitate MPF investment in sovereign bonds and enhance investment rules. In November last year, we refined the approval criteria for new constituent funds to enhance requirements for coverage and diversification in relation to the existing range of constituent funds, and to encourage investment in single country equity funds and specialty funds (e.g. ESG-themed funds, sector funds).
     As announced in the 2023-24 Budget by the Financial Secretary, there are further initiatives in the pipeline to meet the growing aspirations for stable MPF funds. As an initial step, a certain proportion of the future issuances of government green bonds and infrastructure bonds will be earmarked for priority investment by MPF funds, thereby providing scheme members an additional investment option. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the MPFA are also looking into the establishment of an MPF fund with stable return at low cost.
     With the constant reviews and reform measures, we will continue to collaborate closely with stakeholders to promote market competition in the MPF industry, drive down fees, improve MPF investment choices and returns, and strengthen the scheme members’ selection and management of their own retirement benefits.
     Today’s theme is the future of MPFTech. Indeed, enhancement on technology is our key strategy echoing with the global trend and our expectation in boosting efficiency. The MPFA is pressing ahead with the development of the eMPF Platform, a centralised and integrated electronic platform to standardise, streamline and automate the administration processes of MPF schemes, thereby enhancing and revamping operational efficiency of the MPF system, reducing administration costs for millions of scheme members and improving user experience.
     We expect that the average MPF administration fee will reduce by around 30 per cent during the first two years of operation of the eMPF Platform, and will continue to drop steadily thereafter, with a view to achieving total cumulative cost savings of $30 to $40 billion for scheme members during the first 10 years of operation of the eMPF Platform. A drastic reduction in administrative burden that the industry could then redeploy its resources to other value-adding areas, such as optimising investment management and retirement planning services, for the benefit of scheme members.
     At the viewpoint of user experience, the eMPF Platform will serve as a one-stop shop for performing various MPF administration functions, ranging from accessing account details, switching funds, consolidating accounts, withdrawing MPF benefits, and comparing performance and expense of different MPF funds, etc.
     Paving the way for future reforms and evolution of the MPF system, we believe that with more accessible information, the eMPF Platform further connects employers, employees and MPF intermediaries, and drives healthy competition among MPF trustees in benefitting scheme members, as well as enhancing user experience and driving greater efficiency.
     With the phased implementation of the eMPF Platform, scheme members could manage their MPF accounts with greater convenience on a real-time, secure and paperless basis. As pledged in the Chief Executive’s 2023 Policy Address, we target to commence phased onboarding of MPF trustees to the Platform in early 2024 and achieve full implementation in 2025.
     Ladies and gentlemen, the Government and the MPFA will continue to develop and improve our MPF system for the retirement benefits of Hong Kong’s working population. Throughout the process, we will continue to work closely with you, market participants and industry stakeholders.
     On this note, I would like to thank all of you for your staunch support and ongoing contribution to Hong Kong’s future. I wish to express my gratitude to the MPFA for organising today’s symposium. I wish you all the best of health in the year to come. Thank you.

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Government promulgates Hong Kong Major Transport Infrastructure Development Blueprint (with photos)

     The Government promulgated the Hong Kong Major Transport Infrastructure Development Blueprint today (December 12) to formulate a planning framework for the city’s future transport infrastructure development and outline a forward-looking vision for strategic railway and major road networks, with a view to meeting Hong Kong’s long-term transport and logistics demand up to 2046 and beyond.

     The Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung, said, “The Government’s vision is to build a livable, competitive and sustainable Hong Kong through transport infrastructure-driven developments by adopting the planning principles of ‘infrastructure-led’ and ‘capacity-creating’. The Blueprint aims to ‘Drive Development’, ‘Strengthen Connection’ and ‘Improve Efficiency’ in order to cater for the public’s and visitors’ commuting demands as well as the city’s development needs. The Blueprint also promotes cross-boundary integration with the Mainland, particularly with other Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area cities and linking up with the world.”

     In 2020, the Government commenced the Strategic Studies on Railways and Major Roads beyond 2030 to conduct a comprehensive and objective analysis of the supply and demand of major transport infrastructure in Hong Kong. The Government has also held public forums and consulted various stakeholders. With new proposals recommended in addition to projects that are currently under planning, design and construction, the Blueprint has been formulated by organising and consolidating the Study’s findings.

     “Transport infrastructure projects involve huge public resources and have significant socio-economic impacts. We are grateful for the invaluable opinions provided by different sectors of the community throughout the Study. These insights have allowed us to tap into the collective wisdom and continuously improve the transport infrastructure network of Hong Kong. In progressively taking forward the relevant transport infrastructure projects, we will continue to actively engage various sectors of the community and promote the application and adoption of advanced technology, with a view to enabling the public to enjoy the convenience brought about by a more interconnected railway system and road network as early as possible,” Mr Lam said.

     The Blueprint has been uploaded to the website of the Transport and Logistics Bureau (www.tlb.gov.hk/eng/index.html).

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40th batch of applications approved for trials of green innovative transport technologies under New Energy Transport Fund

     â€‹The Environment and Ecology Bureau today (December 12) announced its approval of the 40th batch of applications for the trials of green innovative transport technologies under the New Energy Transport Fund.
     The 21 newly approved applications (see Annex) are for the trials of 10 electric taxis, six electric light goods vehicles, four electric medium goods vehicles and 12 electric single-deck buses, involving a total subsidy of about $27.9 million.
     To date, the latest approval brings the total number of trials being pursued under the Fund to 325 with the total subsidy amount of about $276 million. As at end-November 2023, a total of 171 approved trials under the Fund have been completed. Trial reports have been uploaded onto the Fund’s website.
     In view of the maturity in the development of electric light goods vehicles (van type), the Steering Committee of the Fund has discussed its way forward. After fully considering factors such as the number of the vehicles approved for trial under the Fund and the findings, the models available in the market and vehicle prices, the Steering Committee of the Fund confirmed to cease the trials for application for electric light goods vehicles (van type) after December 31, 2023. Moreover, the charging fee for the trial projects on e-taxi charging mode was also discussed by the Committee and members have provided valuable comments on the effectiveness and sustainability of operating the trial projects on electric taxis. The New Energy Transport Fund Secretariat will follow up with a view to finalising and announcing the proposal details in due course.
     The Government has put in place the Fund since March 2011 to subsidise the testing and encourage wider use of green innovative transport technologies for a variety of commercial transport tools including goods vehicles (including special purpose vehicles), taxis, light buses, buses, vessels, motorcycles, non-road vehicles (applicable to vehicle models approved by the Transport Department or the Airport Authority Hong Kong), or the aforesaid transport tools of charitable/non-profit making organisations providing services to their clients. The technologies to be subsidised include new energy vehicles or vessels, conversion of in-use conventional vehicles or vessels to new energy vehicles or vessels, and after-treatment emission reduction devices or fuel saving devices applicable to vehicles and vessels. Transport operators and charitable/non-profit making organisations may apply for trying out different green technology products subject to a maximum subsidy of $10 million for each application and a total of $12 million for each applicant.
     For more information on the Fund and the approved applications, please visit the website of the Fund (www.eeb.gov.hk/en/new-energy-transport-fund.html) or call the enquiry hotline on 2824 0022. read more

London ETO hosts winter gratitude gala reception in London (with photos)

     â€‹The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, London (London ETO) co-organised a winter gratitude gala reception with Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) in London, the United Kingdom (UK) on December 11 (London time), with a view to updating investors and potential investors about the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government’s determination and policy initiatives to attract businesses and talent, and to express appreciation for their support to the city over the past year.

     In his welcome remarks at the reception, the Director-General of the London ETO, Mr Gilford Law, pointed out that Hong Kong’s economy had rebounded from the pandemic. He said that attracting enterprises, investment and talent remained a key priority of the Hong Kong Government and that a new Capital Investment Entrant Scheme, under which eligible investors who make investments of HK$30 million (around 3 million British pounds) or above in assets excluding real estate can apply for entry into Hong Kong, would be rolled out.

     Mr Law also highlighted that the Government’s focus is to facilitate overseas enterprises to set up headquarters and/or corporate divisions in Hong Kong, and expatriates travelling to the Mainland on multiple-entry visas can enjoy priority visa processing. The visa validity is up to two years for foreign staff of companies registered in Hong Kong and up to five years for non-Chinese Hong Kong permanent residents.

     The Head of Business and Talent Attraction/Investment Promotion of InvestHK London Office, Ms Daisy Ip, encouraged business to set up in Hong Kong to make use of Hong Kong’s strategic advantage for accessing markets in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Mainland China, and the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) region. The city’s unique position, comprehensive network of free trade agreements, and business-friendly environment make it an ideal hub for companies seeking to expand their presence in these dynamic markets. Ms Ip reminded the audience on the many reasons why Hong Kong is still the ideal business destination for UK business, a simple and low tax system being one of them, “Hong Kong enjoys one of the most tax-friendly systems in the world. Only three direct taxes are imposed”, she said.

     Over 120 participants from the UK Government, and financial, innovation and technology and business sectors joined the reception.

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