Tag Archives: China


Speech by SJ at Law Society of Hong Kong’s Pro Bono and Community Service Award Presentation Ceremony 2023 (English only)

     Following is the speech by the Secretary for Justice, Mr Paul Lam, SC, at Law Society of Hong Kong’s Pro Bono and Community Service Award Presentation Ceremony 2023 today (December 13):

Chief Justice (Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal, Mr Andrew Cheung Kui-nung), President CM Chan (President of the Law Society of Hong Kong, Mr Chan Chak-ming), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     Good afternoon. It is my pleasure to join you on this very meaningful occasion. May I first express my congratulations and gratitude to all the awardees and the Law Society for your contributions to pro bono services and community work.
     As I have said in this year’s Ceremonial Opening of the Legal Year back in January, the maintenance of the common law system in Hong Kong is one of the most important features of the principle of “one country, two systems”. To maintain and promote the general public’s understanding, trust and confidence in our common law system is of utmost importance. To achieve this objective, we must strive to ensure that the rights guaranteed by Article 35 of the Basic Law, namely, that Hong Kong residents shall have right to access to the courts, and choice of lawyers for timely protection of their lawful rights and interests, can and will be effectively exercised.
     In this regard, the legal profession, as a major component of our legal system, has a vital and distinctive role to play. In addition to discharging your professional duties diligently and competently, your commitment to give back to society by performing pro bono legal services will certainly enhance access to justice. When some less privileged groups in the community need legal assistance but cannot afford to engage lawyers on their own, pro bono services can fill the gap of these needs.
     The provision of pro bono services and community work in Hong Kong not only counts on the support of lawyers and law firms but also the support of our aspiring law students. The continuing vibrancy of our legal profession definitely hinges on our future generations. In this connection, I am very pleased to see that the Law Society has added a Student Award this year, acknowledging the contribution of the younger members of our legal profession to pro bono services and community work. Exposure to pro bono and community work is beyond doubt a valuable experience to law students. Through participation in these services, students have a chance of meeting clients in real, providing legal assistance and witnessing its impact before they formally join the profession. Further, as students are not bound by billable targets, they may be in a better position to, for example, assist in legal research which could take quite some time. Students’ contributions are surely worthy of recognition and I am very glad that today their efforts are being acknowledged.
     The provision of legal aid and pro bono legal work may not serve their intended purposes unless people are aware of these services and how our legal system works in general. The Department of Justice is well aware of the importance of rule of law education, which has always been one of our top priorities.
     For sure, it is not always easy to explain the concepts of rule of law or our common law system to lay persons, in particular, young people in a way that they find interesting and easy to understand but at the same time fair, objective and accurate. In this aspect, we set up the Steering Committee on Rule of Law Education earlier this year, which is chaired by me, to explore means by which we may equip the right persons as competent tellers of true Hong Kong stories on the rule of law.

     Last month, we rolled out the first phase of the Rule of Law Education Train-the-Leaders Programme. The Programme aims to train leaders in various sectors of the community so that they can effectively promote consistent and correct messages relating to the rule of law to youths and the general public; and inspire others to develop better understanding and respect for the rule of law. With a focus on fundamental rule of law principles, the programme covers various topics such as the main characteristics and basic framework of our common law system, introduction to civil and criminal procedures, etc. It is worth mentioning that one of the topics is about the legal aid system in general in Hong Kong. And I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Mr C M Chan, President of the Law Society, for being one of our guest speakers on this very important issue.
     In closing, I would like to thank all the awardees again for offering your precious time and professional knowledge to the less privileged in our society. You have set a very good example for the legal profession and indeed our community at large. Lastly, noting that this marks the 14th anniversary of the Law Society Pro Bono and Community Service Award Presentation Ceremony, I would like to express my gratitude to the Law Society for their continuous effort in promoting the pro bono culture.
     As CJ has just mentioned, Christmas and New Year are approaching, may I also take this opportunity to wish you all a very joyful Christmas and a happy and healthy new year. Thank you very much. read more

HKSAR Government strongly disapproves of and firmly rejects issuing so-called “Prize for Human Rights and the Rule of Law” to Chow Hang-tung

     The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) today (December 13) expressed its strong disapproval of and firm opposition to the ministries of foreign affairs of France and Germany for issuing the so-called “Prize for Human Rights and the Rule of Law” to Chow Hang-tung, who was charged for suspicion of committing offences under the Hong Kong National Security Law (NSL).
     A spokesman for the HKSAR Government said, “Chow Hang-tung is facing a criminal prosecution of ‘incitement to subversion’ and the case has been committed to the Court of First Instance of the High Court awaiting trial. The judicial proceedings of the case are still ongoing, but the ministries of foreign affairs of France and Germany have issued the so-called prize to Chow Hang-tung in the name of ‘human rights’ and the ‘rule of law’, which is obviously contrary to the spirit of respecting the rule of law. The HKSAR Government strongly urges these foreign countries to respect the spirit of the rule of law, abide by the international law and basic norms that govern international relations, and immediately stop interfering in the affairs of Hong Kong.”
     “Hong Kong is a society underpinned by the rule of law and has always adhered to the principle that laws must be obeyed and lawbreakers held accountable, and is well recognised by international communities. The HKSAR law enforcement agencies take law enforcement actions based on evidence and strictly in accordance with the law against those who endanger national security. The Department of Justice of the HKSAR is in charge of criminal prosecutions under Article 63 of the Basic Law, with all prosecution decisions made based on an objective analysis of all admissible evidence and applicable laws. The Judiciary of the HKSAR exercises judicial power independently in accordance with the law, and everyone charged with a criminal offence has the right to a fair hearing,” the spokesman emphasised. 
     “Hong Kong residents have been enjoying the rights and freedoms under the Basic Law, the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance and other relevant laws. The NSL also clearly stipulates that human rights shall be respected and protected in safeguarding national security in the HKSAR, and the rights and freedoms that Hong Kong residents enjoy under the Basic Law, and the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as applied to Hong Kong, shall be protected in accordance with the law.
     “The HKSAR will continue to resolutely discharge the responsibility of safeguarding national security, effectively prevent, suppress and punish acts and activities that endanger national security in accordance with the law, and safeguard the rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong people in accordance with the law at the same time,” the spokesman reiterated. read more

Statement by LCSD

     There are recent online accusations by suspected overseas organisations and individuals that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has decided to abandon the Hong Kong Heritage Museum (HKHM), which will erase a larg… read more

SLW visits construction site to promote occupational safety (with photos)

     The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Chris Sun, and the Deputy Commissioner for Labour (Occupational Safety and Health), Mr Vincent Fung, visited a construction site today (December 13) to call on contractors, employers and workers to pay attention to work safety.

     The Labour Department (LD) attaches great importance to the occupational safety and health (OSH) of construction workers. In light of the recent spate of fatal and serious work accidents in the construction industry, the LD has set up Special Task Forces to conduct inspections and enforcement operations targeting construction sites (especially sites of new works and sites involving high-risk work processes) since late November to continue the efforts to vigorously combat unsafe work practices on construction sites.

     The Special Task Forces inspected more than 100 construction sites across the territory from November 29 to December 8 with more than 150 improvement notices/suspension notices issued, including the suspension of lifting operations involving cranes on two construction sites. About 120 prosecutions were also initiated, mainly involving work at height, lifting operation, personal protective equipment and electrical work.

     Mr Sun said, “The Government spares no effort in ensuring construction site safety through inspection and enforcement, publicity and promotion, as well as education and training. Not only the Government, employers and employees also have the responsibility to ensure OSH of construction workers. Everyone should take one step forward.”

     Mr Sun called on contractors and employers of the construction industry to take adequate safety measures and strengthen the safety management system of construction sites. Project managers, managerial staff and foremen of construction sites have to fully demonstrate the management’s commitment to OSH and take the lead to conduct inspections regularly to ensure adequate attention has been given to work safety and the formulated safety measures are in place. Workers also have to raise their safety awareness, bear in mind the safety knowledge from Green Card courses, remain vigilant at all times, protect their own safety at work, and cherish their lives and families.

     â€‹The LD will continue to conduct rigorous inspections and enforcement actions targeting construction sites, and will take actions pursuant to the law if there is any violation of OSH legislation. In addition, the LD is carrying out a new round of publicity work to disseminate OSH messages through different channels, reminding employers/employees not to contravene OSH legislation, as well as enhancing the safety awareness of workers and frontline supervisors and fostering OSH culture.

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CAD and AAHK host welcoming ceremony for aircraft C919 and ARJ21 (with photos/video)

     To receive the home-developed aircraft C919 and ARJ21 on their first visit to Hong Kong, the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) and Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) hosted a welcoming ceremony at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) this morning (December 13).

     Addressing the welcoming ceremony, Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, extended his heartfelt gratitude to the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) and the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd (COMAC) for arranging the visit of the aircraft C919 and ARJ21 to Hong Kong. Mr Lee was elated to receive the home-developed aircraft duo and pointed out that the first visit of the two domestic aircraft was a full manifestation of the country’s great importance bestowed upon the development of Hong Kong’s aviation industry as well as the city’s status as an international aviation hub. Mr Lee took pride in the participation of a Hong Kong CAD flight expert in the aircraft C919 certification process, and invited members of the public to witness the country’s extraordinary accomplishment in the civil aircraft manufacturing industry at both sides of Victoria Harbour this Saturday (December 16). 

     After his speech, Mr Lee joined other officiating guests including the Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Mr Zheng Yanxiong, and Deputy Administrator of the CAAC Mr Cui Xiaofeng to board and visit the aircraft C919. They were greeted by crew members from the COMAC inside the cabin and were briefed on the features of the airliner.

     The aircraft C919 and ARJ21 arrived at HKIA yesterday (December 12) and were received by a ceremonial water salute. For the next two days, the C919 and the ARJ21 will be on static display at HKIA. If weather permits, the C919 will conduct a flight demonstration over Victoria Harbour on Saturday (December 16) for members of the public to witness the C919’s first appearance over Hong Kong skies. 

     For more details regarding the visit of the C919 and the ARJ21, please refer to the following website:

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