Red flag hoisted at Clear Water Bay Second Beach

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (December 14) that due to big waves, the red flag has been hoisted at Clear Water Bay Second Beach in Sai Kung District. Beachgoers are advised not to swim at the beach.

Reminder of latest posting date for Christmas mail for local delivery

     â€‹Hongkong Post today (December 14) reminded members of the public that the latest posting date for Christmas mail for local delivery before Christmas Day is December 20 (Wednesday). Mail posted after this date might run the risk of not being delivered in time because of anticipated seasonal work pressure. Members of the public are advised to post as early as possible to avoid a last-minute rush.

People’s Bank of China to issue Renminbi Bills through Central Moneymarkets Unit of Hong Kong Monetary Authority

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The People's Bank of China (PBOC) will issue Renminbi Bills through the Central Moneymarkets Unit of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA). Please find attached the tender notice and the tender information memorandum of the Renminbi Bills to be issued by the PBOC. Please also find attached the tender-related information provided by the Issuing and Lodging Agent through the HKMA.

Joint publicity efforts by CAD and Police to promote Small Unmanned Aircraft Order (with photos)

     To enhance the safety awareness of the public and tourists of small unmanned aircraft (SUA) operations, the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) conducted a joint publicity event with the Police today (December 13) at both sides of Victoria Harbour and in the vicinity of the Peak. By distributing leaflets and displaying promotional banners, members of the public were briefed on relevant requirements under the SUA Order, as well as restricted flying zones (RFZs) in the vicinity of the two spots.

     To facilitate the flight demonstration of home-grown aircraft C919 this Saturday (December 16), the CAD will establish a temporary RFZ in and around Victoria Harbour. Flying activities, such as the flying of unmanned aircraft systems (drones and model aircraft), will be restricted. The CAD will announce details of the temporary RFZ on the electronic portal for small unmanned aircraft "eSUA".

     Commenced on June 1, 2022, the SUA Order (Cap. 448G) regulates SUA operations under a risk-based approach which takes into account the weight of the SUA and the operational risk level. If a person commits an offence under the SUA Order, the person is liable to a maximum fine of $100,000 and imprisonment for two years upon conviction.

Photo  Photo  

CHP investigates case of Legionnaires’ disease in hospital

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) today (December 13) announced the further investigation results of a Legionnaires' disease (LD) case reported by the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Medical Centre on November 15. The case is suspected to be a possible nosocomial infection at this stage.

     The 71-year-old male patient was admitted to the CUHK Medical Centre from October 14 to November 4. He was hospitalised again on November 12 due to fever, diarrhoea, and shortness of breath. His condition deteriorated and he eventually succumbed on November 19.

     As the patient had stayed at the hospital for over three weeks prior to the onset of symptoms, the CHP had by that time immediately advised the hospital to suspend the water supply system of the concerned cubicle and conduct disinfection, and had collected samples at the hospital with the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department on November 16. Upon laboratory testing by the Public Health Laboratory Services Branch (PHLSB) of the CHP, eight out of 12 water samples tested positive for Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 antigen (Lp1), with levels from 0.4 to 60.7 colony-forming units per millilitre (cfu/ml). One out of four environmental swabs tested positive. Genetic sequence revealed that the sample of the patient has the same sequence type as the water sample.

     The case is suspected to be a possible nosocomial infection at this stage taking into account of the length of staying at the hospital of the patient, onset date and environmental test results.

     The CHP has provided health and medical surveillance advice to the CUHK Medical Centre. The CHP also requested the hospital to trace patients who have been admitted to the concerned ward and cubicle during October 14 to November 16. For those who have stayed at the CUHK Medical Centre during that period of time, if present with pneumonia symptoms, they should seek medical attention as soon as possible and alert doctors the relevant situation. The CHP will maintain close liaison with CUHK Medical Centre to continue its close monitor of the implementation of the measures and epidemiological investigations.

     A spokesman for the CHP said that, "Legionellae are found in various environmental settings and grow well in warm water (20 to 45 degrees Celsius). They can be found in aqueous environments such as water tanks, hot and cold water systems, cooling towers, whirlpools and spas, water fountains and home apparatus that support breathing. People may become infected when they breathe in contaminated droplets (aerosols) and mist generated by artificial water systems, or when handling garden soil, compost and potting mixes."

     â€‹The public may visit the CHP's LD page, the Code of Practice for Prevention of LD and the Housekeeping Guidelines for Cold and Hot Water Systems for Building Management of the Prevention of LD Committee, and the CHP's risk-based strategy for prevention and control of LD.