United Nations Sanctions (Central African Republic) Regulation 2020 (Amendment) Regulation 2023 gazetted

     The Government today (December 15) gazetted the United Nations Sanctions (Central African Republic) Regulation 2020 (Amendment) Regulation 2023 (the Amendment Regulation), which came into operation today.
      "The Amendment Regulation amends the United Nations Sanctions (Central African Republic) Regulation 2020 to give effect to certain decisions relating to sanctions in the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 2664 and 2693 in respect of the Central African Republic," a Government spokesman said.
     The amendments renew the financial sanctions, travel ban and arms-related sanctions, and reflect the latest exemption arrangements in respect of an asset freeze and arms-related sanctions.

CE to go on duty visit to Beijing

     The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, will pay a duty visit to Beijing from December 17 to 20 to brief state leaders on the latest economic, social and political situations in Hong Kong. The Director of the Chief Executive's Office, Ms Carol Yip, and the Private Secretary to the Chief Executive, Mr Kevin Choi, will join the visit.
     During Mr Lee's absence, the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, will be the Acting Chief Executive.

OGCIO to expand Analyst/Programmer II recruitment to students graduating in 2025

     The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) launched the 2023/24 recruitment exercise for appointment as Analyst/Programmer II today (December 15). The deadline for submitting applications is 6pm on January 5, 2024 (Hong Kong time). The recruitment is open to all permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region who meet the relevant entry requirements.

     Students pursuing a bachelor's degree in information technology or equivalent and graduating in the year of 2024 or 2025 may also apply. If selected, appointment will be subject to, among others, the attainment of requisite academic qualification in the year of 2024 or 2025. Details of the entry requirements and recruitment exercise for appointment as Analyst/Programmer II are available for access on the website of Civil Service Bureau (CSB) at www.csb.gov.hk/english/recruit/7.html.

     Applicants may make online applications directly or download the application form (G.F. 340 (Rev. 7/2023)) through the CSB's website. The form is also available at the Home Affairs Enquiry Centres of the Home Affairs Department or the Job Centres of the Employment Services Division of the Labour Department. Applicants must submit the supporting documents of qualification on or before 6pm on January 12, 2024 (Hong Kong time).

     For enquiry, please send it to the Appointments Section of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer at 12/F, Treasury Building, No. 3 Tonkin Street West, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, or call 3847 7387, or e-mail to appts@ogcio.gov.hk.

2023 Implementation Rules for Amending the Implementation Rules for Article 43 of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazetted

     The Chief Executive, in conjunction with the Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Committee), has exercised the power given under Article 43 of the National Security Law to make the 2023 Implementation Rules for Amending the Implementation Rules for Article 43 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Amendment Rules). The Amendment Rules were gazetted today (December 15) and took effect on the same day.

     Under Schedule 3 to the Implementation Rules for Article 43 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Implementation Rules), the Secretary for Security may issue a freezing notice to freeze offence related property. The freezing notices serve the following purposes:

1. to preserve the property in question so that a confiscation or forfeiture order may be obtained (and enforced) in the future;
2. to prevent the use of the property in question in financing or assisting any offence endangering national security; and
3. to prevent any dealing with the property in a manner which may prejudice on-going investigation or proceedings concerning an offence endangering national security.

     The validity period of a freezing notice must not exceed two years, and the Court may only grant an extension if the investigation of the offence endangering national security could not reasonably have been completed before the expiry of the validity period of the freezing notice. The Implementation Rules have not clearly specified whether the validity period of a freezing notice can be extended before conclusion of the related proceedings (especially proceedings of criminal prosecutions).

     The Implementation Rules, as amended, have put it beyond doubt that a freezing notice issued under Schedule 3 is valid while the proceedings to which it relates are pending and remains so until the conclusion of the proceedings. The amendments reflect the aforementioned purposes of the freezing notice regime, and can more effectively avoid the national security risks arising from improper dealing with offence related property by the defendants of cases concerning offences endangering national security before conclusion of the proceedings. The detailed provisions of the Amendment Rules can be accessed via this website.

     "The amendments are technical in nature and the scope of the proposed amendments is extremely narrow: it only aims at making clear provisions in respect of the validity period of freezing notice, without changing the basis or principle for issuing such notice. If the related proceedings are not yet concluded, it is only natural that the notices should remain valid in the meantime. Hence, the amendments are a matter of necessity, with a view to enabling the HKSAR Government to continue to effectively prevent and suppress acts and activities endangering national security," the Government spokesman said.

     The Government spokesman also pointed out that "after the amendment, the property right of the suspects and defendants of cases concerning offences endangering national security remains protected in accordance with the law. Same as the prevailing arrangement, persons affected by the freezing notices may apply to the Court of First Instance for the revocation of the notices or for the grant of a licence or variation of a licence for dealing with the property under the Implementation Rules. The licence regime already provides a balance between the prevention and suppression of acts or activities endangering national security and the protection of property right."

     Article 43 of the National Security Law stipulates the various measures that law enforcement authorities of the HKSAR may take in handling cases concerning offence endangering national security. The Chief Executive is authorised, in conjunction with the Committee, to make relevant implementation rules for the purpose of applying the measures under Article 43. The Implementation Rules first made by the Chief Executive in conjunction with the Committee took effect on July 7 2020.

Special traffic arrangements during Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo

     Police will implement special traffic arrangements in Causeway Bay and Tin Hau to facilitate the holding of the Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo in Victoria Park from December 16, 2023 to January 8, 2024.

A.    Road Closure

     Depending on the traffic and crowd conditions, the following road closures may be implemented partially or at the same time from 4pm to 10pm daily between December 16, 2023 and January 8, 2024, except for vehicles with permit:

– Southbound Gloucester Road between Kingston Street and
Causeway Road; and
– Sugar Street.

– Northbound Gloucester Road between Kingston Street and
Causeway Road, except for northbound traffic from Tai Hang Road Flyover; and
– Sugar Street.

– Great George Street;
– Paterson Street between Kingston Street and Great George Street; and
– Westbound Kingston Street between northbound Gloucester Road and Paterson Street.

– Cleveland Street;
– Kingston Street; and
– Paterson Street between westbound Gloucester Road and Kingston Street.

– Hing Fat Street will be intermittently closed, except for franchised buses and green minibuses;
– Electric Road between Yacht Street and Hing Fat Street will be intermittently closed, except for taxis and vehicles accessing Park Towers;
– Lau Li Street between Hing Fat Street and Ngan Mok Street will be intermittently closed; and
– The lay-by at northbound Hing Fat Street near Tsing Fung Street.

B. Traffic Diversions

     In connection with the above-mentioned road closure arrangements, the following traffic diversions may be implemented partially or at the same time:

– Traffic along Victoria Park Road Flyover will be diverted to westbound Gloucester Road; and
– Traffic along eastbound Yee Wo Street cannot enter Sugar Street.

– Traffic along northbound Tai Hang Road Flyover cannot turn left to westbound Kingston Street; and
– Traffic along eastbound Yee Wo Street cannot enter Sugar Street.

– Traffic along southbound Paterson Street will be diverted to eastbound Kingston Street; and
– Traffic along southbound Cleveland Street will be diverted to eastbound Kingston Street.

Traffic along westbound Gloucester Road cannot enter Cleveland Street and Paterson Street.

Traffic along Causeway Road cannot enter Hing Fat Street.

C. Implementation of Pedestrianisation

     During the holding of the above event, the following roads will be pedestrianised daily from 4pm to midnight on weekdays, and from noon to midnight on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays:

– Lockhart Road east of Cannon Street;
– East Point Road; and
– Great George Street west of Paterson Street.

D. Suspension of parking spaces

     The Hing Fat Street public car park (except the disabled parking spaces) will be suspended during the following periods, except for vehicles with permit:

– From 8am to 8.59pm daily between December 13 and 15, 2023; – From 8am to 7.59pm daily between December 16, 2023 and January 7, 2024;
– From 8am to 11.59pm on January 8, 2024; and
– From 8am to 8.59pm daily on January 9, 2024.
     During the road closure period, vehicles may not be allowed to access or leave car parks at Great George Street and Park Lane Hotel.

     Vehicles found illegally parked within the precincts mentioned above will be towed away without prior warning, and may be subject to multiple ticketing.

     Actual implementation of the traffic arrangements will be made depending on traffic and crowd conditions in the area. Motorists are advised to exercise tolerance and patience and take heed of instructions of the Police on site.