20 persons arrested during anti-illegal worker operations (with photos)

     The Immigration Department (ImmD) mounted a series of territory-wide anti-illegal worker operations codenamed "Twilight", and joint operations with the Hong Kong Police Force codenamed "Champion" and "Windsand", for four consecutive days from December 11 to yesterday (December 14). A total of 14 suspected illegal workers, five suspected employers and one suspected aider and abettor were arrested.
     During the anti-illegal worker operations, ImmD Task Force officers raided 16 target locations including an exhibition hall, guesthouses, premises under renovation, restaurants and a vegetable stall. Ten suspected illegal workers, five suspected employers and one suspected aider and abettor were arrested. The arrested suspected illegal workers comprised six men and four women, aged 26 to 50. Among them, one man and two women were holders of recognisance forms, which prohibit them from taking any employment. In addition, one man and one woman were suspected of using and being in possession of a Hong Kong identity card related to another person and using and being in possession of a forged Hong Kong identity card respectively. Three men and two women, aged 34 to 56, were suspected of employing the illegal workers and were also arrested. Among them, one man was also suspected of transferring his Hong Kong identity card to another person without a reasonable excuse. One man, aged 40, who was suspected of aiding and abetting a person who breached the condition of his stay in Hong Kong, was also arrested.

     During operation "Champion", enforcement officers raided 28 target locations in the Western district. Three suspected illegal workers were arrested. The arrested suspected illegal workers comprised one man and two women, aged 37 to 43. Two women were holders of recognisance forms, which prohibits them from taking any employment.

     Furthermore, during operation "Windsand", one male Mainland visitor, aged 38, was arrested for breaching his condition of stay by being involved in suspected parallel trading activities at San Wan Road in Sheung Shui district. The goods mainly included cosmetics products and electronic devices.
     An ImmD spokesman said, "Any person who contravenes a condition of stay in force in respect of him or her shall be guilty of an offence. Also, visitors are not allowed to take employment in Hong Kong, whether paid or unpaid, without the permission of the Director of Immigration. Offenders are liable to prosecution and upon conviction face a maximum fine of $50,000 and up to two years' imprisonment. Aiders and abettors are also liable to prosecution and penalties."
     The spokesman warned, "As stipulated in section 38AA of the Immigration Ordinance, an illegal immigrant, a person who is the subject of a removal order or a deportation order, an overstayer or a person who was refused permission to land is prohibited from taking any employment, whether paid or unpaid, or establishing or joining in any business. Offenders are liable upon conviction to a maximum fine of $50,000 and up to three years' imprisonment. Under the prevailing laws, it is an offence to use or possess a forged Hong Kong identity card or a Hong Kong identity card related to another person, or to transfer an identity card to another person without lawful authority or reasonable excuse. Offenders are liable to prosecution and upon conviction face a maximum fine of $100,000 and up to 10 years' imprisonment."
     The spokesman reiterated that it is a serious offence to employ people who are not lawfully employable. Under the Immigration Ordinance, the maximum penalty for an employer employing a person who is not lawfully employable, i.e. an illegal immigrant, a person who is the subject of a removal order or a deportation order, an overstayer or a person who was refused permission to land, has been significantly increased from a fine of $350,000 and three years' imprisonment to a fine of $500,000 and 10 years' imprisonment to reflect the gravity of such offences. The director, manager, secretary, partner, etc, of the company concerned may also bear criminal liability. The High Court has laid down sentencing guidelines that the employer of an illegal worker should be given an immediate custodial sentence.
     According to the court sentencing, employers must take all practicable steps to determine whether a person is lawfully employable prior to employment. Apart from inspecting a prospective employee's identity card, the employer has the explicit duty to make enquiries regarding the person and ensure that the answers would not cast any reasonable doubt concerning the lawful employability of the person. The court will not accept failure to do so as a defence in proceedings. It is also an offence if an employer fails to inspect the job seeker's valid travel document if the job seeker does not have a Hong Kong permanent identity card. Offenders are liable upon conviction to a maximum fine of $150,000 and to imprisonment for one year. In that connection, the spokesman would like to remind all employers not to defy the law by employing illegal workers. The ImmD will continue to take resolute enforcement action to combat such offences.
     Under the existing mechanism, the ImmD will, as a standard procedure, conduct an initial screening of vulnerable persons, including illegal workers, illegal immigrants, sex workers and foreign domestic helpers, who are arrested during any operation with a view to ascertaining whether they are trafficking in persons (TIP) victims. When any TIP indicator is revealed in the initial screening, the ImmD officers will conduct a full debriefing and identification by using a standardised checklist to ascertain the presence of TIP elements, such as threats and coercion in the recruitment phase and the nature of exploitation. Identified TIP victims will be provided with various forms of support and assistance, including urgent intervention, medical services, counselling, shelter or temporary accommodation and other supporting services. The ImmD calls on TIP victims to report crimes to the relevant departments immediately.

Photo  Photo  

HKO and SCHSA remind public to get ready for winter (with photo)

     The Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) and the Senior Citizen Home Safety Association (SCHSA) held a joint press conference today (December 15) to remind the public that the local weather will become appreciably cold tomorrow (December 16) and the temperatures will remain on the low side in the morning and at night in the following few days. The public should take appropriate precautions to keep warm.
     The Acting Assistant Director of the HKO, Mr Cheng Yuen-chung, said at the press conference, "A cold front is expected to move across the coast of southern China tomorrow morning. As the winds strengthen from the north, temperatures will fall appreciably with a few rain patches. The weather will be cold on Saturday night and Sunday morning with temperatures down to around 12 degrees in the urban areas, and a few degrees lower in the New Territories. It will remain rather cool in the morning and at night in the following couple of days. Under the influence of a dry monsoon replenishment, the weather will turn cold again and become fine midweek next week with relatively large temperature difference between day and night. The public, especially the elderly, persons with chronic medical conditions, or those planning for outdoor activities, should pay attention to the changing weather and take appropriate precautions in advance."
     The Chief Executive Officer of the SCHSA, Ms Maura Wong, said, "We noted that following the resumption of normalcy, there has been a significant surge of over 30 per cent in the number of elderly individuals being sent to hospitals due to influenza symptoms. As we are approaching the first winter after the resumption of normalcy, both the elderly and their family members are advised to be more health-conscious. The SCHSA urges the elderly to keep warm and stay safe against temperature drop, and to receive seasonal influenza vaccination as early as possible for better protection. If they feel unwell, they should seek medical advice or help through the "Care-On-Call" service promptly. We should also take the initiative to show our care for the elderly, particularly the elderly singletons and elderly doubletons, understand their current life and health situations, and provide timely assistance."
     The HKO has been closely collaborating with the SCHSA over the years to promote the use of weather information for taking better care of the elderly. The HKO regularly provides weather information to the SCHSA. When Hong Kong is expected to be affected by cold, dry or very hot weather, the SCHSA will send special weather voice reminders to the elderly to take early precautions through the "Care-On-Call" service. Looking into the future, both parties will continue their collaboration to enhance weather and health care services for the elderly.
     The public can obtain the latest weather forecast and the nine-day weather forecast via the HKO's Dial-a-Weather service at 1878 200 or mobile app "MyObservatory", or through the HKO's website at the following links:
     Weather forecast: www.weather.gov.hk/en/wxinfo/currwx/flw.htm
     Nine-day weather forecast: www.weather.gov.hk/en/wxinfo/currwx/fnd.htm


Special traffic arrangements for Hong Kong Streetathon 2023

     Police will implement special traffic arrangements in Hong Kong Island North, Kowloon East and Tseung Kwan O to facilitate the Hong Kong Streetathon 2023 this Sunday (December 17).

Road Closure and Traffic Diversion

     The following road closure and traffic diversion arrangements will be implemented by phases on December 17, except for vehicles with permit:

Phase 1A (from 1am to 8.30am)

    The following roads will be closed:

– Eastbound Yiu Sing Street between Man Yiu Street and Lung Wo Road;
– Eastbound Lung Wo Road between Man Yiu Street and Expo Drive East; and
– Eastbound Expo Drive between Lung Wo Road and Expo Drive East.

    The following traffic diversion will be implemented:

    Traffic along Man Po Street, Man Cheung Street or Man Yiu Street heading for Admiralty and Wan Chai North will be diverted via Connaught Place, Connaught Road Central and Harcourt Road.

Phase 1B (from 1am to 9am)

    The following roads will be closed:

– Eastbound Central-Wan Chai Bypass Tunnel;
– Eastbound Island Eastern Corridor between Victoria Park Road and Tung Hei Road;
– Eastern Harbour Crossing (Kowloon bound tube); and
– The slip roads leading from Hing Fat Street, Man Hong Street, Eastern Harbour Crossing and Taikoo Wan Road to eastbound Island Eastern Corridor.

    The following traffic diversions will be implemented:

– Traffic along Connaught Road Central flyover heading for Wan Chai North and North Point will be diverted via Man Po Street, Man Yiu Street, Connaught Place, Connaught Road Central, Harcourt Road, Gloucester Road and Victoria Park Road;
– Traffic along Man Kat Street heading for Wan Chai North and North Point will be diverted via Connaught Road Central, Harcourt Road, Gloucester Road and Victoria Park Road;
– After the reopening of eastbound Lung Wo Road, traffic along eastbound Lung Wo Road heading for North Point will be diverted via Hung Hing Road, Hung Hing Road Flyover and Victoria Park Road;
– Traffic along Victoria Park Road or Hing Fat Street via Island Eastern Corridor heading for Chai Wan will be diverted via Gordon Road, Electric Road, Java Road, King's Road, Shau Kei Wan Road, Tai Hong Street, Tai On Street, Oi Kan Road, Oi Yin Street, Oi Lai Street and Tung Hei Road towards eastbound Island Eastern Corridor;
– Traffic along Victoria Park Road or Hing Fat Street via Island Eastern Corridor heading for Eastern Harbour Crossing (Kowloon bound) will be diverted via Gordon Road, Electric Road, Java Road, King's Road, Kornhill Road Flyover and eastbound Hong On Street towards westbound Island Eastern Corridor;
– Traffic along Man Hong Street or Taikoo Wan Road via Island Eastern Corridor heading for Chai Wan will be diverted via King's Road, Shau Kei Wan Road, Tai Hong Street, Tai On Street, Oi Kan Road, Oi Yin Street, Oi Lai Street and Tung Hei Road towards eastbound Island Eastern Corridor;
– Traffic along Man Hong Street via Island Eastern Corridor heading for Eastern Harbour Crossing (Kowloon bound) will be diverted via Java Road, King's Road, Kornhill Road Flyover and eastbound Hong On Street towards westbound Island Eastern Corridor; and
– Traffic along Eastern Harbour Crossing heading for Eastern District will be diverted via westbound Island Eastern Corridor, Man Hong Street, Java Road and King’s Road.

    A section of southbound Wai Yip Street near south of Siu Yip Street will be subject to a speed limit of 50 kilometres per hour.

Phase 2A (from 1.30am to 11am)

    The following roads will be closed:

– Eastbound Sheung Yee Road between Wang Hoi Road and Wai Yip Street;
– Southbound Wang Hoi Road between Wang Yuen Street and Sheung Yee Road;
– Sheung Yuet Road between Wai Yip Street and Wang Hoi Road;
– Kai Lok Street (part of the southern section) between Wang Chiu Road and Kai Yip Road; and
–  Siu Yip Street between Wai Yip Street and Tai Yip Street.

    The following traffic diversions will be implemented:

– Traffic along eastbound Sheung Yee Road, eastbound Sheung Yuet Road or northbound Wang Chiu Road heading for northbound Wai Yip Street will be diverted via northbound Wang Chiu Road and eastbound Kai Cheung Road;
– Traffic along southbound Wang Chiu Road heading for northbound Wai Yip Street will be diverted via Sheung Yee Road, Wang Hoi Road, Lam Hing Street, northbound Wang Kwong Road and eastbound Kai Cheung Road;
– Traffic along southbound Wang Hoi Road heading for northbound Wai Yip Street will be diverted via Wang Yuen Street, southbound Wang Tai Road, Sheung Yee Road, northbound Wang Hoi Road, Lam Hing Street, northbound Wang Kwong Road and eastbound Kai Cheung Road;
– Traffic along northbound Wai Yip Street heading for Sheung Yuet Road will be diverted via Kai Cheung Road, southbound Wang Chiu Road, eastbound Lam Fung Street, northbound Wang Tai Road, Wang Yuen Street and northbound Wang Hoi Road; and
– Traffic along southbound Wai Yip Street heading for Siu Yip Street will be diverted via Tai Yip Street.

Phase 2B (from 1.30am to noon)

    The following roads will be closed:

– Westbound Kai Fuk Road between Kwun Tong Road Flyover and Kai Tak Tunnel;
– All slip roads connecting westbound Kai Fuk Road;
– Westbound Kai Tak Tunnel;
– Westbound East Kowloon Corridor between Kai Tak Tunnel and San Shan Road; and
– Eastbound San Shan Road between East Kowloon Corridor and To Kwa Wan Road.

    The following traffic diversions will be implemented:

– Traffic along westbound Kwun Tong Road heading for Kai Cheung Road will be diverted via Lai Yip Street and westbound Wai Yip Street;
– Traffic along westbound Kwun Tong Road or westbound Wai Yip Street heading for To Kwa Wan or Tsim Sha Tsui will be diverted via Kwun Tong Road, Prince Edward Road East and Ma Tau Chung Road;
– Traffic along westbound Wai Yip Street via Kai Fuk Road heading for eastbound Kai Cheung Road will be diverted via westbound Kai Cheung Road, southbound Kai Fuk Road, northbound Wang Kwong Road and eastbound Kai Cheung Road;
– Traffic along eastbound Wai Yip Street via Kai Fuk Road heading for Kai Cheung Road will be diverted via How Ming Street, westbound Hung To Road, southbound Lai Yip Street and westbound Wai Yip Street;
– Traffic along eastbound Wai Yip Street heading for To Kwa Wan or Tsim Sha Tsui will be diverted via northbound Lai Yip Street, Kwun Tong Road, Prince Edward Road East and Ma Tau Chung Road;
– Traffic along westbound Kwun Tong Bypass heading for Kai Cheung Road will be diverted via Wang Chiu Road, westbound Sheung Yuet Road and northbound Wang Kwong Road;
– Traffic along westbound Kwun Tong Bypass heading for To Kwa Wan or Tsim Sha Tsui will be diverted via Prince Edward Road East and Ma Tau Chung Road;
– Traffic along westbound Kai Cheung Road heading for To Kwa Wan will be diverted via Kai Fuk Road, northbound Wang Kwong Road, Kai Shun Road, Kai Shing Street and westbound Shing Kai Road; and
– Traffic along westbound Kai Cheung Road heading for Tsim Sha Tsui will be diverted via Kai Fuk Road, northbound Wang Kwong Road, eastbound Kai Cheung Road, northbound Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong Road, Prince Edward Road East, Ma Tau Chung Road, Ma Tau Wai Road and Chatham Road North.

Phase 2C (from 1.30am to 12.30pm)

    The following roads will be closed:

– Eastbound Kwun Tong Bypass between the slip road of Kwun Tong Bypass connecting westbound Prince Edward Road East and the slip road of northbound Wai Fat Road connecting Kwun Tong Bypass;
– The slip road leading from eastbound Prince Edward Road East to westbound Kwun Tong Bypass; and
– The slip roads leading from eastbound Prince Edward Road East, eastbound Kai Fuk Road and southbound Wang Chiu Road to eastbound Kwun Tong Bypass.

    The following traffic diversions will be implemented:

– Traffic along Tate's Cairn Tunnel heading for Kwun Tong and Tseung Kwan O will be diverted via eastbound Prince Edward Road East, Kwun Tong Road, Wai Yip Street and Wai Fat Road;
– Traffic along eastbound Prince Edward Road East heading for Tate's Cairn Tunnel will be diverted via eastbound Prince Edward Road East and westbound Lung Cheung Road;
– Traffic along eastbound Prince Edward Road East heading for Kwun Tong and Tseung Kwan O will be diverted via Kwun Tong Road, Wai Yip Street and Wai Fat Road;
– Traffic along eastbound Kai Fuk Road heading for Kwun Tong and Tseung Kwan O will be diverted via Kai Fuk Road Flyover, Wai Yip Street and Wai Fat Road; and
– Traffic along southbound Wang Chiu Road heading for Kwun Tong and Tseung Kwan O will be diverted via eastbound Sheung Yee Road, Sheung Yee Road Flyover, Ngau Tau Kok Road, Elegance Road, Kwun Tong Road and Lei Yue Mun Road.

Phase 2D (from 1.30am to 1pm)

    The following roads will be closed:

– Westbound Sheung Yee Road between Wai Yip Street and Wang Chiu Road;
– Cheung Yip Street between Sheung Yee Road and Hoi Bun Road;
– Tsui Hing Street;
– Hoi Bun Road between Kai Hing Road and Tsun Yip Street;
– Eastbound Hoi Bun Road between Cheung Yip Street and Kai Hing Road;
– Hung Yip Street;
– Shun Yip Street;
– Lai Yip Street between Hoi Bun Road and Wai Yip Street; and
– How Ming Street between Hoi Bun Road and Wai Yip Street.

    The following traffic diversions will be implemented:

– Traffic along northbound Wai Yip Street heading for Sheung Yee Road will be diverted via Kai Cheung Road and southbound Wang Chiu Road;
– Traffic along southbound Wang Chiu Road heading for Kwun Tong will be diverted via Sheung Yee Road, Sheung Yee Road Flyover and Ngau Tau Kok Road;
– Traffic along northbound Cheung Yip Street or Kai Hing Road heading for Kwun Tong will be diverted via Wang Chiu Road, Sheung Yee Road, Sheung Yee Road Flyover and Ngau Tau Kok Road; and
– Traffic along Kei Yip Street or southbound Lai Yip Street heading for Kowloon Bay will be diverted via westbound Wai Yip Street, Kai Cheung Road and southbound Wang Chiu Road.

Phase 3A (from 2.30am to 11am)

    The following road will be closed:

    Eastbound Wan O Road between Tseung Lam Highway and Wan Po Road.

    The following traffic diversion will be implemented:

   Traffic from LOHAS Park heading for Tseung Lam Highway will be diverted via southbound Wan Po Road, westbound Wan O Road and Tseung Lam Highway.

Phase 3B (from 2.30am to noon)

    The following roads will be closed:

– Eastbound Tseung Lam Highway between Lam Tin Interchange and Wan O Road; and
– The slip roads leading from Cha Kwo Ling Road and Eastern Harbour Crossing (Kowloon bound) to eastbound Tseung Lam Highway.

    The following traffic diversions will be implemented:

– Traffic along westbound Cha Kwo Ling Road heading for Tseung Kwan O will be diverted via Yau Tong Road, westbound Lei Yue Mun Road, Tseung Kwan O Road, Tseung Kwan O Tunnel and Tseung Kwan O Tunnel Road;
– Traffic along Eastern Harbour Crossing (Kowloon bound) heading for Tseung Kwan O will be diverted via westbound Lei Yue Mun Road, Tseung Kwan O Road, Tseung Kwan O Tunnel and Tseung Kwan O Tunnel Road;
– Traffic along eastbound Chui Ling Road or southbound Po Shun Road heading for LOHAS Park will be diverted via eastbound Po Yap Road and Wan Po Road; and
– Traffic along westbound Po Yap Road heading for LOHAS Park will be diverted via Tseung Lam Highway, Tong Yin Street, eastbound Po Yap Road and Wan Po Road.

Phase 3C (from 2.30am to 12.30pm)

    The following road will be closed:

    Cha Kwo Ling Road between Wai Yip Street and Lam Tin Interchange.

    The following traffic diversions will be implemented:

– Traffic along eastbound Wai Yip Street heading for Yau Tong or Tseung Kwan O will be diverted via northbound Wai Fat Road and Kwun Tong Bypass;
– Traffic along southbound Cha Kwo Ling Road heading for Yau Tong or Tseung Kwan O will be diverted via westbound Wai Yip Street, northbound Wai Fat Road and Kwun Tong Bypass;
– Traffic along westbound Cha Kwo Ling Road heading for Kwun Tong or Laguna City will be diverted via Yau Tong Road and westbound Lei Yue Mun Road; and
– Traffic along Tseung Lam Highway heading for Kwun Tong or Laguna City will be diverted via eastbound Cha Kwo Ling Road, Yau Tong Road and westbound Lei Yue Mun Road.

    Vehicles exceeding 10 metres in length will be prohibited from entering eastbound Wai Yip Street at south of Cha Kwo Ling Road.

Phase 4 (from 3am to noon)

    The following roads will be closed:

– Southbound East Kowloon Corridor between San Shan Road and Chatham Road North; and
–  Westbound San Shan Road between To Kwa Wan Road and East Kowloon Corridor.

    The following traffic diversions will be implemented:

– Traffic along southbound To Kwa Wan Road or westbound San Ma Tau Street heading for Chatham Road North will be diverted via To Kwa Wan Road, Ma Tau Wai Road, Gillies Avenue North and Hok Yuen Street; and
– Traffic along northbound To Kwa Wan Road heading for Chatham Road North will be diverted to turn right and make a U-turn at San Ma Tau Street, via southbound To Kwa Wan Road, Ma Tau Wai Road, Gillies Avenue North and Hok Yuen Street towards
Chatham Road North.

Phase 5 (from 4.30am to 11.45am)

    The following road will be closed:

    The slip roads leading from southbound Wai Fat Road and Wai Yip Street to Kwun Tong Bypass.

    The following traffic diversions will be implemented:

– Traffic along southbound Wai Fat Road heading for Kowloon Bay and Sha Tin will be diverted via Wai Yip Street; and
– Traffic along eastbound Wai Yip Street heading for Kowloon Bay and Sha Tin will be diverted via Wai Fat Road, Cha Kwo Ling Road, Lei Yue Mun Road and Kwun Tong Road.

Suspension of parking spaces

– 85 metered parking spaces at Hing Fat Street Public Car Park (metered parking spaces No.1604 to 1629 and 1641 to 1657), motorcycle parking spaces and disabled parking spaces will be suspended from 8pm on December 16 to 8am on December 17;
– Three metered parking spaces on Expo Drive (metered parking spaces No. 3794A and 3795) will be suspended from 8pm on December 16 to 8.30am on December 17;
– 20 metered parking spaces on Kai Lok Street (metered parking spaces No. 12493 to 12496, 12498 to 12499 and 12501 to 12506) and disabled parking spaces will be suspended from 8pm on December 16 to 11am on December 17; and
– 42 metered parking spaces on Hoi Bun Road (metered parking spaces No. 12461, 12462 and 12701 to 12720), truck parking spaces, motorcycle parking spaces and disabled parking spaces will be suspended from 8pm on December 16 to 1pm on December 17.

     All vehicles parked illegally during the implementation of the above special traffic arrangements will be towed away without prior warning, and may be subject to multiple ticketing.  

     Actual implementation of traffic arrangements will be made depending on traffic and crowd conditions in the areas. Members of the public are advised to exercise tolerance and patience and take heed of instructions of the Police on site.

Progressive marketisation of EV charging services in government car parks

     Environmental Protection Department (EPD) today (December 15) announced that in order to promote market participation in providing electric vehicle (EV) charging services, the Government will progressively marketise the EV charging services in existing government car parks starting from the end of this year, and the operators will charge the users of the EV charging services. The first phase of implementation will be in the Kwai Fong and Kennedy Town Car Parks.

     The free EV charging services in the Kwai Fong and Kennedy Town Car Parks will end on December 28 and 29, 2023 respectively, and the operators will immediately proceed with the upgrading of the EV chargers for the payment system. The details of the implementation schedule of fee-paying EV charging services is set out below:

Government car park
(No. of EV medium chargers)
Address Date and time for termination of free EV charging services Date and time for implementation of fee-paying EV charging services EV charging fee
Kwai Fong Car Park
(Total: 94)
19 Kwai Yi Road,
Kwai Chung
December 28, 2023
December 28, 2023
starting from 8pm
Kennedy Town Car Park
(Total: 59)
12 Rock Hill Street, Kennedy Town December 29, 2023
December 29, 2023
starting from 8pm

     An EPD spokesperson stated that the marketisation of charging services will help expedite the expansion of the EV charging network and better cater for market needs. Under the principle of marketisation, the EV charging fees approved by the EPD in the above car parks are to be determined by the awarded operators, taking into account the prevailing market rates of EV medium charging services in the same district. The fee-charging services for the some 1 400 EV medium chargers located in the remaining 72 government car parks will be implemented progressively. It is anticipated that the marketisation of the EV charging services will be completed by mid-2024.

     Regarding the implementation schedule and fee level of the EV charging services in the respective government car parks mentioned above, the EPD will release the latest information to the public in a timely manner through different channels, including the EPD's webpage on Promotion of EV (www.epd.gov.hk/epd/english/environmentinhk/air/promotion_ev/promotion_ev.html), the "EV-Charging Easy" mobile application and notices posted at the relevant car parks.

     The spokesperson added, "The Government announced the Hong Kong Roadmap on Popularisation of Electric Vehicles in March 2021, planning to have EV charging fees imposed in government public car parks starting from 2025 so as to marketise the EV charging services and promote their sustainable development in the long run. To expedite the pace of marketisation, the Government has advanced the marketisation of the EV charging services in government car parks progressively starting from the end of 2023. The Government will continue to actively promote the expansion of the EV charging network with the aim of increasing the number of public and private parking spaces with charging infrastructure to about 200 000 by mid-2027."

Stay away from drugs when celebrating festive season locally or outside Hong Kong

     The Narcotics Division (ND) of the Security Bureau reminds the public to stay away from drugs at all times when travelling outside Hong Kong or participating in activities and gatherings locally as the festive season is approaching. In addition, members of the public should pay attention to product labels when shopping online or in-store, and should not buy products that may contain drugs.
     When travelling outside Hong Kong, members of the public need to stay vigilant and avoid drug traps when trying new things. Food and drinks, or even health supplements and skincare products such as facial masks, massage oils, etc, may contain dangerous drugs. Products that are marked with the words "CBD", "THC", "cannabis", "cannabinoids", "ganja", "hemp extracts" or "marijuana", or with a picture of a cannabis leaf, may contain substances that are illegal in Hong Kong or prohibited for transit at the airport. If in doubt, travellers should not risk consumption of these products or bring them back to Hong Kong, so as not to breach the law inadvertently.
     During the festive shopping season, shoppers should pay careful attention to product labels when shopping online or in-store for themselves or for gifts to friends and family. They should not buy products that may contain drugs, especially those with cannabidiol (CBD) as an ingredient. CBD has been listed as a dangerous drug since February 1, 2023. Information and a video about examples of CBD products have been uploaded onto the ND's dedicated webpage about CBD (www.nd.gov.hk/en/CBD.html) for reference by the public.
     When joining social gatherings locally to celebrate Christmas and New Year, one should never try drugs out of curiosity, even if they are offered for free. The ND will step up anti-drug promotions in public transportation networks, cinemas, mobile applications and different websites during the festive season to deepen the public's understanding of the harmful effects of drugs, especially cocaine and cannabis.
     The Chairman of the Action Committee Against Narcotics, Dr Donald Li, said, "I wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy New Year, and a drug-free holiday with beloved family members and friends." He also took the opportunity to remind that, "Regardless of the type and quantity, drugs will ruin your body and mind, and affect your lives and the ones of your family members. We must firmly say 'No' to drugs when facing temptations during the holiday season."
     Furthermore, located on the roof floor of the Low Block of the Queensway Government Offices, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Drug InfoCentre (HKJC DIC) is open as usual throughout the Christmas and New Year period. For more information about the HKJC DIC, please visit its website (www.druginfocentre.hk/en/index.html) or the ND's official pages (search "narcotics.divisionhk") on Facebook and Instagram. The ND has also issued an animated post on the pages to offer tips on how to avoid drug traps when celebrating the festive season (www.facebook.com/narcotics.divisionhk/videos/875349634316091/).