Hong Kong Customs teams up with Mainland and Macao Customs to combat cross-boundary counterfeit goods transshipment activities (with photo)

     Hong Kong Customs conducted a 12-day joint operation with Mainland and Macao Customs from December 4 to 15 to combat cross-boundary counterfeiting activities among the three places and with goods destined for overseas countries. During the operation, Hong Kong Customs seized about 14 000 items of suspected counterfeit goods with an estimated market value of about $5.4 million.
     During the operation, the three Customs administrations stepped up inspection of goods across the three places and destined for North America, Europe, South East Asia as well as other countries and regions to effectively curb cross-boundary counterfeit goods transshipment activities. The suspected counterfeit goods seized by Hong Kong Customs included handbags, mobile phones and accessories, clothes and footwear.
     This is the third joint operation by the three Customs administrations this year. Hong Kong Customs has seized a total of about 51 000 items of suspected counterfeit goods with an estimated market value of about $25.5 million in these operations.
     Hong Kong Customs will continue to work closely with Mainland Customs, Macao Customs and overseas law enforcement agencies to combat cross-boundary counterfeit goods transshipping activities vigorously through intelligence exchanges and joint enforcement actions.
     Under the Trade Descriptions Ordinance, any person who imports or exports any goods with any forged trademark commits an offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $500,000 and imprisonment for five years.
     Members of the public may report any suspected counterfeiting activities to Customs' 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account (crimereport@customs.gov.hk) or online form (eform.cefs.gov.hk/form/ced002/).


Results of EKCC’s Venue Partnership Scheme and Artist-in-Residence Pilot Scheme announced

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (December 18) the selection results of the Venue Partnership Scheme and Artist-in-Residence Pilot Scheme of the East Kowloon Cultural Centre (EKCC).
     Both schemes will run for two years from April 2024 to March 2026. The venue partners and artist-in-residence and the corresponding facilities in the EKCC are as follows:

The Theatre Dimension Plus (Venue Partner)
Reframe Theatre Company Limited (Venue Partner)
The Turns Ivanhoe Chun-ho Lam (Artist-in-Residence)
The Beats Hong Kong Jazz Academy Limited (Venue Partner)

     As an incubator for the development of arts and technology, the EKCC is committed to promoting arts technology, it will support artistic creation by arts practitioners and technology professionals so as to identify new emerging trends in the arts, and seize the opportunities that come with innovation and technology.
     Both the Venue Partnership Scheme and Artist-in-Residence Pilot Scheme are arts development initiatives, aiming to foster partnerships between the EKCC, arts groups, arts organisations and individual artists with the objectives of enhancing the artistic image and character of the venue and its partner, enlarging the audience base, optimising the usage of facilities, developing venue-based marketing strategies, promoting arts in the community and encouraging community involvement in arts development.

Coin Collection Programme

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) today (December 18) announced a new service schedule of the two Coin Carts under the Coin Collection Programme, for the period of January 15, 2024, up to March 24, 2024. The schedule and other details of the Programme are shown on the HKMA webpage (coincollection.hkma.gov.hk).
     Since the launch of the Programme in October 2014 up to 30 November 2023, the two Coin Carts had carried out 1,150,000 transactions, collecting 905 million coins with a total face value of HK$1,421 million during the period. The collected coins are re-circulated to meet demand.
     The Coin Carts provide service at locations that are convenient to the public without affecting the normal flow of traffic and pedestrians. Locations that have suitable power supply facilities, such as the Leisure and Cultural Services Department mobile library service locations, are preferred so as to reduce the need for using the Coin Carts’ own stand-by generators. This makes the Programme more environmentally friendly. In selecting the service locations, the HKMA has taken into consideration comments and suggestions given by district councils and members of public; and has consulted the Transport Department and the Hong Kong Police Force as necessary.
     The two Coin Carts collect coins from members of public in the 18 districts of Hong Kong on a rotating basis. Under normal circumstances each Coin Cart will stay at a location for a week, subject to availability of the parking space and the maintenance schedule of the Cart. Service hours are from 10am to 7pm. Each vehicle is equipped with two coin counting machines and operational staff will be present to provide assistance. An electrical wheelchair lift is available for use. Users can choose to exchange coins for banknotes or adding value to their stored value facilities, such as Octopus Cards or e-wallets (including AlipayHK, Octopus Wallet, Tap&Go, TNG Wallet and WeChat Pay). There is also a Community Chest donation box inside each vehicle. The coin collection service is free of charge.
     The HKMA will review the Programme from time to time; and will regularly update the service schedule to give advance notice to the public.

Second Phase Opening-up of Sha Tau Kok starts from January 1 next year (with photos)

     The Second Phase Opening-up of Sha Tau Kok will begin on January 1 next year. Initially, up to 1 000 tourists per day will be allowed to visit all parts of Sha Tau Kok, except Chung Ying Street, after applying online for a Closed Area Permit (CAP), allowing more people to learn about the history, culture, and natural geological features of Sha Tau Kok and nearby outlying islands, and promoting cultural and eco-tourism.
     The daily tourist quota includes 700 tour group visitors and 300 individual tourists. Travel agencies or tourists can log onto the Hong Kong Police Force Online Applications Platform (www.es.police.gov.hk) to apply for a free electronic Tourism CAP on a first-come, first-served basis. Hong Kong residents or visitors to Hong Kong can both apply and visit Sha Tau Kok from 7am to 9pm on the date they have applied for. The application process takes three working days. The quota for January is now open for application. Subsequently, applications will be open on the first day of each month for all the quotas in the following month. Tourists may also contact licensed travel agents directly to sign up for tours visiting Sha Tau Kok, and licensed travel agents will handle the relevant application procedures.
     The Second Phase Opening-up of Sha Tau Kok features a number of new attractions, including the Chung Ying Street Garden, which is situated in front of the Chung Ying Street Checkpoint, where visitors will find a viewing deck overlooking Chung Ying Street and a replica of an old railway station in Hong Kong as well as a model actual-size locomotive. The Fish Lantern Square also displays scenes of the national intangible cultural heritage "Sha Tau Kok fish-lantern dance", where visitors can immerse themselves in colourful fish lantern installations and feel the unique charm of traditional culture.
     Other special attractions include the old Sha Tau Kok Fire Station, which still retains its former appearance, with the replica of a century-old fire-fighting hand cart being displayed from time to time; the mural paintings at Shun Ping Street depicting traditional cultural activities in Sha Tau Kok, and more, which are full of the unique history and culture of the district. Tourists can also go to the Sha Tau Kok Post Office to buy Sha Tau Kok specialty postcards and stamp them with the post office's unique postal chops. They can also visit the longest pier in Hong Kong, Sha Tau Kok Pier, and the largest remaining Guangzhou-style arcade complex in Hong Kong, "San Lau Street", as well as the statutory monument Hip Tin Temple, and more. Visitors can also relish Sha Tau Kok's traditional or special cuisine, and learn about the different facets of Sha Tau Kok.
     The Hong Kong Tourism Board has launched a thematic website (www.discoverhongkong.com/tc/explore/discover-sha-tau-kok.html) to introduce the "Top 10 attractions", "Top 10 delicacies" and "Top 10 cultural attractions" of Sha Tau Kok to allow visitors and locals to explore its new offerings.
     Individual tourists visiting Sha Tau Kok are required to take public transport to Sha Tau Kok. Access of private vehicles is not allowed. Tourists may take the following transport:
(1) Bus route Nos. 78S (express) or 78K at MTR Sheung Shui Station or Fanling Station;
(2) Minibus route No. 55K at MTR Sheung Shui Station and get off at the terminal; or
(3) Bus route No. 277A at MTR Lam Tin Station.
     Some of the above bus routes only run at specific times. The Transport Department will issue traffic notices to announce details of public transport services. The bus company will also update its website for passengers to check the relevant information.

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Red flag hoisted at Clear Water Bay Second Beach

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (December 18) that due to big waves, the red flag has been hoisted at Clear Water Bay Second Beach in Sai Kung District. Beachgoers are advised not to swim at the beach.