Tag Archives: China


Government welcomes publication of annual report of Process Review Panel for the Securities and Futures Commission

     The Government today (December 19) welcomed the publication of the annual report of the Process Review Panel (PRP) for the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), which covers the work of the PRP in 2022-23.
     A spokesman for the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau said, “The PRP has conducted a comprehensive review of the internal processes and operational procedures of the SFC. Through reviewing selected cases concerning enforcement, licensing and supervision of intermediaries, etc, the PRP has made a number of observations and recommendations that are conducive to the fair and consistent exercise of the regulatory powers by the SFC. We would like to express our gratitude to the PRP Chairman, Mr Lawrence Lee, and the PRP members for their diligent efforts in enhancing the transparency and accountability of the SFC.”
     The PRP is an independent panel established by the Chief Executive to review and advise the SFC on the adequacy of the SFC’s internal procedures and operational guidelines, and to determine whether the SFC has followed its internal procedures for ensuring fairness and consistency.
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LegCo Panel on Manpower visits Construction Sector Imported Labour Quarters (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:
     The Legislative Council Panel on Manpower visited the Construction Sector Imported Labour Quarters (the Quarters) in Tam Mi, Yuen Long, today (December 19) to better understand the Quarters’ daily management and operating arrangements.
     Members first took a coach ride to observe the overall environment of the Quarters. They then received a briefing on the overview of the Quarters by the Executive Director of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), Mr Albert Cheng. Members noted that the Development Bureau had commissioned CIC to convert and operate the Quarters, which was formerly a community isolation facility. The Quarters commenced operation in October this year. There are a total of 1 800 units to accommodate up to 7 000 workers under the Labour Importation Scheme for the Construction Sector.
     Accompanied by the Acting Secretary for Development, Mr David Lam, Members then visited the Quarters’ dormitory unit, and toured facilities such as laundry rooms, pantries, toilets and bathrooms. Members also learnt that the imported workers travelled between the Quarters and construction sites point-to-point by shuttle buses arranged by their employers, and the travel would be completed before the morning rush hour started. Transportation on non-working days for imported labourers would also be arranged in batches at different time slots as necessary in order to minimise the impact on neighbouring communities.
     Before concluding the visit, Members exchanged views with some imported workers to gain a deeper understanding on their work and daily lives in Hong Kong and the support they required. Members suggested stepping up the promotion of information on occupational safety and health, as well as employees’ rights to imported workers while strengthening the provision of support measures to them.
     Members who participated in the visit were the Chairman of the Panel, Mr Luk Chung-hung; the Deputy Chairman, Mr Lam Chun-sing; and Panel members Mr Kwok Wai-keung, Mr Chau Siu-chung, Mr Dennis Leung, Mr Kingsley Wong and Dr Ngan Man-yu.

Photo  Photo  Photo  Photo  
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Process Review Panel for the SFC publishes annual report

     The Process Review Panel (PRP) for the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) today (December 19) published its annual report covering the work of the PRP in 2022-23.

     The PRP Chairman, Mr Lawrence Lee, said, “In 2022-23, the PRP reviewed 60 completed or closed cases in different areas of the work of the SFC. The PRP made a number of observations and recommendations to the SFC for its consideration, which will be conducive to the SFC’s enhancement of procedures and guidelines.”

     “We are thankful to the SFC for its co-operation and support in facilitating the work of the PRP, as well as its positive response to the PRP’s recommendations,” he added.

     The annual report has been uploaded to the website of the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (www.fstb.gov.hk/fsb/en/business/prp/afsreport.html).

     The PRP welcomes views of the market participants and the public on the PRP’s work. They may express their views by sending emails to the PRP (prp@fstb.gov.hk).
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