Tag Archives: China


Hong Kong Customs special operation combats use of counterfeit devices by beauty parlours to provide beauty and slimming treatments (with photo)

     Hong Kong Customs today (December 20) mounted a special operation to combat the use of counterfeit devices by beauty parlours to provide beauty and slimming treatments. Six suspected counterfeit beauty and slimming devices with an estimated market value of about $360,000 were seized at four beauty parlours. Five persons were arrested.
     Customs earlier received information alleging that suspected counterfeit devices were being used by beauty parlours to provide beauty and slimming treatments for customers. After an in-depth investigation and with the assistance of the trademark owner, Customs officers took enforcement action and raided four beauty parlours in Mong Kok, Lai Chi Kok, Tsuen Wan and Shek Mun today. Six suspected counterfeit beauty and slimming devices were seized at the beauty parlours.
     During the operation, five women aged between 32 and 49 were arrested for being suspected of contravening the Trade Descriptions Ordinance. One of them is a shop owner and four are beauticians. An investigation is ongoing and the likelihood of further arrests is not ruled out.
     With the Christmas and New Year holidays approaching, Customs will continue to take stringent law enforcement action and collaborate with relevant trademark owners to closely monitor the market situation with a view to fighting against the use of counterfeit goods for the purpose of trade before and during the holidays.
     Customs reminds traders to be cautious and prudent in merchandising since possession of counterfeit goods for any purpose of trade is a serious crime and offenders are liable to criminal sanctions. Consumers are also reminded to make purchases at reputable shops and to check with the trademark owners or their authorised agents if the authenticity of a product is in doubt.
     Under the Ordinance, any person who possesses for the purpose of trade any goods with a forged trademark commits an offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $500,000 and imprisonment for five years.
     Members of the public may report any suspected counterfeiting activities to Customs’ 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account (crimereport@customs.gov.hk) or online form (eform.cefs.gov.hk/form/ced002).

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Representatives of government departments exchanges views with representatives of taxi trade on handling illegal carriage of passengers for hire or reward

     Further to the meeting between representatives of government departments and representatives of the taxi trade on November 21, representatives from the Transport and Logistics Bureau (TLB), the Transport Department and Hong Kong Police Force (the Police) met again today (December 20) with representatives of the taxi trade, with a view to listening to the trade’s opinions and exchanging views on how to handle the illegal carriage of passengers for hire or reward.
     A spokesman for the TLB said that the government representatives and representatives of taxi trade discussed at the meeting on how to deal with the illegal carriage of passengers for hire or reward more effectively. The Legislative Council (LegCo) passed the Road Traffic Legislation (Enhancing Personalized Point-to-point Transport Services)(Amendment) Bill 2023 at the meeting on December 13, increasing the penalty levels for illegal carriage of passengers for hire or reward by motor vehicles. These include increasing the maximum fine, lengthening the period of suspension of vehicle licences and the impoundment of vehicle, as well as increasing the maximum term of imprisonment. The Police will continue to allocate appropriate resources to step up enforcement actions against illegal carriage of passengers for hire or reward; and welcomes the public and the trade to cooperate with the Police, including provision of information to report illegal carriage of passengers for hire or reward. The Police will follow up and investigate in a serious manner, and will take enforcement actions against relevant activities if there is sufficient evidence.
     In addition, the Government has announced earlier that a review of the existing legislation will be launched in order to deal with illegal carriage of passengers for hire or reward more effectively. The Government will also explore the regulation of online hire car hailing platforms, so that only taxis and vehicles with hire car permits can provide services through the platform, with a view to combating illegal activities. The Government plans to communicate with and listen to the views from LegCo Members, the trade and other relevant stakeholders in mid-2024 on policy and legal perspectives involved in the relevant regulation, as well as the key considerations derived from study on overseas experiences. The spokesman said, “The Government welcomes the taxi trade’s views on the above issues, which will be taken into consideration when conducting the relevant review and study.”
     The spokesman continued, “The Government is pleased to see representatives from the taxi trade at the meeting today exchanging views and resolving problems in a pragmatic manner. The Government will continue to proactively listen to the views of the taxi trade and different sectors of the community.” read more

36th Shenzhen-Hong Kong Environmental Co-operation Forum held today (with photos)

     The Director of Environmental Protection of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), Dr Samuel Chui, and the Director of the Ecology Environment Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality, Mr Li Shuisheng, co-chaired the 36th Shenzhen-Hong Kong Environmental Co-operation Forum (HSECF) today (December 20), in addition to reviewing the progress of collaboration between the two sides in 2023 and agreeing on the work plan for 2024. They focused the discussion on the work on improving the environmental quality of water in the Shenzhen River/Bay, “Zero-waste City” and resources circulation.

     In terms of improving the water environmental quality of the Shenzhen River and Deep Bay (Shenzhen Bay), Shenzhen and Hong Kong stepped up collaboration efforts, maintained close communication and contact, and conducted multiple exchange visits through the Shenzhen-Hong Kong co-operation task force mechanisms this year. With physical and online meetings for in-depth technical exchanges, using a three-dimensional water quality mathematical model to explore solutions to improve the environmental quality of water in the river/bay, and the strategies of enhancing sewage collection and treatment levels in the area, the cities are further reducing the content of nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus discharged into the Shenzhen River/Bay, striving to create a “beautiful river/bay” together.

     Grasping the opportunities brought by building a “Zero Waste Bay Area”, Hong Kong will continue to work with Shenzhen and other Greater Bay Area (GBA) cities to deepen exchanges and co-operation on “Zero-waste City” and resources circulation, and to explore developing Hong Kong-Shenzhen and the whole GBA’s capacity and pattern of regional circular economy, in order to elevate regional capability in handling emissions and carbon reduction of solid waste as well as safety storage. Waste reduction and circular economy are part of the GBA’s significant development. Hong Kong can proactively participate in the GBA’s development on circular economy, and further strengthen mutually beneficial co-operation in the GBA’s environmental industry for developing a circular economy and progressing green transformation in the area.

     Representatives from the Environmental Protection Department and the Drainage Services Department then visited the Shenzhen Belt and Road Environmental Technology Exchange and Transfer Center to discuss the development and opportunities of environmental protection between the two governments under the national Belt and Road policy.

     The HKSAR Government and the Shenzhen Municipal Government have been in close contact, exchanging information and sharing knowledge on different environmental protection aspects such as regional air quality, waste management, and improvement of water quality of water bodies, in order to co-ordinate with national planning and development. The HSECF has been held twice a year since 2006 to deepen environmental co-operation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

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LegCo Panel on Development continues study visit to Shanghai (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: 

     The delegation of the Legislative Council Panel on Development continued its study visit to Shanghai today (December 20).

     In the morning, the delegation first visited the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (Housing and Development Commission) and exchanged views with the representatives of the Housing and Development Commission on various matters such as urban planning and management, preservation/renovation/demolition policies and disaster and flood emergency management.

     In the afternoon, the delegation visited Lin-gang Special Area, located in the southern part of Shanghai Municipality. Members learned that Lin-gang New City is one of Shanghai’s five “new cities” and plays a significant status and role in Shanghai’s new round of development. It is also an important sub-city supporting the future city centre of Shanghai.

     Members received a briefing by the representatives of the Lin-gang Special Area Administration (LSAA) on urban planning and management, as well as the application of information management system. Members also exchanged views with the LSAA on new areas development and promoting digital territory management. Furthermore, Members experienced autonomous driving of public transport vehicles in the Lin-gang Special Area.

     The delegation will continue its study visit to Shanghai tomorrow (December 21) before departing for Hong Kong in the afternoon.

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FEHD strives to crack down on sale of chilled or frozen meat disguised as fresh meat (with photo)

     The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) has all along been committed to combating the sale of chilled or frozen meat disguised as fresh meat, and has raided a licensed fresh provision shop (FPS) in North District suspected of selling frozen meat as fresh meat today (December 20).    

     During the operation, FEHD officers raided a licensed FPS in Yung Shing Market, North District, and marked and sealed about 250 kilograms of suspected frozen beef for further investigation. Beef sample was also collected for testing for preservatives. Prosecution will be taken out if sufficient evidence is collected. The licensee of the FPS is suspected of breaching the licensing condition for the display and sale of frozen meat as fresh meat, and the FEHD is proceeding with the cancellation of the FPS’s licence. 

     FEHD officers also initiated prosecutions against the operator of the FPS for dirtiness of the premises and dirty equipment, failing to protect food from risk of contamination, and sale of mutton without endorsement. Verbal warnings were also given for non-compliance with the relevant licensing condition for failing to provide delivery notes for inspection and discovery of insect inside the premises.

     A spokesman for the FEHD said, “The selling of chilled or frozen meat disguised as fresh meat breaches the licensing condition and causes food safety problems. The operations of these profiteers is unfair to other shops that comply with the requirements.”     

     The spokesman added, “Anyone selling chilled or frozen meat without permission commits an offence and is liable to a maximum fine of $50,000 and six months’ imprisonment on conviction. The department will continue to conduct regular inspections at licensed FPSs and market meat stalls, and will actively handle the complaints received. In detecting any irregularities, the FEHD will carry out immediate investigations and take appropriate enforcement actions. In addition, the FEHD also proactively investigates suspected violations from time to time, and conducts surprise inspections and enforcement actions as necessary. If there is sufficient evidence, prosecutions will be initiated and follow-up action will be taken against the breach of licensing conditions or tenancy agreements. The licences of FPSs breaching the licensing conditions may be cancelled, while the tenancies of market meat stalls breaching the tenancy agreements may be terminated.”     

     The spokesman stressed that the FEHD is very concerned about the situation, and has been committed to combating the sale of chilled or frozen meat disguised as fresh meat by taking stringent enforcement action against the violations.

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