Yellow fire danger warning

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:

Yellow fire danger warning

     The fire danger situation today (December 26) is yellow and the risk of fire is high. People are urged to prevent fires breaking out and hikers should also be vigilant.

EPD expresses sadness on fatal industrial accident at North East New Territories Landfill

     The Director of Environmental Protection, Dr Samuel Chui, was deeply saddened by the fatal industrial accident at the North East New Territories (NENT) Landfill that occurred today (December 25) and extended his sincere condolences to the family of the deceased.

     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) is very concerned about the accident. The EPD has immediately instructed the contractor to fully co-operate with the Labour Department in its investigation and submit a report on the accident within five days. The EPD will also investigate into the incident.

     The EPD has contacted the deceased's family to extend sympathies and provide them with appropriate assistance. It is noted that the contractor will give an ex-gratia relief payment to the deceased's family.

     The 60-year-old deceased man, hired by the contractor of the North West New Territories Transfer Station, was responsible for operating the waste tipper at the NENT Landfill. Around 2pm today, while he was working at the NENT Landfill, he was suspected to be hit by a reversing waste container truck and fell unconscious. He was sent to North District Hospital where he was certified dead.

Labour Department investigates fatal work accident in Ta Kwu Ling

     The Labour Department (LD) is investigating a fatal work accident that happened in Ta Kwu Ling this afternoon (December 25) in which a man died. 

     The LD immediately deployed staff to the scene upon receiving a report of the accident, and is now conducting an investigation to look into its cause.  

Civil Aid Service Cadet Corps holds 55th Anniversary Camp opening ceremony (with photos)

     The Civil Aid Service (CAS) Cadet Corps held the opening ceremony of its 55th Anniversary Camp at the CAS Yuen Tun Camp today (December 25). The opening ceremony was officiated by the Under Secretary for Security, Mr Michael Cheuk.
     Nearly 300 CAS cadets and representatives from other local youth uniformed groups participated in the anniversary camp. After the opening ceremony, the guests participated in a variety of booth games and experiential activities to learn more about the CAS apart from enjoying performances by CAS cadets.
     Addressing the opening ceremony, Mr Cheuk said the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government will, as in the past, continue to organise discipline training and group activities for young people to let them serve the community, thereby nurturing them into future leaders and responsible citizens who will contribute to Hong Kong and the country.
     Celebrating its 55th anniversary, the CAS Cadet Corps has been encouraging young people over the years to participate in activities and training that are beneficial to the development of the mind and body, so that they can acquire multifaceted skills while building their confidence and sense of responsibility. Since 2017, it has worked with dozens of schools in Hong Kong to provide over 4 800 students with discipline and team training through the School Partnership Scheme. This year, it has spared no effort in promoting national education and national security education as always. Apart from fully adopting the Chinese-style foot drill and flag raising, it has also organised over 30 relevant events for its cadets to deepen their understanding about the country and its latest developments, thereby fostering their sense of national identity. The events include Mainland exchanges and study programmes, visits to the Ngong Shuen Chau Barracks, coastal clean-ups by kayaking, and promotional activities on ecological security.
     Recruitment of CAS cadets is open for application throughout the year. Recruitment details and application forms are available on the CAS website (

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Children celebrate Christmas in hospitals (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:
     Christmas is a time for celebration. The Duchess of Kent Children's Hospital at Sandy Bay (DKCH) and Hong Kong Children's Hospital (HKCH) arranged a series of Christmas activities for their children so as to let them enjoy the happiness of festive season, even staying in hospital. 

     The DKCH has brought back its tradition this year. Healthcare workers dressed up as Santa Claus and cartoon characters, riding in animal-themed vehicles for a parade accompanied by Christmas dogs, to visit the hospitalised children. The hospital held a party in the garden and arranged magic, drum and bicycle stunts performance. There were also group games and Christmas carol singing. The healthcare workers distributed gifts and arranged a festive Christmas meal for the children, bringing them a joyful Christmas day.

     The HKCH earlier arranged an array of Christmas programmes for its patients to feel the healing power of music and loving care from others. Volunteer musicians brought beautiful festive music to the wards, and staff members put together a Christmas show to spread holiday cheers. A Christmas party was also held at the hospital lobby where children had loads of fun watching dance performances, magic tricks and playing game booths. On Christmas day, a group of healthcare staff brightened up the wards with Christmas carols and surprise gifts to send blessings to children and parents.

     The Hospital Authority wishes the children a peaceful and joyful Christmas and a speedy recovery.

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