13 private properties receive Gold Awards for best landscape design and maintenance (with photos)

     The winners of the Best Landscape Award for Private Property Development 2018 were announced at a prize presentation ceremony today (June 21). Thirteen private properties with outstanding landscape design and quality horticultural maintenance received Gold Awards.
     In addition to the 13 Gold Awards, 39 Merit Awards and 12 Environmental Efficiency Awards were given out at the ceremony to commend organisations for their efforts in greening and enhancing public awareness of green issues.
     Speaking at the ceremony, the Acting Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Ms Ida Lee, said the Best Landscape Award, held once every two years since its launch in 2000, aims to bring about sustained environmental improvements in private property developments. The Best Landscape Award also encourages private bodies to incorporate more quality green elements into the planning and management of horticultural projects for the benefit of such developments, she said.
     Ms Lee pointed out that several changes were made to optimise the arrangement this year to encourage participation from more organisations. The number of categories increased from three to five while the age groups and sizes of properties were also amended.
     She added that the response was encouraging. More than 240 nominated entries were received and the projects were impressive, showing that the participating organisations had put plenty of effort into greening.
     The soft landscape designs of the winning projects are visually appealing. A large variety of plants including native tree species have been used to beautify the properties. The landscape features are also well integrated with the surrounding environment, meeting the challenge of creating pleasant areas which benefit both the residents and their neighbourhoods in the densely populated city.
     Property management and maintenance professionals have also kept good care of the landscaping, offering quality greening areas to residents. Some projects, also winners of the Environmental Efficiency Award, have put an emphasis on environmental protection, collecting rainwater for reuse and applying organic fertiliser made from food waste.
     The prize presentation ceremony was held at Kowloon Park Sports Centre today. Other officiating guests were the Patron of the Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong), Sir David Akers-Jones; the President of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects, Mr Marvin Chen; the Immediate Past President of the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects, Mr Wong Tak-yip; the President of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, Mr Dick Kwok; the Chairman of the Professional Green Building Council, Dr Paul Ho; and the President of the Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies, Dr Johnnie Chan.
     The competition presented awards in five categories. The Gold Award winners are as follows:
Domestic property:
(1) Large-scale domestic property (with more than 1 500 domestic units)

i) Properties below six years of age: Grand YOHO
ii) Properties between six and below 21 years of age: Residence Bel-Air
iii) Properties 21 years of age or above: Sceneway Garden

(2) Medium-scale domestic property (two to four domestic buildings and with no more than 1 500 domestic units, or with 401 to 1 500 domestic units)

i) Properties below six years of age: Mount Pavilia
ii) Properties between six and below 21 years of age: Peak One
iii) Properties 21 years of age or above: Pacific Palisades

(3) Small-scale domestic property (single building or with no more than 400 domestic units)

i) Properties below six years of age: The Pavilia Hill
ii) Properties between six and below 21 years of age: Shouson Peak
iii) Properties 21 years of age or above: Windsor Heights

Non-domestic property (such as shopping malls, commercial buildings, schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme (private premises) and private schools):
(4) Large-scale non-domestic property (with a gross floor area of 20 000 square metres or above)

i) Properties below six years of age: Goldin Financial Global Centre
ii) Properties between six and below 21 years of age: Citywalk
iii) Properties 21 years of age or above: China Hong Kong City, Tsim Sha Tsui

(5) Small-scale non-domestic property (with a gross floor area under 20 000 square metres)

i) Properties below six years of age: Lee Tung Avenue

     Photographs of all winning properties will be on display from June 23 to July 16 at the Kowloon Park Arcade. Admission is free.

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Hong Kong Customs alerts public on unsafe toy (with photo)

     Hong Kong Customs today (June 21) alerted members of the public to the potential hazards posed by a type of shovel and fork toy set. They are advised not to let children play with these toys to ensure their safety. Test results indicated that the shovel could pose a suffocation risk to children.

     Customs officers earlier conducted a test-buy operation and purchased the toy set from a department store for safety testing by the Government Laboratory. Results revealed that the design of the shovel of the toy set failed to meet the requirements as specified in related toy standards, and children could easily cover their mouth and nose with the shovel tightly, posing a risk of suffocation.

     Customs officers subsequently seized the above-mentioned toy sets from the department store and its warehouse. A total of 193 sets were seized. Investigation is ongoing.  

     Under the Toys and Children's Products Safety Ordinance, it is an offence to manufacture, import or supply unsafe toys or children's products. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $100,000 and imprisonment for one year on first conviction, and a fine of $500,000 and imprisonment for two years on subsequent conviction.

     Members of the public may report information relating to suspected unsafe toys or children's products to the Customs 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account (crimereport@customs.gov.hk).


Commission on Poverty convenes 30th meeting in its second term

          The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, chaired the 30th meeting of the Commission on Poverty (CoP) in its second term this afternoon (June 21).  It was also the last meeting of the current term of CoP.
          CoP discussed two initiatives on enhancing retirement protection at the meeting, namely the Life Annuity Scheme (LAS) and the abolition of the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) "offsetting" arrangement.  After considering the opinions received during the public engagement exercise on retirement protection completed by CoP in mid-2016, the Government formulated a series of measures to strengthen the retirement protection system.  The two initiatives discussed by CoP were introduced with a view to supporting elderly persons in investment management and enhancing the MPF pillar.
          At the meeting, the HKMC Annuity Limited (HKMCA) briefed members on the publicity education and implementation arrangements of LAS.  Members noted that HKMCA would announce the subscription details in July this year.  HKMCA has launched publicity and public education programmes on LAS since March this year and the market response has been largely positive.  Members expressed views on various aspects of LAS, including the subscription procedure, expected investment return, subscription amount, publicity channels, etc.  Members hoped that HKMCA could consider enhancing the arrangements of LAS subject to the response after its implementation.
          Members were also briefed by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong, on the preliminary thinking of abolition of MPF "offsetting" arrangement.  Since the announcement of the preliminary thinking, various sectors of the community have expressed diverse views on the abolition of MPF “offsetting” arrangement.  They are particularly concerned about the impact of the arrangement on micro, small and medium enterprises.  The Government would listen carefully to the suggestions of various sectors and consider options to enhance the abolition of MPF “offsetting” arrangement, including considering increasing the Government’s financial commitment, and lobbying for public support, with a view to gauging support from various sectors in the community in order to finalise the relevant arrangement as soon as possible.  Members shared their views on the preliminary thinking and agreed that the abolition of MPF “offsetting” arrangement should be implemented expeditiously to complement other relevant measures in reinforcing the multi-pillar retirement protection system in Hong Kong.

          In addition, CoP endorsed the launch of a new assistance programme and the extension of five existing assistance programmes of the Community Care Fund (CCF).  CoP also approved the introduction of new drugs or medical devices and revision of provision for three Medical Assistance Programmes. Details are as follows:
New assistance programme
(1)   CoP agreed to launch the Subsidy to Purchase and Construct Modular Housing as a pilot scheme to facilitate the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) to implement their Modular Social Housing Scheme – Nam Cheong Street.  Under the pilot scheme, the HKCSS will purchase and build modular housing in order to provide transitional community housing.  The two-year pilot scheme with an overall provision of $35.74 million is expected to benefit about 90 households.
Extension of existing assistance programmes
(2)   CoP endorsed the implementation of the Pilot Scheme on Living Allowance for Carers of Elderly Persons from Low Income Families Phase III and the Pilot Scheme on Living Allowance for Low-income Carers of Persons with Disabilities Phase II to provide carers of elderly persons/persons with disabilities from low income families with a living allowance to help supplement their living expenses.  The two pilot schemes will last for two years from October 2018 to September 2020.  The new phases of the pilot schemes will be largely run under the existing operation mode with three enhancements: (a) increasing the beneficiary quota for carers of elderly persons and carers of persons with disabilities by 2 000 and 500 respectively; (b) increasing the monthly allowance disbursed to each eligible carer of elderly persons/persons with disabilities from $2,000 to $2,400, and the monthly allowance disbursed to carers who take care of more than one elderly persons/persons with disabilities at the same time from $4,000 to $4,800; (c) increasing the monthly service fees of approved service providers from $500 to $600 for serving each carer of elderly persons/persons with disabilities for the first six months, and from $300 to $360 starting from the seventh month onwards.  The revised total provisions for the Pilot Scheme on Living Allowance for Carers of Elderly Persons from Low Income Families and Pilot Scheme on Living Allowance for Low-income Carers of Persons with Disabilities will be revised to $538.24 million and $224.22 million respectively.
(3)   CoP endorsed the extension of the programme of Enhancing the Academic Expenses Grant for Students with Special Educational Needs and Financial Needs Pursuing Post-secondary Programmes.  The programme aims to provide a special educational needs academic expenses grant for eligible students with financial and special educational needs for three school years until 2020/21.  No additional funding is required for the extended programme which is expected to benefit about 750 students.
(4)   CoP endorsed the implementation of Phase III of Subsidy for Owners' Corporations (OCs) of Old Buildings programme for three years from October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2021.  Under the programme, each eligible OC will be granted subsidy on an accountable basis in respect of the designated items with a view to improving the overall building management.  The Phase III programme will adopt the existing subsidy system with two enhancements, namely (a) raising the average rateable value limits of the residential units of buildings of eligible OCs from $120,000 to $162,000 for urban area buildings (including Sha Tin, Kwai Tsing and Tsuen Wan); and from $92,000 to $124,400 for New Territories buildings; and (b) raising the maximum total amount of subsidy for each OC from $20,000 to $24,000.  The Phase III programme requires no additional funding and is expected to benefit approximately an additional 2 500 OCs.
(5)   CoP endorsed the continuation of Elderly Dental Assistance Programme to provide free removable dentures and other related dental services to eligible low-income elderly persons until February 28, 2019.  The extension of the programme requires no additional funding and would benefit about 1 400 cases per month on average.  CoP also agreed to reserve $20,000 for the next audit of the programme;
Introduction of new drugs or medical devices to Medical Assistance Programmes
(6)   CoP approved the addition of two specific self-financed cancer drugs (Nivolumab and Obinutuzumab) to the First Phase Programme of the Medical Assistance Programme from August 2018 onwards.  This will increase the number of self-financed cancer drugs to 18 under the First Phase Programme for treating 14 cancer diseases.  CoP also noted that the Hospital Authority (HA) had revised the designated clinical indication of Pertuzumab and relaxed the designated clinical indication of Bevacizumab under the programme.  The above introduction of new drugs and revision or relaxation of clinical indications require no additional funding.  It is estimated that the addition of the two drugs will benefit about 25 patients in the first 12 months upon implementation.
(7)   CoP endorsed the inclusion of Nusinersen, a drug for treating Spinal Muscular Atrophy, under the programme of Subsidy for Eligible Patients to Purchase Ultra-expensive Drugs (Including Those for Treating Uncommon Disorders).  The programme requires no additional funding.  Needy patients with clinical needs can apply for drug subsidy through this programme.  HA expects that about 24 patients can benefit from the programme in the first 12 months upon implementation; and
(8)   CoP endorsed the addition of Subcutaneous Implantable Defibrillator and Percutaneous Pulmonary Valve Implantation under the programme of Subsidy for Eligible Patients of Hospital Authority to Purchase Specified Implantable Medical Devices for Interventional Procedures from August 2018 onwards.  The two medical devices are beneficial to patients with Ventricular Arrhythmias and Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Regurgitant and/or Stenosis respectively.  With an approved revised provision of $27.015 million for the period from August 1, 2017 to March 31, 2019, the two additional medical devices is expected to benefit about 15 patients in the first 12 months upon implementation.
     At the meeting, CoP also noted the implementation progress of various assistance programmes and the financial position of CCF, as well as the report of the four public consultation sessions held by CCF from March to May this year.

     The current term of CoP will expire on 30 June this year.  Mr Cheung expressed sincerest gratitude to all members for their active participation in poverty alleviation work and invaluable advice to the Government during their tenure.  The Government is drawing up the membership of the next term of CoP which will be announced later this month.

CHP investigates hand, foot and mouth disease outbreak at residential child care centre in Wan Chai District

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is today (June 21) investigating an outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) at a residential child care centre in Wan Chai District, and again urged the public, schools and institutions to maintain strict hand, personal and environmental hygiene.

     The outbreak affected 29 young children, 15 boys and 14 girls aged 1 to 3, who have developed fever, oral ulcers, rash and vesicles over hands or feet since June 1. All of them sought medical attention and none required hospitalisation. All patients are in a stable condition.
     The stool specimen of one affected child tested positive for enterovirus upon laboratory testing.

     Officers of the CHP have conducted a site visit to the centre and advised the management on necessary infection control and preventive measures. The centre has been placed under medical surveillance. Investigations are ongoing.

     "HFMD is common in children while adult cases may also occur. It is usually caused by enteroviruses (EVs) such as Coxsackie virus and EV71. It is clinically characterised by maculopapular rashes or vesicular lesions occurring on the palms, soles and other parts of the body such as the buttocks and thighs. Vesicular lesions and ulcers may also be found in the oral cavity. Sometimes patients present mainly with painful ulcers at the back of the mouth, namely herpangina, without rash on the hands or feet," a spokesman for the CHP said.
     "HFMD occurs throughout the year. A summer peak usually occurs from May to July. As young children are more susceptible, parents should stay alert to their health. Institutional outbreaks may occur where HFMD can easily spread among young children with close contact," the spokesman added.

     To prevent HFMD, members of the public, and especially the management of institutions, should take heed of the following preventive measures:

  • Maintain good air circulation;
  • Wash hands before meals and after going to the toilet or handling diapers or other stool-soiled materials;
  • Keep hands clean and wash hands properly, especially when they are dirtied by respiratory secretions, such as after sneezing;
  • Cover the nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing and dispose of nasal and oral discharges properly;
  • Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as furniture, toys and commonly shared items with 1:99 diluted household bleach (mixing one part of bleach containing 5.25 per cent sodium hypochlorite with 99 parts of water), leave for 15 to 30 minutes, and then rinse with water and keep dry. For metallic surfaces, disinfect with 70 per cent alcohol;
  • Use absorbent disposable towels to wipe away obvious contaminants such as respiratory secretions, vomitus or excreta, and then disinfect the surface and neighbouring areas with 1:49 diluted household bleach (mixing one part of bleach containing 5.25 per cent sodium hypochlorite with 49 parts of water), leave for 15 to 30 minutes and then rinse with water and keep dry. For metallic surfaces, disinfect with 70 per cent alcohol;
  • Children who are ill should be kept out of school until their fever and rash have subsided and all the vesicles have dried and crusted;
  • Avoid going to overcrowded places; and
  • Parents should maintain close communication with schools to let them know the latest situation of the sick children.

     The public may visit the CHP's page on HFMD and EV71 infection and Public Health Advice for Play Facilities for more information.

FS continues visit programme in Beijing

   The Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, continued his visit to Beijing today (June 21).
    This morning, joined by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr James Lau, and the Deputy Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Mr Arthur Yuen, Mr Chan met with the Deputy Governor of the People’s Bank of China, Mr Pan Gongsheng. Both sides discussed a range of topics, such as maintenance of financial stability, internationalisation of the Renminbi (RMB) and the operation of Bond Connect.

     Mr Chan and Mr Lau then called on the China International Trade Representative and Vice Minister of Commerce, Mr Fu Ziying.
     Following this was a meeting with the Minister of Finance, Mr Liu Kun. Also joining the meeting was the Chairman of the Insurance Authority, Dr Moses Cheng. Mr Chan expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of Finance for supporting the development of Hong Kong’s financial services industry, and for issuing in Hong Kong RMB sovereign bonds nine years in a row, as well as US dollar sovereign bonds last October. Mr Chan also introduced a host of initiatives launched by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government to promote further development of the bond market, green finance, and the insurance and reinsurance industry.
     In the afternoon, Mr Chan addressed a finance seminar and a sharing session for Hong Kong student interns. Under the summer internship and mentorship programme organised by the Fin Society, Hong Kong university students could work in financial institutions in the Mainland as interns to broaden their horizons, and to learn more the latest developments of the financial sector in the Mainland. Today’s seminar was the highlight of the internship programme. It drew over 200 participants, including government officials and practitioners from the financial sector and university students from both Beijing and Hong Kong.
     Tomorrow (June 22), Mr Chan will attend the ACCA Global Summit before departing for Hong Kong in the afternoon.