Beijing bans higher emission vehicles from road


Starting from Feb. 15, light-duty gasoline-powered cars that fail to meet the National Emission Standard III will be banned from entering Beijing’s fifth ring on weekdays. [Photo: CRI]

Beijing will ban high-emission vehicles from its urban areas starting Wednesday, authorities said Monday.

Starting from Feb. 15, light-duty gasoline-powered cars that fail to meet the National Emission Standard III will be banned from entering Beijing’s fifth ring on weekdays.

Violators will be fined 100 yuan (US$14.50) for every four hours that they drive on the road. Substandard cars will also be taken off the road through annual inspections or spot checks.

The Chinese capital currently requires new cars to comply with the “Beijing VI” emission standard, which is higher than the widely-used National Emission Standard V and equivalent to the Euro VI standard, the strictest in China.

The National Emission Standard I was introduced in 1999 and the National Emission Standard II followed in 2004.

“After weeding out yellow-labeled cars [outdated and heavy-polluting vehicles], vehicles consistent with the National Emission Standards II and III release most of the pollutants on the roads,” said Yu Jianhua, chief engineer of the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau.

Higher-polluting gasoline vehicles account for less than 10 percent of vehicles on the road, but discharge over 30 percent of nitrogen oxide and 25 percent of volatile organic compounds, according to Yu.

Beijing’s 5.7 million vehicles produce 500,000 tonnes of various pollutants annually and account for 31 percent of locally-generated PM 2.5, a particulate matter associated with hazardous smog, making it the prime source of PM2.5, according to the environmental authority.

Plagued by smog over the past decade, the capital city has initiated a series of regulations to improve its air quality.

It has moved out high-polluting industries, pulled outdated cars off the road, continued to improve the public transportation system and rolled out policies to support new energy vehicles.

Average density of PM 2.5 in the capital was 73 micrograms per cubic meter in 2016, down 9.9 percent from the previous year, according to the Beijing Municipal Reform and Development Commission.

CCDI inspections reveal weakening of Party leadership

China’s top disciplinary body has discovered the weakening of Party leadership and promotion of corrupt officials during inspections of four provincial-level regions, according to a statement released Monday.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) of the Communist Party of China (CPC) kicked off a new round of inspections last November, which covered Beijing and Chongqing municipalities, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Gansu Province. All the four regions had been inspected previously.

This round of inspections found weak CPC leadership, inappropriate promotions, violations of frugality rules and alarming space for corruption at state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and other sectors, among other problems, according to the findings released by the CCDI.

In Beijing, inspectors found that issues identified in the previous inspection — related to Lyu Xiwen, the former Beijing deputy Party chief who has been charged with corruption — had not been dealt with in a timely manner.

Some problems uncovered during the previous inspection, including lowly officials involved in huge corruption, improper selection and appointment of officials, and violations of the eight-point frugality rules, were found to have recurred, according to the CCDI.

In Chongqing, the pernicious influence of Bo Xilai, former Party chief of Chongqing, and Wang Lijun, former police chief and vice mayor, “have not been wiped out completely,” and corruption at SOEs “remains severe,” the statement said.

Inspectors also found in Guangxi that some sectors, including land, transportation, forestry and SOEs, were more prone to be corrupt, and in Gansu, risks of corruption were high in sectors like transportation, civil aviation, land and culture.

China orders medical security campaign after HIV infections

China’s health authority has ordered a nationwide medical security campaign following five incidents of HIV transmission due to staff negligence at a hospital in the eastern province of Zhejiang.

Agencies and individuals involved in the incident will be held accountable, the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) said in statement Monday.

At least five people have been infected with HIV after a technician at the Zhejiang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital reused pipettes on separate patients, according to a statement released by Zhejiang provincial health and family planning commission.

The incident was reported to the provincial commission on Jan. 26.

The NHFPC and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine will despatch a team to Zhejiang to oversee the investigation into the incident.

Beijing bans higher emission vehicles from road

Beijing will ban high-emission vehicles from its urban areas starting Wednesday, authorities said Monday.

Starting from Feb. 15, light-duty gasoline-powered cars that fail to meet the National Emission Standard III will be banned from entering Beijing’s fifth ring on weekdays.

Violators will be fined 100 yuan (US$14.50) for every four hours that they drive on the road. Substandard cars will also be taken off the road through annual inspections or spot checks.

The Chinese capital currently requires new cars to comply with the “Beijing VI” emission standard, which is higher than the widely-used National Emission Standard V and equivalent to the Euro VI standard, the strictest in China.

The National Emission Standard I was introduced in 1999 and the National Emission Standard II followed in 2004.

“After weeding out yellow-labeled cars [outdated and heavy-polluting vehicles], vehicles consistent with the National Emission Standards II and III release most of the pollutants on the roads,” said Yu Jianhua, chief engineer of the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau.

Higher-polluting gasoline vehicles account for less than 10 percent of vehicles on the road, but discharge over 30 percent of nitrogen oxide and 25 percent of volatile organic compounds, according to Yu.

Beijing’s 5.7 million vehicles produce 500,000 tonnes of various pollutants annually and account for 31 percent of locally-generated PM 2.5, a particulate matter associated with hazardous smog, making it the prime source of PM2.5, according to the environmental authority.

Plagued by smog over the past decade, the capital city has initiated a series of regulations to improve its air quality.

It has moved out high-polluting industries, pulled outdated cars off the road, continued to improve the public transportation system and rolled out policies to support new energy vehicles.

Average density of PM 2.5 in the capital was 73 micrograms per cubic meter in 2016, down 9.9 percent from the previous year, according to the Beijing Municipal Reform and Development Commission.

Xi orders leading officials to fight special privilege

President Xi Jinping on Monday told leading officials to practice strict self-discipline and eliminate special privileges.

Xi made the remarks when addressing the opening session of a workshop on the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee. The workshop at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee was attended by senior provincial and ministerial officials.

The opening session was presided over by Premier Li Keqiang. Other leaders including Zhang Dejiang, Yu Zhengsheng, Liu Yunshan, Wang Qishan and Zhang Gaoli were also present.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, said implementing the decisions of the plenum would have far-reaching and profound significance for both the Party and socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Xi urged leading cadres to “build a fence” against special privileges to prevent themselves and those around them from abusing power.


Chinese President Xi Jinping makes remarks when addressing the opening session of a workshop on the 6th Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, attended by senior provincial and ministerial officials, at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, Feb. 13, 2017. [Xinhua/Xie Huanchi]

Leading officials should use their power “impartially, cautiously and legally,” Xi said in his speech.

The CPC Central Committee held the workshop to help senior provincial and ministerial officials understand two documents, one on the norms of political life within the Party in the new era, and a regulation on intra-Party supervision, which were approved by last year’s plenum.

“Leading officials should strengthen their political capability, firm their political ideals, uphold political direction, be steadfast in their stance and strictly observe political rules,” Xi said, stressing they should enrich their political experience and match their political capability with the positions they were holding.

Xi said upholding the authority of the CPC Central Committee with strict observance of orders and rules was related to the future and fate of the Party and the nation as well as the fundamental interests of all people across the nation.

Xi called on all Party members to become more aware of the need to uphold political integrity, keep in mind the bigger picture, follow the CPC as the core of the Chinese leadership, and act consistently with CPC Central Committee policy.

Safeguarding the authority of the CPC Central Committee and the centralized and unified leadership chimed with democratic centralism, Xi stressed.

The Party sets great store by intra-Party democracy, as all major decisions follow strict processes, and are informed by wide opinions and suggestions, Xi said.

Strengthening and regulating political life within the Party requires the correct political direction, and advancing with the times, said Xi, who also stressed principles of political life and its spirit of holding firmly to the truth and rectifying errors.

Self-development is the most distinctive characteristic of the Party, and its biggest advantage, because the CPC has no interests of its own except for the interests of the country, the nation and the people, according to Xi.

Xi said leading officials, especially those in senior roles, must strengthen their self-discipline, be discreet when being alone and on small matters. They should ensure their words and deeds are in line with the Party constitution, and embody the Party spirit in all that they do.

Xi called for thorough study of the two documents adopted at the key CPC session, which were designed to address outstanding contradictions and problems within the Party.

While addressing the workshop, Xi stressed that Party organizations at all levels must improve inspections and ensure accountability. He also underscored that high-raking cadres should take the lead in complying with the Party’s code of conduct.

Li Keqiang called on leading officials to uphold the authority of the CPC Central Committee, improve intra-Party political life and work to build a cleaner political environment.

Li said leading cadres must unite closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, boost reform and development, work hard, and greet the 19th National Congress of the CPC with achievements across the board.