Effective Exchange Rate Index

     The effective exchange rate index for the Hong Kong dollar on Monday, August 27, 2018 is 103.9 (up 0.1 against last Saturday's index).

     The effective exchange rate index for the Hong Kong dollar on Saturday, August 25, 2018 was 103.8 (down 0.6 against last Friday's index).

SLW visits Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (with photos)

     The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong, visited the Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM) this morning (August 27) to learn more about the application of technology in improving elderly services. The Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Caspar Tsui, also joined the visit.

     Accompanied by the Chief Executive Officer of the LSCM, Mr Simon Wong, Dr Law toured its office in Cyberport. The LSCM was founded with funding from the Innovation and Technology Fund. He said he was glad to note that the LSCM, in collaboration with non-governmental organisations and social enterprises, had developed tracking and positioning systems using radio frequency identification technology to enable carers to monitor the location of elderly persons and dementia patients and prevent them from getting lost. They also discussed new initiatives using robotics and artificial intelligence in elderly care.

     To cope with the challenges of an ageing population, Dr Law said that gerontechnology would help improve the quality of life of elderly persons and at the same time enhance the effectiveness of elderly services, thereby relieving the burden and pressure on carers and care staff. The Government has set up the $1 billion Innovation and Technology Fund for Application in Elderly and Rehabilitation Care to subsidise elderly and rehabilitation service units to procure, rent or try out technology products. The Fund will be launched in the fourth quarter of 2018.

     In addition, the Government and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service will hold the second Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit from November 22 to 25 this year to showcase innovative technology products around the world and get stakeholders together to share their experiences and exchange views, so as to explore the further use of technology in improving the lives of elderly people.

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Call for adequate public transport services on first school day

     The Transport Department (TD) today (August 27) said that major public transport operators have been reminded to provide adequate public transport services to cater for transport demand on the first school day (September 3).
     "The TD's Emergency Transport Co-ordination Centre (ETCC) will closely monitor the traffic situation and public transport services on September 3. The department will also maintain close liaison with major public transport operators and relevant government departments. Staff will be deployed at various major locations throughout the territory to observe the traffic conditions and provide on-site information to the ETCC for arranging public transport service enhancement or informing the Police for traffic regulation when necessary," a department spokesman said.
     Students, especially those attending a new school, are reminded to familiarise themselves with the public transport services to schools and allow more travelling time on the first school day. Students living on the outlying islands or attending schools on the outlying islands should check the ferry schedules, the vessel types to be used and journey times of their intended ferry trips beforehand. Students are also reminded to pay attention to road safety when attending school.

     More information may be obtained through the following hotlines and websites of major public transport operators:

Operator Hotline Website
New World First Bus 2136 8888 www.nwstbus.com.hk
Citybus 2873 0818 www.nwstbus.com.hk
Kowloon Motor Bus 2745 4466 www.kmb.hk
Long Win Bus 2261 2791 www.lwb.hk
New Lantao Bus 2984 9848 www.newlantaobus.com
New World First Ferry 2131 8181 www.nwff.com.hk
Hong Kong and Kowloon Ferry 2815 6063 www.hkkf.com.hk
MTR Corporation Limited 2881 8888 www.mtr.com.hk

     Motorists are advised not to drive to the school areas if possible. Drivers of nanny vans and school buses should not carry excess passengers or leave schoolchildren in vehicles unattended. An escort should be provided on board when serving kindergarten or primary school students. Parents should agree well in advance with schools, operators of nanny vans or school buses on the locations of picking up and dropping off their children.
     Members of the public are advised to pay attention to the latest transport and traffic news on radio and television before leaving home. For enquiries, please call the department hotline on 2804 2600 or the 1823 Call Centre.

Call for adequate public transport services on first school day

     The Transport Department (TD) today (August 27) said that major public transport operators have been reminded to provide adequate public transport services to cater for transport demand on the first school day (September 3).
     "The TD's Emergency Transport Co-ordination Centre (ETCC) will closely monitor the traffic situation and public transport services on September 3. The department will also maintain close liaison with major public transport operators and relevant government departments. Staff will be deployed at various major locations throughout the territory to observe the traffic conditions and provide on-site information to the ETCC for arranging public transport service enhancement or informing the Police for traffic regulation when necessary," a department spokesman said.
     Students, especially those attending a new school, are reminded to familiarise themselves with the public transport services to schools and allow more travelling time on the first school day. Students living on the outlying islands or attending schools on the outlying islands should check the ferry schedules, the vessel types to be used and journey times of their intended ferry trips beforehand. Students are also reminded to pay attention to road safety when attending school.

     More information may be obtained through the following hotlines and websites of major public transport operators:

Operator Hotline Website
New World First Bus 2136 8888 www.nwstbus.com.hk
Citybus 2873 0818 www.nwstbus.com.hk
Kowloon Motor Bus 2745 4466 www.kmb.hk
Long Win Bus 2261 2791 www.lwb.hk
New Lantao Bus 2984 9848 www.newlantaobus.com
New World First Ferry 2131 8181 www.nwff.com.hk
Hong Kong and Kowloon Ferry 2815 6063 www.hkkf.com.hk
MTR Corporation Limited 2881 8888 www.mtr.com.hk

     Motorists are advised not to drive to the school areas if possible. Drivers of nanny vans and school buses should not carry excess passengers or leave schoolchildren in vehicles unattended. An escort should be provided on board when serving kindergarten or primary school students. Parents should agree well in advance with schools, operators of nanny vans or school buses on the locations of picking up and dropping off their children.
     Members of the public are advised to pay attention to the latest transport and traffic news on radio and television before leaving home. For enquiries, please call the department hotline on 2804 2600 or the 1823 Call Centre.

The Real Group to delight music lovers with unique musical expression (with photo)

     Swedish a cappella troupe the Real Group will give a concert in September as part of the highlights of the Music Delight Series.
     The Real Group is famed for its superlative creativity, delighting with jazz originals and reworkings of popular favourites. One of the leading forces in the world of vocal music today, the group gives performances that display unbeatable vocal artistry and perfection, and has created a unique musical expression that ranges from jazz and pop to Nordic European choral music.
     Formed in 1984 with original members coming from Stockholm's Royal Academy of Music, the group has enjoyed an international touring career spanning more than 30 years. The members' versatility and creativity makes it possible for the group to collaborate with symphony orchestras, jazz groups and other musicians, including contemporary artists like George Martin and Bobby McFerrin, renowned soprano Barbara Hendricks and jazz maestro Toots Thielemans.
     For the coming performance, the Real Group will sing many original classics such as "Words" and "Pass Me the Jazz", as well as songs from its latest album "Elementsʺ, such as "Water", in which the performers blow on bottles as they sing, and "Catch Up, Ketchup!", which tells the story of what happens to some plants that are on their way to a concert by the Real Group.
     Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the concert will be staged at 4pm on September 25 (Tuesday, a public holiday) at the Auditorium of the Yuen Long Theatre. Tickets are priced at $120, $180 and $220.
     Tickets are now available at URBTIX (www.urbtix.hk). For telephone credit card bookings, please call 2111 5999. For programme enquiries and concessionary schemes, please call 2268 7321 or visit www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/CulturalService/Programme/en/music/programs_587.html.
