Ceremony to commemorate victory day of Chinese people’s war of resistance against Japanese aggression

     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, and senior government officials will attend an official ceremony on Monday (September 3) at City Hall Memorial Garden to commemorate the victory of the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japanese aggression.

     The official ceremony will be held at 8am. The ceremony will include a performance by the Police Band, singing of the national anthem by a choir from St. Joseph's College and Holy Family Canossian College, flag raising, a gun salute by the Police Rifle Squad, silence in mourning and wreath laying.

     About 900 people including judicial officers, members of the Executive Council and the Legislative Council, representatives of war veteran groups, members of the community, uniformed groups and students will attend the ceremony. In view of the limited capacity at the venue, there will be no public viewing area for the ceremony. Radio Television Hong Kong will provide a live broadcast of the ceremony on the day.

     The Police will implement temporary traffic arrangements at the northern section of Edinburgh Place outside Hong Kong City Hall on the day from 5.30am onwards until the end of the ceremony. Vehicular access to the northern section of Edinburgh Place outside Hong Kong City Hall will be closed and entry will be restricted to vehicles with the appropriate Closed Road Permit.

Grading of beach water quality released

     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) today (August 31) released the latest grading of water quality for 38 gazetted beaches and one non-gazetted beach (Discovery Bay) that are open for swimming.
     Twenty beaches were rated as Good (Grade 1), 18 as Fair (Grade 2) and one as Poor (Grade 3).
Grade 1 beaches are:        

Cafeteria New Beach Lower Cheung Sha Beach
Cheung Chau Tung Wan Beach Middle Bay Beach
Chung Hom Kok Beach Repulse Bay Beach
Clear Water Bay First Beach Shek O Beach
Clear Water Bay Second Beach South Bay Beach
Hap Mun Bay Beach St Stephen's Beach
Hung Shing Yeh Beach Tong Fuk Beach
Kiu Tsui Beach Trio Beach
Kwun Yam Beach Turtle Cove Beach
Lo So Shing Beach Upper Cheung Sha Beach

Grade 2 beaches are:

Approach Beach Hoi Mei Wan Beach
Big Wave Bay Beach Kadoorie Beach
Butterfly Beach Lido Beach
Cafeteria Old Beach Ma Wan Tung Wan Beach
Casam Beach Pui O Beach
Castle Peak Beach Silver Mine Bay Beach
Deep Water Bay Beach Silverstrand Beach
Discovery Bay Stanley Main Beach
Golden Beach Ting Kau Beach

Grade 3 beaches are:

Anglers' Beach  

     Compared with the grading released last week, Clear Water Bay First Beach and Shek O Beach have been upgraded from Grade 2 to Grade 1, and Castle Peak Beach from Grade 3 to Grade 2. Silverstrand Beach has been changed from Grade 1 to Grade 2, and Anglers' Beach from Grade 2 to Grade 3. 
     "The changes are generally within the normal range of fluctuation of the bacteriological water quality of the beaches," an EPD spokesman said.
     Under the present grading system, beaches are classified into four grades according to the level of E. coli in the water. Grades are calculated on the basis of the geometric mean of the E. coli counts on the five most recent sampling occasions.
     While the ratings represent the general water quality at the beaches, the EPD spokesman reminded members of the public that water quality could be temporarily affected during and after periods of heavy rain. Bathers should avoid swimming at beaches for up to three days after a storm or heavy rainfall.
     A summary of beach grades is published weekly before the weekend. The latest beach grades based on the most current data may be obtained from the department's websites on Beach Water Quality (www.beachwq.gov.hk and www.epd.gov.hk/epd/beach) or the beach hotline, 2511 6666.

Applications for Mainland University Study Subsidy Scheme close on September 21

     The Education Bureau (EDB) today (August 31) reminded students who are interested in applying for subsidy under the Mainland University Study Subsidy Scheme (MUSSS) for the 2018/19 academic year and who will enter designated Mainland institutions in the 2018/19 academic year for the first year of their studies to submit their completed application forms, together with supporting documents, to the EDB by post on or before September 21.

     The MUSSS was launched by the Government in July 2014 to provide subsidy to Hong Kong students who have passed a means test ("means-tested subsidy") to pursue undergraduate studies in designated Mainland institutions. Eligible students will receive either a full-rate subsidy or a half-rate subsidy per academic year, depending on their needs. Starting from the 2017/18 academic year, a "non-means-tested subsidy" is introduced under the MUSSS. Eligible students will receive a flat rate subsidy for an academic year. The subsidy under MUSSS is granted on a yearly basis. The subsidised period will be the normal duration of the undergraduate programme pursued by the student concerned in the designated Mainland institution. Eligible applicants can only receive either "means-tested subsidy" or "non-means-tested subsidy" in an academic year.

     For the 2018/19 academic year, the amounts of adjusted full-rate subsidy and half-rate subsidy under the "means-tested subsidy" are HK$16,800 and HK$8,400 respectively. The amount of "non-means-tested subsidy" is HK$5,600.  

     Detailed information of the MUSSS, including the 176 designated Mainland institutions, application forms and guidance notes, are available at the EDB website (www.edb.gov.hk/en/edu-system/postsecondary/policy-doc/musss/2018.html). The EDB will inform individual applicants of the application result by the first quarter of 2019.

CFS announces food safety report for July

     The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department today (August 31) released the findings of its food safety report for last month. The results of about 15 100 food samples tested were satisfactory except for 17 samples which were announced earlier. The overall satisfactory rate was 99.9 per cent.
     A CFS spokesman said about 1 600 food samples were collected for microbiological tests, some 4 600 samples were taken for chemical tests and the remaining 8 900 (including about 8 300 taken from food imported from Japan) were collected to test radiation levels.
     The microbiological tests covered pathogens and hygienic indicators, while the chemical tests included pesticides, preservatives, metallic contaminants, colouring matters, veterinary drug residues and others.
     The samples comprised about 4 500 samples of vegetables and fruit and their products; 700 samples of meat and poultry and their products; 1 900 samples of aquatic and related products; 1 200 samples of milk, milk products and frozen confections; 1 000 samples of cereals, grains and their products; and 5 800 samples of other food commodities (including beverages, bakery products and snacks).
     The 17 unsatisfactory samples comprised five vegetable and fruit samples detected with pesticide residues exceeding the legal limits; three sorbet samples detected with total bacterial counts exceeding the legal limit; two samples of ham and egg bun, a sample of rice vermicelli with roast duck, and a sample of soybean curd dessert detected with excessive Bacillus cereus; a fresh beef sample and a fresh pork sample found to contain sulphur dioxide; a sample of dry noodles detected with Salmonella; a ginger powder sample found contaminated with aflatoxins; and a mushroom sample found to contain sulphur dioxide undeclared on its food label.
     The CFS has taken follow-up action on the unsatisfactory samples, including informing the vendors concerned of the test results, instructing them to stop selling the affected food items and tracing the sources of the food items in question.
     Since the Pesticide Residues in Food Regulation (Cap 132CM) came into effect on August 1, 2014, as of July 31 this year, the CFS has taken over 152 800 food samples at the import, wholesale and retail levels for testing for pesticide residues. The overall unsatisfactory rate is less than 0.2 per cent.
     The spokesman added that excessive pesticide residues in food may arise from the trade not observing Good Agricultural Practice, e.g. using excessive pesticides and/or not allowing sufficient time for pesticides to decompose before harvesting. The maximum residue limits (MRLs) of pesticide residues in food set in the Regulation are not safety indicators. They are the maximum concentrations of pesticide residues to be permitted in a food commodity under Good Agricultural Practice when applying pesticides. In this connection, consumption of food with pesticide residues higher than the MRLs will not necessarily lead to any adverse health effects.
     Bacillus cereus is commonly found in the environment. Unhygienic conditions in food processing and storage may give rise to its growth. Consuming food contaminated with excessive Bacillus cereus may cause gastrointestinal upset such as vomiting and diarrhoea.
     The spokesman reminded the food trade to ensure that food for sale is fit for human consumption and meets legal requirements. Consumers should patronise reliable shops when buying food and maintain a balanced diet to minimise food risks.

Space Museum launches new Omnimax show “National Parks Adventure” (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Space Museum's new Omnimax show, "National Parks Adventure", will be launched tomorrow (September 1). The film shows the audience the breathtaking landscapes of national parks in the United States by following the footsteps of world-class mountaineer Conrad Anker and two other adventurers, and explores what national parks mean to people.
     The national parks not only contain spectacular scenery and display the results of nature conservation, but also offer a place for seeking excitement, purifying minds and creating artworks. The audience will witness the family ties between Anker and Max Lowe, the son of Anker's deceased climbing partner and now his stepson. At the same time, the audience will also see the friendship among the two of them and a young artist, Rachel Pohl.
     The show was filmed in more than 30 national parks in the United States. When viewing the film on the dome screen at the museum's Stanley Ho Space Theatre, members of the audience may feel as if they are inside Yellowstone National Park or at Devils Tower, in addition to appreciating the magnificent work of nature.
     The 43-minute show will be screened until February 28 next year at the museum's Stanley Ho Space Theatre. It will be screened daily at 1.30pm, 5pm and 8.30pm.
     Tickets priced at $24 (front stalls) and $32 (stalls) are available at the Hong Kong Space Museum Box Office and URBTIX (www.urbtix.hk). The museum is closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays).
     The Hong Kong Space Museum is located at 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. For further information, please call 2721 0226 or visit the website at hk.space.museum.

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