China punishes Weibo for porn

Weibo, a Chinese Twitter-like service, has been punished for spreading pornography, as part of a nationwide crackdown, the anti-pornography authority said Friday.

The National Office Against Pornographic and Illegal Publications in February launched a new round of its national campaign against the production, sale and distribution of illegal publications and online erotic content that could affect juveniles.

Investigators found that Weibo started providing audio-visual programs in February 2015 without obtaining a license, and such content contained obscene videos.

Weibo was fined 30,000 yuan (4,359 U.S.dollars) by Beijing administrative law enforcement, and required to immediately rectify the problem.

The office asked all online service providers to learn lessons from the Weibo case, tackle pornography and shut down accounts with illegal content.

Illegal parking in Beijing to face double punishments

Drivers parking illegally in Beijing may get double punishments. [File Photo]

Drivers parking illegally in Beijing may get double punishments if a new draft regulation is finalized, Beijing News reported.

According to the draft launched by the Legal Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality and open for public opinion from April 11 to May 10, a driver who parks their car illegally in a non-designated spot may be fined 200 yuan ($29), and have three demerit points included on their driver’s license.

In China, drivers will be disqualified from driving after accumulating 12 demerit points, according to current law. The city’s traffic administration displays “No Parking” signs at busy roadsides and places around hospitals and shopping centers, the report said.

With seven sections and 61 rules, the draft also sets regulations on issues such as the planning and construction of parking facilities, and has specifications on companies that provide parking services.

The new regulation may take effect this year, according to the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport.

This will be the capital’s first local law focusing on parking management.

Infectious diseases kill 1,589 in China in March

A total of 1,589 people died as a result of infectious diseases on the Chinese mainland in March, official data have shown.

According to the National Health and Family Planning Commission, there were 544,132 cases of infectious diseases reported on the mainland last month.

More than 325,791 cases were classified as Class B infectious diseases under China’s Law on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, resulting in 1,579 deaths.

Viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhoea as well as bacterial and amoebic dysentery accounted for 95 percent of these cases.

Category C diseases were responsible for 218,341 cases and 10 deaths. Infectious diarrhea, foot and mouth disease, and influenza were the most prevalent in this category, accounting for 90 percent of cases.

Former senior legislator sentenced to 14 years

A former senior legislator in northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province was sentenced Thursday to 14 years in prison for accepting bribes.

Gai Ruyin, former deputy head of the Standing Committee of Heilongjiang Provincial People’s Congress, was also fined 2 million yuan (about 291,300 U.S. dollars) and ordered to return all this ill-gotten gains by the First Intermediate People’s Court of Tianjin, north China.

The court found Gai guilty of taking advantage of his various positions in Heilongjiang to help others secure projects, business opportunities and promotions from 2003 to 2015, according to a press release.

In return, he accepted money and property amounting to more than 23 million yuan personally or through other people, the court said.

The court decided to be lenient as Gai pleaded guilty, expressed remorse, returned his illegal gains and offered information about other crimes.

Palace Museum to set up emergency center

Palace Museum [Photo/]

A renovation project has started at Beijing’s Palace Museum, which will include the establishment of an emergency center, according to a press release from the museum.

The project will see the museum’s heating system fixed, and an emergency response office that will ensure safety at the complex during peak season.

Every year since 2012, more than 15 million people have visited the museum, also known as the Forbidden City. The number of visitors in 2016 hit 16 million.

The museum began to limit visitor numbers to 80,000 daily in June 2015, preventing extreme peaks in number of visitors.

The project will also see several managing offices built to ensure the safety of infrastructure and cultural relics.

The offices will monitor the museum’s facilities and its over 1.8 million artifacts.

In the museum’s 170,000-square-meter wooden building complex, there are 65 monitors and more than 2,300 surveillance cameras.

The project is scheduled to be completed in June 2019.

In 2020, the former imperial palace will celebrate its 600th anniversary. The museum has been a UNESCO World Heritage Listed site since 1987.