Rush to find a lost woman ends sadly

A lost elderly woman with cancer who didn’t want to burden her children, was found dead on Saturday morning in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, after her son sought help on social media to find her.

Dai Jinxiu, 70, had been living with her daughter in Wenzhou. Her two sons lived elsewhere.

She was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in April and had undergone treatment in Shanghai, Tu Huanyu, the younger son, was quoted as saying on, the city’s largest news website.

“She said she was unhappy and refused more medical treatment,” Tu said.

On Wednesday morning, Dai went to see a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine with her daughter, and afterward asked to go to an opera house to relax by herself. She didn’t return home.

The daughter later found a two-page letter at home.

“Your careful nursing has put me under great pressure. I don’t want to be a burden on you. I want to do it in my own way,” Dai wrote, apparently contemplating suicide.

The family called the police. But there was no progress in the search until Tu posted the story online on Thursday afternoon.

A WeChat search group was set up to coordinate police officers, reporters, rescue groups and family members.

“Many news websites linked to our page, and the public was highly concerned. That drove both official and civilian rescue forces,” said Ye Shuanglian, deputy news director at

A breakthrough came at 8:40 pm on Thursday. Dai had been recorded by a camera as she got on a bus on Wednesday morning. She was then spotted in other recordings, and the police traced her route.

Several civilian rescue teams were sent to scour mountain and lake areas. Hundreds of residents also volunteered.

At 10:30 am on Saturday, Dai’s body was found in brush at an abandoned automobile salvage yard. The exact cause of death is yet to be announced by forensic experts.

Dai’s family was grateful, despite the sad outcome.

“I want to say thanks to everyone who helped us,” said Tu, the son.

“We’ve done many reports about elderly people who got lost, and we’ve helped families find them. But this story is one of the hardest because it triggered the hidden and painful experience of many Chinese families,” said Ye of

“Many traditional Chinese parents took on the responsibility to raise their children, but they don’t want the children to do anything for them. Such one-way devotion is a typical Chinese style,” she said.

“We appeal for more care for elderly parents, both economically and mentally.”

Officials punished after coal mine accident cover-up

Ten managers and officials have been removed from their posts after the cover-up of a fatal landslide at an open-pit coal mine which killed eight people, the provincial government in north China’s Shanxi Province said Monday.

A landslide occurred on Aug. 11 at Lyuxin coal mine in Heshun County, but the mining company denied any casualties had occurred until its manager turned himself in to police confessing that 10 people had been buried in the accident.

Eight people have died, one was injured and one remains unaccounted for.

Five managers of the state-owned coal mine were removed from their posts and put under investigation. Five local officials, including vice county chief Feng Letian, were also fired. An investigation team is looking into their suspected wrongdoings.

Lyuxin coal mine, under Shanxi Coal Transportation and Sales Group Co., Ltd., has an annual coal capacity of 2 million tonnes.

Beijing to support for construction of Xiongan New Area

Beijing Monday unveiled cooperation agreements with Hebei Province on the construction of Xiongan New Area, a new development area southwest of the capital, according to a press conference by Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform.

The agreements were signed after a group of the city’s leaders and heads from Beijing’s different districts, departments and state-owned enterprises paid a visit to the new area on Thursday.

The agreements focus on eight areas namely working mechanisms, scientific and technological innovations, transportation, ecology, industry, public services, construction plans, and talent exchanges.

Liu Bozheng, deputy director of the Beijing office overseeing the integration of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, said at the press conference that Beijing will provide comprehensive support as required for the construction of Xiongan New Area.

Beijing will support cooperation between Zhongguancun Science Park and Xiongan New Area to build a science park in the new area and accelerate the construction of transportation infrastructure between Beijing and the area, including a high-speed railway, intercity railway, and expressway.

Some Beijing based state-owned enterprises such as Beijing Energy Investment Holding Co., Ltd. and Beijing Waterworks Group will provide services for the new area.

Three schools and a hospital will be built in the new area with the help of three prestigious schools and a hospital in Beijing, according to one of the agreements.

At present, Xiongan New Area is in dire need of high-quality public service resources, Liu said. These agreements will take advantage of Beijing’s education, health care, and scientific innovation resources to come up with a batch of specific projects in Xiongan.

Beijing will provide talent and technical support for the new area’s urban planning, surveying and mapping, Liu said.

The capital will also share its experience in the construction of its eastern suburb of Tongzhou, which serves as a “subsidiary administrative center,” according to Liu.

In April, China announced plans to establish the new economic zone about 100 kilometers southwest of Beijing. It covers Hebei’s Xiongxian, Rongcheng and Anxin counties.

Following the success of the country’s economic zones in the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta regions, Xiongan is expected to promote the formation of a world-class city cluster.

China to continue efforts to implement UN 2030 Agenda

President Xi Jinping said China will continue its efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and promote national development in a more efficient, fair, and sustainable way.

He made the remarks in a congratulatory letter Monday for the launch ceremony of China’s international development knowledge center, which aims to facilitate study and exchanges on development theory and practice.

Noting that he is glad to see the launch of the center, which he proposed at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015, Xi said he expects the center to contribute to research and exchanges on development among different countries and to promote global implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

Xi said implementing the 2030 Agenda is the common responsibility of the international community. The Chinese government highly values implementation of the agenda and has released its national plan for the implementation.

He said China has made early progress in implementing the work in a balanced way in economic, social and environmental fields.

A progress report on China’s implementation of the agenda was also released at the launch ceremony.

East China province braces for typhoon

Hato, the 13th typhoon this year, is likely to land near the border between east China’s Fujian Province and south China’s Guangdong Province on Wednesday morning, local meteorological authorities said Monday.

The typhoon was moving to the northwest in the northwestern Pacific on Monday morning, packing maximum wind of 20 meters per second at its eye. It is expected to bring gales to the sea off Fujian starting Monday night and rainstorms starting Tuesday night, according to Fujian’s observatory.

The province activated an emergency response to the typhoon on Monday morning.

Workers with coastal fish farms have been ordered to retreat to land and fishing boats have been told to return to harbor.

Tourist attractions and construction sites to the south of Fuzhou City, the provincial capital, will be closed on Tuesday.