Bluebook on China’s competitiveness of global talent recruitment

A bluebook report identifying China’s relative weak competitiveness in wooing global talents as well as containing proposals for measures for different regions within China to improve was released on Sept. 11 in Beijing, as parts of a joint effort of the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) and the Institute of Development Studies at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) in Sichuan.

The report, titled The Report on China’s Regional International Talent Competitiveness 2017, is published as China is gearing up to attract more talented people from all over the world in order to boost its economic growth. It is an imperative to objectively evaluate the current status of China’s competitiveness of global talent recruitment in order to identify the gap and find solutions.

CCG and SWUFE’s Institute of Development Studies co-established an index model to assess China’s regional competitiveness in attracting overseas talents by using six dimensions – population size, structure, innovation, policy, development and living conditions, supported by 13 secondary indices and 36 tertiary indices.

Based on the model, the report compiled a ranking of the most-preferred places in China for foreign talents. Futhermore, by comparing the situation in all of China’s 31 province-level regions (Taiwan, Macao, and Hong Kong not included), the report mapped out policy measures to improve China’s regional and national competitiveness to recruit more global talents.

The key highlights of the report are as follows:

China’s overall global talent competitiveness still lags behind many developed countries. The proportion of international workers in China is far below the world average. In 2015, only 0.06% of the country’s population were foreigners, while the worldwide average proportion was 3.3%. Shanghai ranks the highest among all of the Chinese cities evaluated according to the 2017 report. Even so, it only attains 65.17 out of 100 in global talent competitiveness, followed by Beijing, Guangdong, and Jiangsu, all of which are the most economically developed regions in China.

Geographically, foreign talents are very unevenly spreaded in China with the gap between first placed Shanghai and last placed Shanxi reaching 0.8 out of a total score of 1. Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin are the top three most favorite cities for foreign students, while Guangdong, Shanghai and Jiangsu are the first-tier cities which accommodate the most foreign experts.

In terms of the quality of the recruited global population, there is not a large margin between different provinces or regions. Anhui and the western regions score higher in global talent eudcation degree structure for having more foreign experts on science and technology research with strong academic backgrounds. Jiangsu, Guangdong, and Shanghai score the highest in global talent occupation structure for providing foreign workers room to develop their long-term career.

Guangdong ranks the first in terms of international talent innovation, as the foreign workers there are foscused on innovative industries and activities, while the western region also has great potential in this regard. Shanghai, on the contrary, scores low on this index, because most international talents there are working in the financial industry, instead of innovative industries such as IT or high-end manufacturing.


The eastern coastal regions have more friendly international talent recuitment policies, while China’s mid and western regions lag behind. Jiangsu ranks first on this index, followed by Beijing, Zhejiang, and Guangdong. With respect to international talent recruitment policy innovation, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong score higher, as they have all been rolling out policies to reform entry and exit regulatory system to facilitate high-level international talents and their entrepreneurship and innovation activities in China.

Sharp margins exist between China’s coastal and inland region over creating a talent cultivation environment for foreign workers. Shanghai obtains a full score on this index. With extensive access to the global economy and strong international background, Shanghai has become a hub for forign trade and MNC headquarters. However, most regions still lack strength in building the appropriate surroundings for foreign talents.

Guangdong is selected by foreign talents as the most popular place to live, and China’s midwest also has great potential in attracting foreign talents with its better environment and living conditions. Guangdong, Jiangsu, Beijing, Shandong and Shanghai rank as the top 5 provinces/cities respectively for providing the best social security and services to foreign talents, such as healthcare and children’s education.

Based on the findings above, the report proposed to institutionally improve the work of inter-national talent recruitment in order to attract more foreign talents. Measures such as estab-lishing a governing entity specifically for international talent management, expanding inter-national talent recruitment policies which have been proved effective in pilot programs, and enhancing regional competitiveness for international talent through improved natural envi-ronments and living conditions were provided in the bluebook. (Li Xiaohua contributes to this article)

State plans to ease foreigners’ access

China will roll out a series of measures to boost innovation, according to a circular from the General Office of the State Council.

Thirteen reform measures will be carried out in eight comprehensive innovation pilot areas, including the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Shanghai and the Pearl River Delta, and then further promoted nationwide, it said.

According to the circular, the government will enhance the support for innovation by small and medium-sized enterprises by offering one-stop investment and financing information.

One-stop service for patent examination, rights protection and verification also will be offered to enterprises, the circular said.

In the meantime, the government will streamline the procedures for foreigners to apply for work permits in China and encourage foreign students to find career opportunities, start their own businesses and apply for work and residence permits.

The circular also stressed the need to accelerate the transformation of military production into civilian use.

Right direction: Female officers on the beat

The team, which comprises of female SWAT brigade and the first female motorcycle team, has become a beautiful addition to the landscape of the river.

A team of traffic officers patrols the streets beside the Yalu River in Dandong, Liaoning province. [Photo by Jiang Chengyun/Provided to]

A team of traffic officers patrols the streets beside the Yalu River in Dandong, Liaoning province. [Photo by Jiang Chengyun/Provided to]

According to the rules, the officers must be over 20 years old, should have excellent motorcycle riding skills, well-versed in emergency response, knowledge of law and other skills.

Regardless of the weather, they carry out training in the coldest and the hottest seasons of the year.

They always stick to the intensive traffic management outside the office.

Students’ faces could soon put guards out of work

Students at a Beijing university are now required to scan their faces on entering dormitories, a process that may soon make security guards obsolete.

Beijing Normal University has installed 44 facial scanners at the 19 dormitory buildings for its 18,000 students on campus.

The machines have been placed at all entrances to dorm buildings, and students will have to pause and look at the sensor for a few seconds before swiping their campus ID cards.

If the face and card match, the machine will open the gate and say “welcome home.”

The machines also come with voice recognition so students without bringing their cards can scan their faces and say the last four digits of their card number, said Yang Hailiang, general manager of Beijing Peace and Joy Technology, which produces the machines. The system can recognize 26 Chinese dialects and has achieved an accuracy rate of 98 percent, Yang said.

Li Jinjun, dormitory service center director at the university, said the machines had been installed due to safety concerns.

Vendors will be deterred from sneaking in and out of the dorm buildings, he said. “Outsiders won’t be able to follow our students into the dorms.”

But there are other advantages, Li said.

“We can now find out who does not return to the dorm or returns late,” he said. “The machines will help us better monitor the students’ whereabouts.”

In China, the rapid development of facial recognition technology has led to its use in a number of innovative ways. Beijing’s Temple of Heaven used it in toilets to deter toilet paper theft. In east China’s Jinan, traffic police installed facial scanners at road intersections to catch and shame jaywalkers.

Supermarkets in some big cities have been using the technology at bag deposit areas.

Beijing Normal University debuted its first scanners in April and expanded their use during the summer break, and 70 percent of students have had their faces recorded. A facial scan is required for new students.

“I feel much safer,” said Zhao Xinyi, a physics student. “The system also relieves the security guards of their heavy burden.”

However, some students complained they were not being recognized after a haircut.

Semester begins for China’s AI graduate students

More than 120 graduate students at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, known as Beihang University, began attending classes on artificial intelligence (AI) Thursday.

Artificial intelligence (AI) [File Photo:]

 Artificial intelligence (AI) [File Photo:]

As China’s first group of graduate students majoring in AI, they will receive joint training from both the university and AI-related companies.

The curriculum includes cognitive science, visual perception, unmanned systems and robotics. Some courses will be taught in company labs and beside production lines. Students are also required to intern and take part in project research and development for at least one year in one of the participating companies.

According to the university, 30 percent of the teachers are leading industry experts, and another 30 percent are renowned scholars. Over 90 percent of the teachers have overseas work or education experience related to AI.