China builds world’s highest power pylon

Construction recently began on a giant power supply pylon, believed to be the world’s tallest, in east China’s Zhejiang Province, State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company announced Tuesday.

At an impressive 380 meters tall, the pylon will be four times the height of London’s Big Ben.

The pylon will carry power cables between Zhoushan’s Jintang and Cezi islands, a distance of 2,656 meters, the power company’s Zhoushan branch said in the announcement.

It will break the world record for the tallest power pylon currently held by China’s Damaoshan pylon which stands at 370 meters, also in Zhoushan.

The new pylon is a part of a new ultra-high voltage power line project between cities of Zhoushan and Ningbo.

The project is expected to completed by the end of 2018, and will be put into use in 2019.

RUC to open new campus in Tongzhou

Renmin University of China (RUC), one of the country’s best universities, has started building a new campus in Beijing’s Tongzhou District, where a new government center is under construction.

Construction of the new campus started Monday at Tongzhou’s Lucheng Township, one day before the university’s 80th anniversary.

Covering an area of 111 hectares, the campus will be home to 22,000 students after its planned completion in 2025.

No fences will be built. Facilities at the campus, including the sports field and the gymnasium, will be open to the public.

RUC will be the only national-level key university in the capital’s subsidiary administrative center, according to RUC.

Beijing is shifting some local administrative functions out of the city center and into Tongzhou to address congestion and pollution.

There are also plans to relocate non-capital functions to suburban and neighboring areas like Tianjin and Hebei.

As one of the relocation measures, some universities have built new campuses in outskirts like Shunyi, Daxing and Fangshan districts, and moved some of their faculty and students there.

Police detain 1,350 suspected ticket scalpers

Chinese railway police have arrested 1,350 suspects in a national campaign against ticket scalping during the National Day holiday.

Around 83,000 tickets have been confiscated, with 1,198 cases closed, police said in a statement.

Over 2,700 squads comprising some 12,000 policemen took part in the two-month campaign, which is scheduled to conclude on Oct. 8, the last day of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays.

Police have increased patrols around railway stations, and ran inspections at entrances to stations. They also encouraged the public to report scalpers.

Ticket scalping is a major problem around public holidays as the demand for tickets is high.

Chinese railways set a new high in passenger traffic with more than 15 million trips made on Sunday, the first day of the National Day holiday, according to China Railway Corporation.

The company forecast that railways nationwide will receive around 130 million passengers in the 11 days following Sept. 28.

How 19th CPC National Congress delegates are elected

In about one year, 2,287 delegates have been elected to attend the upcoming 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), to be held in Beijing from Oct. 18.

The elections started in November 2016 after the CPC Central Committee stated the quota of delegates, their qualifications and the election procedure.

According to requirements, nominees must be highly qualified politically and ideologically, have good work and life styles, be competent in discussing state affairs, and have been successful in their work.

The election was competitive with more than 15 percent of the preliminary nominees eliminated during the process.

Party committees at various levels encouraged wider participation of grassroots-level CPC members in the nomination process.

Besides media coverage, lectures, and leaflets, they also used video connections, text messages, messages on instant messaging service WeChat, and telephone talks to include more Party members into the process.

Those in remote regions such as Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region even took mobile ballot boxes to towns and villages for voters.

All grassroots-level Party committees were included, with 99.2 percent of Party members participating, 1.2 percentage points higher than the figure for the 18th CPC National Congress.

The electoral units then conducted thorough investigations of nominees, listening to the opinions of both their supervisors and the public.

After passing the investigations, the delegates, elected from across the country when local Party committees held their congresses this year, will need to pass a further check to get final approval to attend the congress.

Compared with the delegates to previous CPC national congresses, this year’s list features more from frontline production and manufacturing, minority ethnic groups, and women.

Among them, 771 delegates are from frontline production and manufacturing, including workers, farmers, and technicians, accounting for 33.7 percent of the total, up by 3.2 percentage points from five years ago.

These delegates not only come from traditional industries like manufacturing, transportation, steel and coal, but also from sectors such as finance, the Internet, and social organizations.

The representation of female CPC members and members from ethnic minority groups is also rising, reaching 24.1 percent and 11.5 percent of the total respectively.

The average age of the delegates is 51.8, about 0.2 year younger compared with the 18th CPC National Congress, and about 70.6 percent of them are under the age of 55.

Police arrest 14 for making, selling guns in China

Police in northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province have arrested 14 people involved in gun manufacture and sales.

A total of 27 guns have been seized since June 2, when a detained drug user confessed to police that one of his friends, Ren, had a gun, said a police officer with public security bureau of Harbin, capital of Heilongjiang.

Ren was apprehended on the same day with six guns and some parts and tools for making guns.

Ren told the police he started manufacturing guns in 2016.

He bought guns, models and parts from three dealers, made or converted the guns, and then sold to buyers in more than 10 provincial-level regions, including Beijing and Shanghai.

The guns, including assembled ones for military use, were sold online and the gang offered to teach the buyers online how to use them.

Civilian possession of guns is illegal in China.