China’s anti-graft drive wins people’s trust

More than 70,000 officials at or above the county-head level have been investigated for suspected corruption since the 18th Communist Party of China (CPC) National Congress in 2012, the top anti-graft body of the CPC said Saturday.

The anti-graft campaign continues to gain momentum and win applause from the public, according to a statement on the website of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI).

Five years ago, China’s new leadership launched a high-profile anti-corruption campaign, which has led to the downfall of a number of high-level officials, known as “tigers,” and lower-level “flies” who serve at the grassroots level.

Among the tigers felled in the campaign were Zhou Yongkang, a former member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee; Bo Xilai, former Party chief of Chongqing Municipality; Xu Caihou and Guo Boxiong, both former generals and vice chairmen of the Central Military Commission; as well as Ling Jihua and Su Rong, former vice chairmen of China’s top political advisory body.

According to the CCDI, 1.34 million township-level and 648,000 Party members and officials in rural areas were also punished during that period.

The CPC, the world’s largest ruling Party, released an “eight-point” rule on austerity in late 2012 to reduce undesirable work practices. The CCDI now has a monthly reporting system on the implementation of the rules within provincial-level governments, central Party and governmental agencies, centrally administered state-owned enterprises and central financial institutions.

China also worked with the international community to hunt corruption suspects who had fled overseas via the “Sky Net” manhunt and other operations.

By the end of August, 3,339 fugitives were captured from more than 90 countries and regions, with 628 of them being former officials. About 9.36 billion yuan (around 1.41 billion U.S. dollars) was recovered, the CCDI said.

Among the top 100 fugitives listed on an Interpol red notices, 46 have been arrested, it said.

Amid high pressure, the number of corrupt officials who fled overseas saw a drastic decrease in 2016. A total of 19 fugitive suspects fled China in 2016, compared with 31 in 2015 and 101 in 2014.

In the past five years, the CPC Central Committee has tirelessly addressed “si feng,” or “the four forms of decadence” — formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance.

By the end of 2016, 155,300 violations against the eight-point code on frugality and maintaining close links with the masses had been investigated. Among the violations, 78.2 percent took place in 2013 and 2014, 15.1 percent took place in 2015, and 6.7 percent in 2016, indicating marked decreases each year.

Moreover, the CCDI has shown that it is serious about tackling corruption within its own ranks, which it refers to as “darkness hiding beneath the light.”

By the end of 2016, 17 disciplinary officials were investigated and 7,900 others were punished, it said.

A survey by the National Bureau of Statistics showed 92.9 percent of people were satisfied with the anti-corruption campaigns in 2016, 17.9 percentage points higher than in 2012.

Hong Kong launches road safety campaign

The police in China’s Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) will launch a road safety campaign on Saturday, targeting drivers of public service vehicles.

During the five-day campaign, the police will take stringent enforcement action against undesirable driving behavior including using mobile communication devices while driving, speeding and seatbelt-related offences, local radio RTHK quoted the police as saying.

The campaign will target drivers of taxis, public buses, private light buses, private school buses and other public service vehicles.

From January to August this year, there were 4,304 accidents involving public service vehicles, causing 5,915 casualties, including 23 deaths.

This accounted for more than 40 percent of all traffic accidents during the period.

The police urged drivers of public service vehicles to observe traffic regulations, pay attention to road conditions, wear seatbelts and remind passengers to do the same.

China hosts 67 mln tourists on 6th day

A tourist poses for photo at Yueyaquan (Crescent Spring) Scenic Spot in Dunhuang City, northwest China’s Gansu Province. Oct. 6, 2017. People find various ways to spend their National Day holidays, from Oct. 1 to Oct. 8 this year. (Xinhua/Zhang Xiaoliang)

A total of 67 million Chinese tourists traveled around the country on the sixth day of the National Day holiday, the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) said on Friday.

The figure represents an increase of 12.3 percent year on year, the CNTA said.

Tourism revenue generated on Friday totaled 54.6 billion yuan (8.23 billion U.S. dollars), up 15.1 percent from the same period a year ago.

The number of tourists in major scenic spots remained high with that in Changbaishan Mountain in northeast China’s Jilin Province rising by 78 percent to 22,500, according to CNTA statistics.

Zhejiang Province in east China hosted 9.77 million tourists who spent a total of 7.974 billion yuan on Friday.

CNTA said the tourist market over the latter half of the holiday running from Oct. 1 to 8 was mainly driven by road trips, periphery tours and leisure travel.

Folk customs, rural tourism, camping, theme parks and tourism complex were increasingly popular.

China’s air, road and railway transport systems are to enter another peak as people have started to return.

On Oct. 1, the first day of the holiday, 15.03 million trips were made by train, an all-time high. This year’s National Day holiday was extended by one more day due to the Mid-autumn Festival which falls on Oct. 4.

A separate report from the China Railway Corporation said trains were expected to carry 12.57 million travelers on Friday.X To cope with the high passenger flow, CRC scheduled 539 extra trains on Friday.

This was the second day that CRC expanded its train services during the holiday. On Thursday, 503 additional trains were arranged.

Tickets were almost sold out for trains traveling back to major sources of tourists in the next three days, CRC said.

Airports in China are also seeing a growing number of passengers returning home.

Three survive, 13 bodies recovered in collision

Survivors and bodies of all crew members from a Chinese mainland fishing vessel have been recovered from international waters off the Japanese coast, officials said.

In all, three men survived and 13 were pulled from the water dead, the Chinese consulate-general’s office in Osaka said.

The identities of the 13 victims, which have been transferred to nearby Chinese boats, were being verified.

The fishing vessel, identified as the 290-metric-ton Lurong Yuanyu 378, capsized after colliding Thursday morning with the 63,294-ton tanker Bright Oil Lucky out of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The Japanese Coast Guard sent three patrol vessels and several divers to search for the Chinese fishermen.

The collision was some 400 kilometers north of the Oki Is

Beijing expects large traffic influx

Beijing will see large influx of traffic from Friday, as the eight-day holiday for National Day and the Mid Autumn Festival is drawing to an end, said local traffic authorities.

According to the Beijing Traffic Management Bureau, on Friday afternoon, the highways into Beijing saw a peak of inbound traffic which will not ease until next week.

The long holiday is a good travel opportunity for Chinese people. The China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) said on the fifth day of the holiday that 93 million tourists traveled around the country.

In Beijing, many who chose to travel by car left the city at midnight or in the early morning. Between midnight and 6 a.m. on Sunday about 310,000 cars left Beijing, said Cheng Wei, a police officer with the Beijing Traffic Management Bureau.

Beijing will resume its traffic restrictions next Monday, when cars will be restricted according to the last number of their plate.