Commissioner of Customs and Excise reviews Hong Kong Customs passing-out parade (with photos)

     The Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Louise Ho, attended the Passing-out Parade for the 492nd-495th Customs Officer Induction Courses at the Hong Kong Customs College today (July 5) to inspect 82 Probationary Customs Officers on parade. Among the passing-out officers, eight are members of Customs YES.
     The Guards of Honour and all passing-out officers adopted the Chinese-style foot drill to form the logo of the World Customs Organization (WCO), demonstrating Hong Kong Customs' commitment to becoming the new Vice-Chairperson for the Asia/Pacific (A/P) region of the WCO starting from July this year. The Foot Drill and Flag Party of the Customs Youth Leader Corps, the first team under the Security Bureau to perform Chinese-style rifle foot drill, also made its debut in the Passing-out Parade, joining hands with the Guards of Honour and passing-out officers to form the pattern of the Tiananmen Tower to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. This arrangement demonstrated that the patriotic spirit of Hong Kong Customs can continue to be passed on from generation to generation.

     Speaking at the passing-out parade, Ms Ho said under the protection of the Hong Kong National Security Law and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance, Hong Kong Customs will steadfastly safeguard national security and strive to promote the country and Hong Kong towards high-quality development, actively expand international exchanges and co-operation, and make full use of Hong Kong's distinctive advantages under "one country, two systems", enjoying the strong support of the motherland and being closely connected to the world.

     She added that Hong Kong Customs, in the name of Hong Kong, China, was elected as the Vice-Chairperson for the A/P region of the WCO at the Customs Co-operation Council Sessions of the WCO in Brussels on June 29, and formally assumed this role as regional representative for two years from July. The primary responsibilities of this role include driving regional development agendas, co-ordinating regional affairs, leading members in addressing various challenges and facilitating the formulation and implementation of regional strategic plans. By playing this pivotal role, Hong Kong Customs hopes to safeguard multilateralism and promote international co-operation, enhance the effectiveness in regional law enforcement, and strengthen the capability of Hong Kong Customs by proposing the agenda and collaboration means to contribute to the country and Hong Kong.

     Talking about recruitment, Ms Ho pointed out that the response to this year's recruitment of Customs Inspectors has been encouraging, with more than 8 400 applications received, up 12 per cent from last year's 7 500. For Customs Officers, more than 5 300 applications were received in the first half of this year, representing an increase of 20 per cent over the 4 400 applications received in the same period last year. As Hong Kong Customs plays a more prominent role in the international arena after assuming the post of Vice-Chairperson for the A/P region of the WCO, it is believed that more young people who wish to broaden their horizons will be attracted to join Hong Kong Customs to realise their full potential.

     Ms Ho encouraged the passing-out officers to carry forward the goal of creating "a new chapter of Asia-Pacific customs collaboration", to strive to provide diverse and quality customs services, and to make full use of Hong Kong Customs' unique advantages in regional co-operation to make significant new contributions to the country and to Hong Kong.

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LegCo Members meet with Consuls-General and Honorary Consuls in Hong Kong (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     A cocktail reception between the Legislative Council (LegCo) Members and Consuls-General (CGs), as well as Honorary Consuls (HCs) in Hong Kong was held today (July 5) in the LegCo Complex, which provided an opportunity for them to exchange views on issues of mutual concern.

     Before the cocktail reception, the President of LegCo, Mr Andrew Leung, conducted a briefing for attending CGs and HCs on the work of LegCo, which included fulfilling the constitutional duty to enact legislation under Article 23 of the Basic Law in March this year. The CGs and HCs were also briefed on the total number of Bills expected to be passed and the financial proposals anticipated to be approved by summer recess in mid-July by the current term LegCo; as well as the latest progress of the LegCo Complex expansion project. Attending CGs and HCs then toured the LegCo Complex.

     A total of 71 Members attended the cocktail reception. Meanwhile, 36 CGs or their representatives and 8 HCs attended the guided tour, briefing, and cocktail reception.

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Customs officers complete 2nd Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao Course on Capacity Building to Prevent Illegal Trafficking of Cultural Heritage (with photos)

     â€‹The Deputy Commissioner (Control and Enforcement) of Customs and Excise, Mr Mark Woo, today (July 5) attended the closing ceremony of the 2nd Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao Course on Capacity Building to Prevent Illegal Trafficking of Cultural Heritage, held in Sichuan. He also led "Customs YES" members to participate in cultural exchange activities.

     â€‹At the closing ceremony, Mr Woo said, "As guardians of the nation's borders, Customs officers should have a sense of dedication to the country's history and culture, and a steadfast commitment to the protection of national cultural heritage". He added that Hong Kong Customs would continue to step up enforcement to combat the smuggling of national cultural heritage and make greater contributions to the protection of national cultural heritage.

     A total of 36 officers, including those from Hong Kong Customs and various departments of the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao, attended the course which included a series of lectures about anti-smuggling of cultural heritage, relevant laws and enforcement strategies on the Mainland. The participants visited the Sanxingdui Museum, the Sichuan University Museum, the Jinsha Site Museum and various institutions to enhance their capacity for cultural heritage identification and handling.

     Mr Woo today also led "Customs YES" members to visit the Sanxingdui Museum, where they experienced firsthand the art of bronze casting. During the workshop, Mr Woo encouraged the members to proactively learn more about China's profound history and culture, strengthening their affection for, and sense of belonging to, the country.

     During his visit, Mr Woo also met with the Anti-smuggling Bureau of Chengdu Customs District. He will return to Hong Kong tomorrow (July 6).

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HKETO Jakarta celebrates in Philippines 27th anniversary of HKSAR establishment (with photos)

     The Director-General of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Jakarta, Miss Libera Cheng, attended a dinner organised by the Hongkong Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines Inc in Manila, the Philippines today (July 5) to celebrate the 27th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). Around 200 guests from the local government and business sectors attended the event.

     Addressing the event, Miss Cheng said that Hong Kong has the distinctive advantages of enjoying strong support of the motherland and being closely connected to the world under the "one country, two systems" arrangement. Hong Kong will continue to maintain a high level of internationalisation and strengthen regional collaboration, including seeking early accession to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, to further reinforce its connection with the Philippines and other countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

     "The Central Government has introduced a series of measures in support of Hong Kong over the past few days, injecting new impetus to our economic development. Among others, the Exit and Entry Administration of the country will start to issue a card-type document to non-Chinese Hong Kong permanent residents next Wednesday (July 10) to enhance their clearance convenience at Mainland control points, greatly facilitating their business travels to the Mainland. I encourage the Philippine business community to leverage this new measure to explore the vast potential in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the entire Mainland market, with Hong Kong as their base," she added.

     She also gave an account of the HKSAR Government's work in attracting businesses and capital, including measures to attract family offices to Hong Kong and the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme launched in March this year.

     "The HKSAR Government has continued to roll out business-friendly measures recently. We have introduced an arrangement to extend expiring land leases without having to execute a new contract, providing greater convenience and confidence to investors. Meanwhile, the 'patent box' tax incentive encourages enterprises to forge ahead with more research and development activities, and promotes intellectual properties trading. Both relevant legislations have taken effect today."

     The dinner featured a lucky draw session to give out round-trip air tickets between Manila and Hong Kong, thereby incentivising Philippine businessmen to visit Hong Kong to attend mega events and explore business opportunities.

     Also attending the dinner were the Minister Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, Ms Wang Yulei, and the Director of Singapore of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Ms Vivienne Chee.

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Another new drug approved under “1+” Mechanism

    Government spokesman announced today (July 5) that another new drug submitted for registration under the new drug approval mechanism ("1+" mechanism) announced in the "Chief Executive's 2023 Policy Address" has been approved for registration in Hong Kong. This new oral drug is used to treat paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, bringing more treatment options for patients.

     The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government implemented "1+" mechanism since November 1, 2023. Under the "1+" mechanism, new drugs used for treatment of life-threatening or severely debilitating diseases that are supported with local clinical data are only required to submit approval from drug regulatory authority in one of the reference places (instead of two originally) and recognised by local experts can be registered in Hong Kong.

     The above product for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria has been approved by the drug regulatory authority in the United States and submitted for registration application in Hong Kong under the "1+" mechanism. Having considered the clinical data submitted by the applicant and advices given by local expert, the Registration Committee under the Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong considered that the new drug satisfied with the criteria of safety, efficacy and quality, and approved the registration of the new drug at a meeting held yesterday (July 4). The Department of Health (DH) has already notified the applicant the result of the application. The HKSAR Government will also complete the relevant registration processes in accordance with established procedures.

     At present, under the "Subsidy for Eligible Patients to Purchase Ultra-expensive Drugs (Including Those for Treating Uncommon Disorders)" (CCF Ultra-expensive Drugs Programme) launched by the HKSAR Government and the Hospital Authority (HA), there is already a drug that can treat the same clinical indication. The above new drug approved for registration under the "1+" mechanism will provide patients and healthcare professionals with more choices, increase market competition and may reduce procurement costs.

     "The Chief Executive's 2023 Policy Address" announced that the Government will leverage the medical strengths of the HKSAR with the long-term objective of establishing an authority that registers drugs and medical devices (medical products) under the "primary evaluation" approach, i.e. to directly approve applications for registration of medical products in Hong Kong based on clinical trial data, without relying on registration approval from other drug regulatory authorities. This will help accelerate the clinical use of new drugs and medical devices, and foster the development of industries relating to the research and development and clinical trials of medical products, developing Hong Kong into an international health and medical innovative hub.

     On December 7, 2023, two new drug applications for treating cancer were approved under the "1+" mechanism for the first time. The two new cancer drugs are oral targeted drugs in different dosages for treating metastatic colorectal cancer in patients for whom conventional chemotherapeutic drugs are ineffective or unsuitable. As at July 3 this year, about 30 patients in the HA have already used the two new cancer drugs concerned. The HA will encourage drug manufacturers or suppliers to apply for local registration of unregistered drugs with ongoing needs and continue to liaise closely with the DH regarding the "1+" mechanism. Under the "1+" mechanism, the number of drugs successfully registered would increase, thus enabling clinicians to enjoy a wider choice of drugs to support service needs. In addition, when a new drug could be registered in Hong Kong under the "1+" mechanism, listed on the HA Drug Formulary and is proven to have significant clinical benefits, it may be considered to be covered by the Samaritan Fund or the Community Care Fund. At the same time, the DH has been promoting the "1+" mechanism by seizing various opportunities and through different channels, and has received over 210 enquiries involving around 70 pharmaceutical companies. At present, several companies have expressed interest in applying for registration under the "1+" mechanism.

     Whilst the "1+" mechanism brings good drugs for use in Hong Kong, the requirements of local clinical data and recognition by relevant expert for application for registration (the "+" under the "1+" mechanism) will ensure all the pharmaceutical products approved for registration have fulfilled the stringent requirements of safety, efficacy and quality. It will also strengthen the local capacity of drug evaluation and enhance the development of relevant software, hardware and expertise.

     Besides, the HKSAR Government has set up the Preparatory Office for the Hong Kong Centre for the Medical Products Regulation (CMPR) under the DH on June 5 this year to comprehensively study and plan a regulatory and approval regime for drugs and medical devices suitable for Hong Kong, and to put forward proposals and steps for the establishment of the CMPR.

     â€‹The HKSAR Government will continue to attract more pharmaceutical and medical device enterprises, both locally and from around the world, to conduct research and development and clinical trials in Hong Kong as well as build up the capacity, recognition and status to ensure that the eventual approval mechanism of medical products in Hong Kong would be widely recognised internationally and by the Mainland, and develop Hong Kong into an international health and medical innovation hub.