Hong Kong Customs detected first-ever illicit cigarette factory case (with photos)

     Hong Kong Customs launched an anti-illicit cigarette operation on July 3, shutting down a large illicit cigarette storage and distribution centre in Man Kam To and an underground cigarette factory in Lau Fau Shan. A total of about 20.5 million of suspected illicit cigarettes and about 3.5 tons of manufactured tobacco were seized. The total estimated market value of the seizure amounted to about $120 million and a duty potential of about $82 million for the seized tobacco. This is the first-ever underground illegal cigarette factory case effected by Hong Kong Customs.

     That morning, Customs tracked a suspicious container that arrived from Thailand to Hong Kong, and was declared as carrying woods and transported to a container yard in Man Kam To. Later, four men were found transferring a batch of suspected illicit cigarettes from the container onto three lorries. Customs officers then swiftly took action and arrested the four man, aged between 29 and 46, and found three more containers with illicit cigarettes concealed inside at the container yard. After counting, Customs seized about 18 million of suspected illicit cigarettes and around 3.5 tons of manufactured tobacco at the scene, dismantling a large-scale illicit cigarette storage centre. The three lorries suspected of being used for distributing illicit cigarettes were also detained.

     After a follow-up investigation, Customs officers on the same day raided a metal hut located in Lau Fau Shan and discovered an illegal production line for manufacturing cigarettes there. Production and packaging machineries and a large number of raw materials used to manufacture illicit cigarettes, as well as a total of about 2 million of suspected illicit cigarettes, were uncovered inside the metal hut. 

     Customs found that the illicit cigarette production line was hidden in a modular house inside the metal hut, and the house was surrounded by soundproofing materials meant to minimise suspicion from nearby residents and law enforcement officers.

     The case is still under investigation. The four arrested men have been released on bail pending further investigation. Customs will continue to trace the source of the raw materials of the illicit cigarettes and the production line related machines. The likelihood of further arrests is not ruled out.

     Customs reminds citizens that they must be vigilant when purchasing cigarettes. They should patronise reputable merchants or stores and do not purchase cigarettes from unknown sources to avoid threats to their health.

     Under the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance, anyone, except under and in accordance with a licence, manufacture tobacco commits an offence. Also, anyone involved in dealing with, possession of, selling or buying illicit cigarettes commits an offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $1 million and imprisonment for two years.

     Members of the public may report any suspected illicit cigarette activities to Customs' 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account (crimereport@customs.gov.hk) or online form (eform.cefs.gov.hk/form/ced002).

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Awards for Water Safety Campaign slogan and graphic design competitions presented (with photos)

     To enhance public awareness of water safety, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) and the Hong Kong China Life Saving Society (HKCLSS) jointly organised the Water Safety Campaign 2024. The prize presentation ceremony for its slogan and graphic design competitions for primary and secondary school students was held at the Kowloon Park Arcade today (July 6). Game stalls were also set up at the entrance lobby of Kowloon Park Swimming Pool's spectator stand to promote water safety.
     There are two themes for this year’s competitions, namely "Be considerate and refrain from engaging in water sports activities under inclement weather" for the secondary school section, and "For safety’s sake, children and elderly persons should be accompanied during water sports activities" for the primary school section.
     The response to both competitions was enthusiastic. The standard of entries was high, fully demonstrating the creativity and artistic talents of the students. The organisers have used the champion slogans (in Chinese) and graphic designs from both sections to produce two posters for the campaign.
     Addressing the ceremony, Assistant Director (Leisure Services) of the LCSD Mr Henry Wong said that swimming is one of the most popular leisure activities in Hong Kong. Last year, the attendance of public beaches and swimming pools under the LCSD was nearly 20 million. Mr Wong appealed to members of the public to take heed of water safety advice while swimming, and not conduct any water sports activities during inclement weather. Offenders are liable to prosecution.
     Mr Wong also thanked the HKCLSS for its continued efforts over the years in promoting and organising lifesaving training courses, examinations and competitions, as well as nurturing life guards. Lifesaving services can therefore be maintained at aquatic venues across the city to keep swimmers safe.
     The winning entries of the two competitions are now on display at the entrance lobby of Kowloon Park Swimming Pool's spectator stand until July 18. They can also be viewed on the LCSD webpages at
www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/swimhandbook/poster/2024result.html (graphic design competition) and
www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/swimhandbook/slogan/2024wscslogan.html (Chinese slogan competition).

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39 schools commended for outstanding green school projects (with photos)

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) held the Greening School Project Award prize presentation ceremony at the Kowloon Park Sports Centre today (July 6) to commend 39 schools for their green school projects and contributions to environmental greening.

     The LCSD is committed to promoting greening. To enhance students' interest in and knowledge of horticulture and to beautify school environments, the department provides annual cash subsidies under its Greening School Subsidy Scheme to encourage more greening and planting activities on campuses. The targets of the subsidy scheme are kindergartens and primary, secondary and special schools throughout the territory. Greening School Project Awards are also presented to schools to acknowledge their outstanding achievements in campus greening.

     Addressing the prize presentation ceremony, the Chief Leisure Manager (Green Campaign) of the LCSD, Ms Tina Tai, said that the Greening School Subsidy Scheme is one of the educational and community involvement activities under the Green Hong Kong Campaign. The scheme has been well received, with the number of participating schools increasing from around 300 in the initial year to nearly 900 this year. The standards of the green projects have continued to rise as well. It is encouraging to see both teachers and students rallying together to make their schools greener and prettier. Some of the projects have also incorporated eco-friendly elements, which can help raise students' awareness of environmental protection.

     Ms Tai added that the smooth implementation of greening initiatives in Hong Kong has been made possible with the active participation and ardent support from different sectors of the community. She also thanked the representatives from the Community Involvement Committee on Greening of the Development Bureau, the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects and the Education Bureau as adjudicators.

     The Greening School Project Award was presented in eight categories. The champions are as follows:

1) Large Garden Plot Project (Secondary School Section):
ELCHK Lutheran Academy (Secondary Section)

2) Large Garden Plot Project (Primary School Section):
Kwong Ming School

3) Small Garden Plot Project (Secondary School Section):
Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College

4) Small Garden Plot Project (Primary School Section):
Precious Blood Primary School (South Horizons)

5) Garden Plot Project (Kindergarten Section):
TWGHs Liu Yan Tak Memorial Kindergarten

6) Tree Planting Project:
Fanling Public School

7) Horticultural Maintenance:
AD & FD of POHL Leung Sing Tak School

8) Best Green Concept:
TWGHs Liu Yan Tak Memorial Kindergarten

     The list of other winners of the Greening School Project Award is available on the LCSD webpage www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/green/education/greeningschool/2023schoolawardlist.html

     Other officiating guests included non-official member of the Community Involvement Committee on Greening of the Development Bureau Dr Angie Ng; Vice President of the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects Mr Benni Pong; and the Chief School Development Officer (Yau Tsim and Mong Kok District) of the Education Bureau, Ms Jessie Woo.

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Speech by DSJ at Opening Ceremony of Law Society of Hong Kong’s Teen Talk 2024 “Deepening Legal Cooperation, Youth Shaping Tomorrow” GBA Study Tour (English only) (with photo)

     Following are the opening remarks by the Deputy Secretary for Justice, Mr Cheung Kwok-kwan, at the Opening Ceremony of Law Society of Hong Kong's Teen Talk 2024 "Deepening Legal Cooperation, Youth Shaping Tomorrow" GBA Study Tour today (July 6):

Mr Roden Tong (President of the Law Society of Hong Kong), Mr Chen Ming (Member of the Party Committee of Justice Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality and Full time Secretary of the Party Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal Lawyer Industry), Mr Liu Chunhua (Director-General of the Department of Law of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, students from Hong Kong and Shenzhen,

     Good morning! We are here today in Shenzhen Talent Park, a place that serves to remind us of the value of talents and their contributions to the development of the city. It is with great pleasure that we gather here today for the opening ceremony of "Teen Talk 2024", an annual flagship event of the Law Society of Hong Kong, and with you all, future leaders of the cities of Hong Kong and Shenzhen. 

     The Greater Bay Area (GBA) has a combined population of over 86 million and GDP over RMB13 trillion in 2022. The objective of the development of GBA is to deepen co-operation amongst Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and leverage the complementary advantages of the three places, to promote co-ordinated regional economic development, with a view to develop a world-class bay area ideal for living, working and travelling. GBA presents various opportunities and exciting career prospects for talented individuals. 

     Hong Kong, being the centre for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region and having a long-standing and well-established common law tradition, has a wealth of expertise in bridging different legal systems. Hong Kong displays its pivotal role as a "super connector" connecting with the rest of the world. Talents can make good use of the unique advantages of Hong Kong to tap into the development of opportunities of GBA. 

     The HKSAR Government is committed to contribute to the training of legal talents. The Department of Justice will take forward the establishment of the Hong Kong International Legal Talents Training Academy. It is also through initiatives, like the present thoughtfully-organized study tour of the Law Society of Hong Kong, that we lay the foundation for legal talents. Through this two-day tour, you will have the chance to visit different places, including law court and arbitration center, in Shenzhen. This experience will provide you with insights that will shape your future endeavours, not only in the legal field, but beyond. 

     Let us approach this experience with open minds and eager hearts, and seize this opportunity to learn from each other and foster an exchange of ideas that will benefit both our legal systems. 

     Lastly, I wish the study tour a great success, and all participants a most rewarding and enjoyable time in GBA. Thank you. 


Speech by CS at Student of the Year Awards 2023/24 Presentation Ceremony (English only) (with photos)

     Following is the speech by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, at the Student of the Year Awards 2023/24 Presentation Ceremony today (July 6): 
Catherine (Chief Executive Officer of the South China Morning Post, Ms Catherine So), Gabriel (Executive Director, Charities and Community of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, Dr Gabriel Leung), Tammy (Editor-in-Chief of the South China Morning Post, Ms Tammy Tam), Advisory Board members, judges, parents, principals, teachers, students, ladies and gentlemen, 

     Good morning. It gives me great pleasure to join you all on this happy occasion – the presentation ceremony of the annual Student of the Year Awards. 

     Today, we celebrate the remarkable achievements of senior secondary school students throughout Hong Kong. In total, there are ten distinct award categories, covering academic performance, language, arts, sports, community service, and more. 

     I must first thank the Awards organiser and sponsor, the South China Morning Post and The Hong Kong Jockey Club respectively, for putting together this meaningful event year after year. Their far-reaching commitment to education – to the youth of Hong Kong – inspires us all.

     New this year is the "Sustainability Advocate" category, showcasing strong commitment and leadership in advancing sustainability. Our future depends on sustainability, so I am glad to see it recognised in the Awards. 

     The Hong Kong SAR Government is committed to building a sustainable future for Hong Kong and co-operating with young people in doing so.

     A good example is the Sustainable Development School Outreach Programme, as well as the Sustainable Development School Award Programme, launched by the Environment and Ecology Bureau this school year. The programmes offered seminars, workshops, field trips and ambassador training, where some 75 000 students from around 200 primary and secondary schools learnt the concept and importance of sustainable development.

     Our Government is equally committed to nurturing a new generation of youth with an affection for the motherland and Hong Kong, with global perspectives, and with positive thinking. As you all know, the Government launched a holistic Youth Development Blueprint two years ago, with more than 160 initiatives to chart a clear pathway for different stakeholders in society to drive youth development.

     And we continued to meet young people's needs, with nearly 60 new measures introduced last year. Those measures ranged from promoting patriotic education, strengthening vocational and professional training, to enhancing support for mental health and fostering youth engagement.

     We will also organise the first-edition Youth Development Summit in August. Guest speakers, and youth groups, from Hong Kong, Mainland China, and overseas will gather in Hong Kong, exchanging views for mutual learning on issues of interest to young people. 

     I am therefore pleased to say that the theme of this year's Awards, "Empowering Collective Impact", couldn't be timelier. To provide a conducive environment for young people to grow and thrive, the collective efforts of the Government and all stakeholders are essential.

     Ladies and gentlemen, your commitment to youth development is reassuring. I am talking about not just our soon-to-be announced student winners and runners-up, but also their parents who must be proud.

     I am talking, too, about the principals, teachers, and many others who have – so well, so selflessly – guided our students towards success every step of the way.

     My thanks, once again, to the South China Morning Post and The Hong Kong Jockey Club, as well as the expert judging panel, for their dedication to this year's Awards.

     Together, collectively, we make a profound difference for our youth and for Hong Kong.

     And my congratulations to all the award winners and finalists this year. I have every confidence that you will continue to build on your achievements in your education – and in your bright career ahead. 

     Ladies and gentlemen, I know you will all enjoy this very special day. You certainly deserve it.

     On that note, I wish you all the best in the year to come. Thank you very much.

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