Freezing Temperatures

Between the restrictions enforced upon us by
covid and now by mother nature as well, as the freezing temperatures persist,
the conditions continue to prove a challenge for us to overcome. But we rise to
the challenge & work together to serve our customers in the best way we

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The Best Results

Welters are designers, manufacturers and installers of our
own proprietary products and systems. We do not simply peddle products. Even
throughout this pandemic, with hard work, time and investment, we provide the
best results that we, and our customers, can be proud of.

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Production Capacity

Whilst navigating countless covid regulations
and attempting to ensure the continued safety & wellbeing of our keen
workforce, we are fighting to ensure the uninterrupted continuance of our
production capacity. If we work together and follow the rules, we will succeed
& flourish.

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Extreme Demand

welters continue, throughout winter conditions and amongst covid difficulties, production of our products to accommodate interments during this period of extreme demand. We are inhibited only by Government & Local Authority guidelines regarding travel and installation procedures.

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Wintry Weather

A cold and wintry start to the new year with difficult operating conditions presenting themselves on our return from the festive break.

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