Recording of the week: spontaneous mimicry on a yorkshire moor

This week’s selection comes from Cheryl Tipp, Curator of Wildlife & Environmental Sounds. Though many songbirds are capable of mimicry, it’s fair to say that some are more talented than others. The European Blackbird is one such example. From the songs of other birds to the sounds of car alarms,…

Recording of the week: rabbits and chickens by post!

This week’s selection comes from Dr Rob Perks, Lead Curator of Oral History. I recently went to post a letter in my local post-box and discovered that it had disappeared! Gone without warning or explanation. It had been there for as long as anyone could remember and it made me…

Creative States of Mind: a new collection of interviews exploring artists and the creative process

What does it feel like to be an artist? Patricia Townsend spoke to professional artists to find out and the interviews are now available at the British Library.

Recording of the week: croggy or backy?

This week’s selection comes from Jonnie Robinson, Lead Curator of Spoken English. Sadly, despite growing up in Yorkshire and the West Midlands in the 1970s, I never owned a Chopper, although I certainly remember the thrill of a croggy [= ‘shared ride on handlebars of bicycle’] on my mate’s bike…

Andrea Levy

We’re sad to hear of the death of novelist Andrea Levy who passed away yesterday, aged 62. In 2014, Andrea agreed to make a recording for Authors’ Lives which will be made available to listeners in the weeks to come.