The following is issued on behalf of the Transport Advisory Committee:
The Transport Advisory Committee (TAC) was briefed today (April 16) by the Government on the fare increase applications submitted by the taxi trade, the district beautification programme and the application of innovative technology in road maintenance.
The TAC Chairman, Professor Stephen Cheung, said, "The TAC discussed the fare increase applications submitted by the taxi trade, and noted its latest operating situation. When deliberating on the fare increase applications, we have considered and balanced all relevant factors including financial viability of taxi operation and public acceptability. Members also acknowledged that the Government had launched a series of measures to enhance taxi service quality, including introducing a taxi fleet regime and raising the penalties of taxi-driver-related offences."
"Similar to other fare increase applications, the TAC will submit its advice to the Government for consideration by the Chief Executive-in-Council," Professor Cheung added.
In addition, members were also briefed by the Highway Department (HyD) on the renovation and beautification works of highway structures (including bridges and pedestrian subways), of which the relevant works for about 500 structures had been completed from 2017 to 2023. Under the Steering Committee on District Governance and the Task Force on District Governance set up in July 2023, the HyD is forging ahead with the renovation and beautification works of two footbridges/subways in each of the 18 districts (i.e. a total of 36 footbridges/subways) to improve the safety and comfort of pedestrians. Meanwhile, the HyD has been striving to make use of innovative technology in its road maintenance works. Key initiatives include the research and development of more durable bituminous paving materials, adoption of artificial intelligence technology in road inspection, and usage of small unmanned aircrafts to survey highway structures, as well as implementation of the Digital Road Maintenance Management System to digitise workflow.
Professor Cheung said, "Members are pleased to learn about the HyD's ongoing efforts in the beautification works for highway structures and streetscape, which can enhance the walking experience for citizens. Meanwhile, members also support the adoption of various innovative technologies in road maintenance works and look forward to more advanced technologies being put into application, so as to further enhance the efficiency and quality of the inspection and maintenance of road facilities."
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