TAC discusses taxi fare increase applications


The following is issued on behalf of the Transport Advisory Committee:

     The Transport Advisory Committee (TAC) today discussed (March 21) the fare increase applications submitted by the urban, New Territories and Lantau taxi trade.
     "The TAC noted the operating situation and financial position of the taxi trade. In deliberating on the fare increase applications, we have considered and balanced all relevant factors including financial viability of taxi operation and public acceptability," the TAC Chairman, Professor Stephen Cheung, said.
     "As with other fare increase applications, the TAC will submit its recommendation to the Government for consideration by the Chief Executive in Council," Professor Cheung added.
     Members of the TAC noted the public concern over taxi service quality and welcomed the measures taken forward by the Government and the taxi trade in concerted efforts through the Committee on Taxi Service Quality to enhance the taxi service quality, which include updating the taxi service standards and guidelines, launching online training courses for enhancing in-service taxi drivers' service quality, organising the enhanced Taxi Driver Commendation Scheme and enhancing the mechanism for handling complaints relating to taxi service. 
     Members welcomed the measures taken forward by the taxi trade on its own initiatives in recent years, such as providing re-training courses and pre-service skill training courses and launching a mobile application for hailing taxi service. 
     Furthermore, Members also noted the Government's plan to submit legislative proposals to the Legislative Council in 2019 for introducing a "Taxi Driver-Offence Points System" and raising the penalty levels for repeated contravention of taxi drivers' malpractices, as well as introducing franchised taxis with online hailing features in response to the new demand in the community for personalised and point-to-point public transport services.

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