TAC briefed on latest progress on measures to increase car parking provision and review of parking standards in planning guidelines

The following is issued on behalf of the Transport Advisory Committee:
     The Transport Advisory Committee (TAC) was briefed today (July 28) on the latest progress on measures to increase car parking provision and the review of the standards of parking provision in the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG).
     The TAC noted that the Government's parking policy is to accord priority to meeting the parking demand for commercial vehicles, and to provide an appropriate number of private car parking spaces if overall development permits, while not attracting passengers to opt for private cars in lieu of public transport, so as to avoid increasing the road traffic. The Government is pursuing a host of short and medium to long term measures to increase car parking spaces as appropriate, including providing public parking spaces in suitable "Government, Institution or Community" facilities and public open space projects under the principle of "single site, multiple uses" as well as taking forward pilot projects on automated parking systems.
     The TAC Chairman, Professor Stephen Cheung, said, "Members support the Government's ongoing endeavour to adopt a multi-pronged approach to increase the provision of parking spaces in an orderly manner. Members appeal to the stakeholders to continue supporting the Transport Department (TD) in taking forward measures to increase the car parking provision."
     In addition, Members were briefed on the TD's review of the parking standards in the HKPSG. The proposed revisions to the standards will increase the provision of private car parking spaces in future private and subsidised housing developments as well as the provision of commercial vehicle parking spaces in subsidised housing developments. The TD will conduct reviews on the parking standards in the HKPSG at regular intervals for a better match of supply and demand in respect of car parking provision. 
     Professor Cheung said, "Members welcome the proposed revisions to the parking standards under the HKPSG, which would help alleviate the prevailing shortage of car parking spaces. Members also agree that the TD should review the standards of parking provision at regular intervals in response to the evolving social and economic circumstances."