SWD revokes Public Subscription Permit of Hong Kong Association of the Deaf


     The Social Welfare Department (SWD) today (August 10) announced the revocation of the Public Subscription Permit in respect of a territory-wide flag day issued to the Hong Kong Association of the Deaf (HKAD).

     An SWD spokesman said that the department had served a notice on the HKAD on July 16 notifying the HKAD of the Director of Social Welfare's intention to revoke the Public Subscription Permit in respect of the territory-wide flag day to be held on September 8, 2018. The organisation could submit written representation to the Director of Social Welfare within 14 days.

     The SWD has received the HKAD's written representation. After careful consideration, the Director of Social Welfare has decided to revoke the above-mentioned Public Subscription Permit. The SWD has notified the Association today that the revocation of the Public Subscription Permit will take immediate effect.

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