Suspension of Complaints Against Police Reporting Centre Counter Services

     In view of the Government’s tightening of social distancing measures, Complaints Against Police Reporting Centre will suspend its counter services from today (February 24) until April 20, in order to reduce the flow of people and social contacts to minimise the risk of spreading COVID-19 in the community. During the period, members of public may lodge a complaint through other channels and the performance standards of Complaints Against Police Office (CAPO) will remain unaffected. Other channels include:

     • By telephone (24-hour complaint hotline with recording function: 2866 7700) ;
     • By letter to Complaints Against Police Reporting Centre (Address: G/F, Annex Block, Caine House, No.3 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong); and
     • Use the e-report form on the Hong Kong Police Website (Website: or on the ‘e-Report Centre’ of the Police’s smart-phone application.

     Please also visit the webpage of CAPO for the latest arrangements: