Supporting spirit of UN reforms, Rwanda urges world leaders to address global challenges

20 September 2017 – The United Nations must treat all people with impartiality and respect, and be a good steward of the funds entrusted to it, the President of Rwanda today said in his annual address to the General Assembly debate in New York, adding his country’s support to the spirit of reform taking root at the Organization.

“Abuse and waste are therefore not a mere public relations problem, but an existential threat, which must be tackled head-on,” Paul Kagame said.

He urged support for Secretary General António Guterres, who is leading the reform effort, which President Kagame said would make the UN “not only effective, but transformational.”

Mr. Kagame urged other world leaders to address global challenges, saying “we have the tools and the mandates but where we fall short is in getting things done.”

“The essence of reform, is a mindset of constantly striving to improve performance and delivery, and holding ourselves responsible for shortcomings and results,” he stated.

He also noted areas for closer cooperation between the African Union and the UN on issues related to peace and security, as well as development.