Support for survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire is still not good enough- Healey

John Healey MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State
for Housing,
commenting on the expiry of the Prime Minister’s
pledge to rehouse those who lost their homes as a result of the Grenfell Tower
fire, said:

“Theresa May promised those who lost their homes as
a result of the Grenfell Tower fire that they would be rehoused within three
weeks, but today it’s clear that this promise has not been met. 

“Support for survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire
is still not good enough. At every stage Ministers have been off the pace – too
slow to grasp the scale of the problems people are facing and too slow to act.

“For the Grenfell Tower survivors and for the local
community in North Kensington, underlying everything is the question of trust.
Ministers must now show that they mean what they say, do what they promise and
act urgently to give those affected by this tragic fire the support they need.”



Three days after the devastating fire at Grenfell
Tower, on 17 June, the Prime Minister said: “I
have fixed a deadline of three weeks for everybody affected to be found a home

However, figures from the Grenfell Fire Response
Team, confirmed by Labour this morning are that of 158 households potentially
eligible for rehousing, only 139 offers of temporary accommodation have been
made, and of these only 14 have been accepted.