Support announced for Ystalyfera landslip

Following a series of landslides in Pantteg, the local authority approached the Welsh Government for financial assistance to help them deal with managing the effects.

The council has been working hard to protect lives and property, and to manage and mitigate the ongoing risk. The Welsh Government recognises the associated costs are substantial and above what the authority could have reasonably planned for and has agreed to provide some additional financial support. 

The grant offered this week will support the range of costs incurred including making the area safe, supporting the affected community, analysing and mitigating the potential for further landslips. 

Alun Davies said: 

“It’s clear that the challenges the council face in dealing with the incident are unique, and the costs incurred are higher than any budgets could reasonably anticipate.  

“This grant will help the local authority continue to protect lives and property as well as support it to address the longer term resilience and sustainability of the area.”