Successful conclusion of auction of 5G spectrum in 3.3 GHz band


     The Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) announced today (November 6) that the 3.3 GHz band auction commenced on November 4 was completed today. The 100 MHz of spectrum in the band put out for auction was successfully bid for by four mobile network operators at a total of spectrum utilisation fees (SUFs) of $665,133,332.

     The results of the auction are listed in the table below:

Frequency Block Frequency Range
Provisional Successful Bidder SUF Payable
C1 – C3
3300 – 3330 MHz Hutchison Telephone Company Limited $199,533,333
C4 – C6
3330 – 3360 MHz Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited $199,533,333
C7 – C8
3360 – 3380 MHz SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited $133,033,333
C9 – C10
3380 – 3400 MHz China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited $133,033,333

     "The provisional successful bidders are required to pay the SUFs as specified in the table above, and to submit performance bonds to guarantee compliance with the network and service rollout requirement by December 11, 2019. The assignment of the spectrum will take effect in December 2019 with a validity period of 15 years," the spokesman for OFCA said.

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