Subsidy Scheme for Beauty Parlours, Massage Establishments and Party Rooms to open for applications on January 18

     The Government will launch another round of the Subsidy Scheme for Beauty Parlours, Massage Establishments and Party Rooms under the Anti-epidemic Fund on January 18 (Monday). The application period for the Scheme will run from January 18 to January 29 (Friday).


     Beauty parlours, massage establishments and party rooms that had suspended operations pursuant to the closure order issued by the Government under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F) will be eligible for the Scheme. The Scheme is also applicable to beauty parlours, massage establishments and party rooms operated by social enterprises (SEs). This round of the Scheme will also cover local pleasure vessels let for hire or reward (pleasure vessels). Pleasure vessels holding a valid certificate of survey or a certificate of inspection and an operating licence on a specified date or within a specified period with condition will be eligible for the Scheme.

Subsidy amount

     Each eligible beauty parlour or massage establishment will receive a one-off subsidy depending on its number of workers:

Number of workers Subsidy amount
1 to 2 workers $30,000
3 to 4 workers $60,000
5 or more workers $100,000

     The maximum subsidy amount for beauty parlour or massage establishment chain stores operated by a single entity under the same business registration is $3 million.
     Each eligible party room or pleasure vessel will receive a one-off subsidy of $40,000.
     A sum of $700 million is earmarked under the Fund for the Scheme. It is expected that the subsidy could be disbursed from early next month onwards.

Application methods

Beauty parlours, massage establishments and party rooms with business registration

     In line with the arrangement for the previous two rounds of the Scheme, a dedicated website ( will be provided to receive online applications from beauty parlours, massage establishments and party rooms with a business registration. Such applicants are required to submit applications and supporting documents through this website. The online application system will commence operation at 9am on January 18. The deadline for application is 11.59pm on January 29.

     To streamline the application procedure, a fast-track arrangement is in place for eligible beauty parlours, massage establishments and party rooms which have successfully applied under the last round of the Scheme. Such applicants will not be required to provide business information and other supporting documents afresh in tendering their applications. After inputting their application number under the last round of the Scheme and their business registration number and mobile phone number on the online application system, the system will automatically retrieve their essential business information submitted under the last round of the Scheme. Applicants will be deemed eligible for the Scheme by confirming the accuracy of the information retrieved and that they are still in active business and fulfil all other requirements of the Scheme. The appropriate levels of subsidy that beauty parlours or massage establishments should receive will be determined based on the number of employees as confirmed in the approval records of the last round.

     As for businesses which have not applied under the last round of the Scheme, businesses which have applied under the last round but are pending their application/appeal results, and businesses which have successfully applied under the last round with changes in business information, they will have to submit fresh applications through the online application system.

Beauty parlours, massage establishments and party rooms operated by SEs

     SE operators of beauty parlours, massage establishments and party rooms without a business registration should directly approach the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) via its hotline (2864 2993) or email ( to obtain its certification and submit their applications. However, SE operators with a business registration should file their applications through the Scheme's dedicated online application website within the application period.

Pleasure vessels

     The Marine Department will issue a notification letter to the owners of all eligible pleasure vessels by end January. The Department will handle the relevant procedures and the disbursement of the subsidy. Owners of pleasure vessels do not need to use the online application system to file an application.

Information and enquiries

     Details of the eligibility criteria, the terms and conditions of the applications and Frequently Asked Questions will be available on the application website of the Scheme. Applicants are advised to go through this important information before submitting applications. A dedicated telephone hotline (1836 188) and email ( will commence operation at 9am tomorrow (January 14) to handle enquiries on the details of the Scheme. As for enquiries regarding the details of the subsidy for pleasure vessels under the Scheme, owners of pleasure vessels may contact the Marine Department (2852 4931). SEs may contact the HKCSS (2864 2993).